Monday, March 31, 2008

Subliminal Exposure to Corporate Logos effect how People think, Study says

An upcoming article in April’s Journal of Consumer Research will present recent research from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and the University of Waterloo, Canada that claims that exposure to images of corporate brands can effect how people think and work.
"Because Coca-Cola have got the secret, these people know what we’re talking about here because what you do is you create a sigil, Coca-Cola is a sigil, the McDonalds ‘M’ is a sigil, these people are basically turning the world in to themselves using sigils. And if we don’t reverse that process and turn the world in to us using sigils, we’re going to be living in fucking McDonalds! Magic is accessible to everyone, the means of altering reality is accessible to everyone, and when everyone starts doing it we’re going to see our desire manifest on a gigantic scale." Grant Morrison
Read the entire article here at

Also check

Thanks very much to Technoccult

Calling all conscious Belgians

I'm looking for fellow conscious Belgians to connect with, hopefully close to Ostend (my town) but not necessarily. I'm looking for truth seekers in Belgium with an an open mind and no dogmas. Knowing Robert Anton Wilson, Terence McKenna or Carl Jung's work is a definite plus, but also not necessary. I can't be the only flemish dude who know these guys ;p I'm looking for people interested in conscious evolution, spirituality, psychology, the 8 circuit model, integral theory, entheogens etc.

Ik zoek naar bewuste Belgen (of Vlamingen) om mee te connecteren, hopelijk dicht bij Oostende (mijn stad), maar niet noodzakelijk. Ik zoek mensen op zoek naar waarheid in Vlaanderen en België met een open geest en geen dogma's. Als je Robert Anton Wilson, Terence McKenna of Carl Jung's werk kent is dat een plus, maar zeker geen vereiste. Ik kan niet de enige Vlaming zijn die deze gasten kent ;p Ik zoek naar mensen geïnteresseerd in bewuste evolutie, spiritualiteit, psychologie, het 8 circuit model, integrale theorie, entheogenen enz.

Daily Dedroidify: Reclaim Your Mind

This is, this is shitbrained... this kind of thinking.

Terence McKenna: Reclaim your Mind

Question your beliefs, your reason for existence. Question your will. What will become of you in the end? This is necessary for all of humanity, but most of us do not seek out an answer. We merely continue on, conforming to a society that creates a perpetual state of depression and increases the tendency towards suicide.

Ask yourself, what are you doing it for? Take an honest look at the pillars of this civilization, media destroys truth, schools destroy knowledge, religions destroy spirituality, and governments destroy freedom. Ponder the meaning of Your Own existence and what YOU could become with your own self will. Not the dogma of greed stricken establishments. Running along the path of capital gain to be on TV and show how much money they have, rather than pronounce themselves true to their instincts and true to their hearts.

Today our world - (both internal and external) is literally full of hate and war, and this conflict is just a piece in the grand design of the Gods. At the dawn of every new Aeon there is a clash between the old and the new. At present humanity is being summoned along the path of enlightenment, while we must still shake free from the chains of fear and false love.

Secrets are kept veiled from humanity through religion, the governments of the world, and their voice in the media. The absolute most relevant issue of the day is mind control, but those whom we trust to keep us informed are not mentioning this for a reason. They have hidden higher levels of consciousness from all! They continue to halt and erode the intellectual growth of humanity. They lie to you about what they know, consciously telling everyone half truths pertaining to the mind, body and beyond...

The Truth is that we all have to wake up from a hypnotism that is installed in our minds from birth. By accessing the potential of the human mind we all can use many powers in ourselves. Strengths that we have previously been prohibited from developing due to a form of mass mind control.

We have to take control of our minds. Of Our Will! With will power we can de-program ourselves from the brainwashing nonsense that has been installed in our minds by the spiritual and material elite.

The elite know how to use this power and have no problem using it against you. They are extraordinarily wealthy and wicked; their loyal servants are your 'religious' leaders and your government. They control your media, your education systems, and your authorities. They protect you and keep you dumb for a reason. You are their slave. And they are the walls to your prison. There is no better way to keep slaves in slavery than to have them think they are free. Why would you want to escape your current life, the only life you know of, if you do not know a better life exists?

Throughout history slaves have always been a valuable and highly protected resource. Today is no different. You are a slave. You are given one choice from birth - to commit yourself to a system or suffer the consequences. It's true whether you believe it or not. There is a freedom from your slavery, from the cage they have built around your true possibility. It's time for you to know that freedom.

Aleister Crowley

McLuhan - The Medium is the Massage 2.1

Marshall McLuhan - The Medium is the Massage 2.1

The Medium is the Massage excerpt from the 1967 audio book of the same name. The entire (highly recommended) recording at

Siddhartha Trailer

Siddhartha Trailer

The Book (by Herman Hesse) is obviously better ;)

NeuroSoup Trip Report Project

The main purpose of the NeuroSoup Trip Report Project is to begin to collectively map out the transcendental states of consciousness that link us all together as one Great Being. The altered states of consciousness achieved through the use of entheogens can enable people, at any stage of spiritual development, to have peak experiences. These peak experiences can result in direct spiritual/transcendental experiences that are very similar to the direct spiritual/transcendental experiences described by the world's religions.
A film by

NeuroSoup Trip Report Project

Leary & McKenna podcasts

McKenna: “Shamanism”
(& Pallamary: “Spirit Matters”)

"Shamanism is not some obscure concern of cultural anthropologists. Shamanism is how religion was practiced for its first million years. Up until about 12,000 years ago there was no other form of religion on this planet. That was how people attained some kind of access to the sacred."

"The sine qua non for obtaining a psychedelic experience is humbling yourself to the point where you admit that you must submit to the experience of the plant or the drug. This act of surrender is the major technical function you will be called upon to perform during the psychedelic trip."

"Cultural conditioning is like bad software. Over and over it’s diddled with and re-written so that it can just run on the next attempt. But there is cultural hardware, and it’s that cultural hardware, otherwise known as authentic being, that we are propelled toward by the example of the shaman and the techniques of the shaman. … Shamanism therefore is a call to authenticity."

"The same organizational principles which called us forth into self-reflection have called forth self-reflection out of the planet itself. And the problem then is for us to suspect this, act on our suspicion, and be good detectives, and track down the spirit in its lair. And this is what shamans are doing. They are hunters of spirit."

"I don’t believe that shamanism without hallucinogens is authentic shamanism or comfortable shamanism."

"Don’t diddle the dose. Once you have done your homework, go for it."

Leary: “The Cyber Society”

"We know that typically the real changes in human nature, the changes in human politics and economics and society, are brought about by two things: By people who have a map or a vision or a model of where we’re going to go, these are the philosophers. And then the technicians, the people who get together the printing presses, or the compasses, or the high technology that can take us where we want to go."

"Viewed in the 1930s, when Einstein came to America, he was considered as far out as a crack dealer."

"Heisenberg taught us to take the universe very personally … in both senses of the word."

"So who? Who’s gonna prepare a civilization of factory workers and farmers and people who haven’t even got the Model T Ford yet? Who’s gonna prepare them for an Einsteinian, relativistic, quantum physical, ever-changing, probabilistic universe? Who? Well you know who you can count on at every time in human history when we had to make a big philosophic lurch forward. Who always came to the front and saved the day and made us feel happy and comfortable with a new future? I’m talking about those friends of ours who have always been around when we needed them, the musicians, and the artists, and the poets, and the writers, and the bards, and the performers, and the storytellers, and, OK, the minstrels, the rock n’ rollers. Right! The actors, the script writers."

"The whole 20th Century, to me, is the story of how artists and writers prepared us to be comfortable in a quantum-physical world."

"We’re talking about a generation of people who, since the time they were born, have been inundate by data, electronic data. To the Baby Boomers and subsequent generations electronic data is the ocean they swim in."

"The Cyber Society is a society made up of individuals who think for themselves, linked up with other individuals who think for themselves."

Thanks to Psychedelic Salon (amazing archive of podcasts)

Little Buddha

Little Buddha Part 10

Awesome movie with Keanu Reeves as the Buddha lol, with the Buddha's story interwoven with a contemporary Buddhist tale and also featuring Bridget Fonda & Chris Isaak. The movie is entirely on YouTube

Daily Dedroidify: Follow the white Rabbit

Daily Dedroidify: Follow the white Rabbit
Of the book Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, Down the Rabbit-Hole - the Chapter 1 title, has become a popular term for going on an adventure into the unknown.

"But I think - nay, I am sure - that some children will read this gently and lovingly, and in the spirit in which I have written it. For I do not believe God means us thus to divide life into two halves - to wear a grave face on sunday, and to think it out-of-place to even so much as mention Him on a week-day. Do you think He only cares to see only kneeling figures, and to hear only tones of prayer - and that He does not also love to see the lambs leaping in the sunlight, and to hear the merry voices of the children, as they roll among the hay? Surely their innocent laughter is as sweet in His ears as the grandest anthem that ever rolled up from the 'dim religious light' of some solemn cathedral?
Surely your gladness need not be the less for the thought that you will one day see a brighter dawn than this - when lovelier sights will meet your eyes than any waving trees or rippling waters - when angel-hands shall undraw your curtains, and sweeter tones than ever loving Mother breathed shall wake you to a new and glorious day - and when all the sadness, and the sin, that darkened life on this little earth, shall be forgotten like the dreams of a night that is past!"

Your affectionate friend,
Lewis Carroll

"I don't REJOICE in insects at all," Alice explained, "because I"m rather afraid of them--at least the large kinds.
But I can tell you the names of some of them."
"Of course they answer to their names?" the Gnat remarked carelessly.
"I never knew them do it."
"What's the use of their having names the Gnat said, "if they won't answer to them?"
"No use to THEM," said Alice; "but it's useful to the people who name them, I suppose. If not, why do things have names at all?"
"I can't say," the Gnat replied. "Further on, in the wood down there, they've got no names--however, go on with your list of insects: you're wasting time."

"That's the effect of living backwards," the Queen said kindly: "it always makes one a little giddy at first--"
"Living backwards!" Alice repeated in great astonishment. "I never heard of such a thing!"
"--but there's one great advantage in it, that one's memory works both ways."
"I'm sure MINE only works one way." Alice remarked. "I can't remember things before they happen."
"it's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards," the Queen remarked.

"What sort of things do YOU remember best?" Alice ventured to ask.
"Oh, things that happened the week after next," the Queen replied in a careless tone. "For instance, now,"
she went on, sticking a large piece of plaster [band-aid] on her finger as she spoke ...
She bound the plaster round her finger with a bit of ribbon.
Alice was just beginning to say "There's a mistake somewhere--," when the Queen began screaming so loud that she had to leave the sentence unfinished.
"Oh, oh, oh!" shouted the Queen, shaking her hand about as if she wanted to shake it off. "My finger"s bleeding! Oh, oh, oh, oh!"
Her screams were so exactly like the whistle of a steam-engine, that Alice had to hold both her hands over her ears.
"What IS the matter?" she said, as soon as there was a chance of making herself heard. "Have you pricked your finger?"
"I haven't pricked it YET," the Queen said, "but I soon shall-- oh, oh, oh!"
"When do you expect to do it?" Alice asked, feeling very much inclined to laugh.
"When I fasten my shawl again," the poor Queen groaned out: "the brooch will come undone directly. Oh, oh!" As she said the words the brooch flew open,
and the Queen clutched wildly at it, and tried to clasp it again.
"Take care!" cried Alice. "You're holding it all crooked!" And she caught at the brooch; but it was too late: the pin had slipped,
and the Queen had pricked her finger.
"That accounts for the bleeding, you see," she said to Alice with a smile. "Now you understand the way things happen here."
"But why don't you scream now?" Alice asked, holding her hands ready to put over her ears again.
"Why, I"ve done all the screaming already," said the Queen. "What would be the good of having it all over again?"
By this time it was getting light.

"Only it is so VERY lonely here!" Alice said in a melancholy voice; and at the thought of her loneliness two large tears came rolling down her cheeks.
"Oh, don't go on like that!" cried the poor Queen, wringing her hands in despair. "Consider what a great girl you are.
Consider what a long way you've come to-day. Consider what o'clock it is. Consider anything, only don't cry!"
Alice could not help laughing at this, even in the midst of her tears. "Can YOU keep from crying by considering things?" she asked.
"That's the way it's done," the Queen said with great decision: "nobody can do two things at once, you know.
Let's consider your age to begin with--how old are you?"
"I'm seven and a half exactly."
"You needn't say 'exactually,'" the Queen remarked: "I can believe it without that. Now I"ll give YOU something to believe.
I'm just one hundred and one, five months and a day."
"I can't believe THAT!" said Alice.
"Can't you?" the Queen said in a pitying tone. "Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."
Alice laughed. "There"s no use trying," she said: "one CAN't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day.
Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Daily Dedroidify: Holodeck
In case you weren't paying attention, yesterday in the dreaming post I said... LUCID DREAMING = YOUR VERY OWN HOLODECK

Instead of buttons though you use your imagination! So it's even better! I've flown like superman, I've gotten on hoverboards,... and you can do anything you can imagine too! Interested in finding out how to lucid dream now? I thought so, get on it!

Holodeck song (by Bob Picardo)

From the Article: How to Have a Lucid Dream?

Once you get your dream journal going and are able to recall at least two dreams a night then you can start the steps to having a lucid dream. There are many ways to key yourself to the fact that you are dreaming but I will discuss a couple of the easiest for beginners.

First there is Reality Testing. How reality testing is done, is you ask yourself “Am I dreaming?” Finding that out in a dream is not always the easiest thing to do, but is usually quite obvious if you are dreaming or not. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, or doing something or seeing something that will not likely happen in reality, you will know that you are dreaming. Now if you are in your bed or in your own house, then you can try looking at something like a clock or reading a book or something, look away, then look back and see if the time is the same or the words you read are the same. Try changing the color of something just by thinking about it. Ask yourself this question “Am I dreaming?” several times during the day, then you will be more apt to ask yourself this in a dream.

Another way to realize that you are dreaming in a dream is to recognize a Dreamsign. When your recognize this dreamsign you will realize that you are dreaming. (ie. A pink elephant, meeting deceased people, or magically flying.) By keeping a dream journal and going back and finding things that are common in your dreams, you can choose a dreamsign that is unique to you. So when you see your dreamsign you will realize your experience as a dream, and can then further the experiments or work you would like to do in your dream.

Michael Persinger: Psychotropic Drugs And The Nature Of Reality

Michael Persinger: Psychotropic Drugs And The Nature Of Reality

Dr. Persinger's winning lecture, which focused on psychotropic drugs, investigated the nature of consciousness: What it is and how it can be modified by drugs, particularly those that have political and economic impact.

Neil Turok: 2008 TED Prize wish: An African Einstein

Neil Turok: 2008 TED Prize wish: An African Einstein

This is really an inspiring vid, featuring some physics that seem to allude to 2012 (only slightly though), and a really inspiring project to get university graduates in Africa in search of a new, African, Einstein.

Jokes on Wilders

I just wanna comment on how hopeful I find this hole situation that the world is reacting in indignation of this sad attempt to further demonize islam.

In case you were on some other planet or wisely avoid the mainstream media (:p), a dutch fascist called Geert Wilders made a retarded anti-western islamification movie, using retarded footage of the terrorist attacks, oops I mean the false flag operations carried out by white western governments to demonize muslims & invade their countries for their resources. I wonder if Wilders has investigated the attacks and is acting out of ignorance or following an agenda. There was only one protest action in the Netherlands yesterday, some kids with a banner saying "Wilders is a zionist" hehe, excellent.

Wilders is part of the political party "the Party of Freedom" who once said: "people are equal but cultures are not." lol. Political leaders, internet forums and almost any source you can find is finding this movie something rather sad. Wilders has failed completely and is looking like a Cosmic Schmuck! Nice going.

Makes me think of the movie Powder again, the "outcasts" always seem much more human than the judging and condeming outcasters.



Amazing compilation to an amazing tune.


Great movie

Also featuring kundalini and how parts of the world seem not ready yet for enlightenment.

Chaos VS Control

Get Smart Trailer

The symbolism in this movie is making my mouth water already.

Daily Dedroidify: Dreaming

Daily Dedroidify: Dreaming

merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...
life is but a dream...

Dreams have inspired important scientific advances. Perhaps the most celebrated of these is the inspiration for discovery of the molecular structure of benzene by Kekule. The Russian chemist Mendelev discovered the periodic table method of classifying elements according to atomic weight while dreaming. Elias Howe completed his invention of the sewing machine while dreaming. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity came to him partly in a dream. Other dream-inspired creations include literary masterpieces such as Dante’s Divine Comedy, Voltaire’s Candide, "The Raven" by Poe and "Ulysses" by James Joyce. Robert Louis Stevenson was able to formulate stories while dreaming, which he later wrote down and published. Even some popular music compositions by Billy Joel and Paul McCartney have come in dreams. Even precognition appears in dreams, as Lincoln for example dreamt of his own assassination a week before. (see synchronicity.)

From "Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light" by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.
see Dream Creativity & Discovery

Everybody dreams, you just need to find out how to remember how your dreams. Practice short meditation before sleeping, affirm your intentions before going to sleep. When waking up, first keep lying still and try to remember, gradually it will come with time and practice. Then write them down in the dream journal next to you, cause you can forget a lot after only a few minutes. Remember fantastic adventures, get inspired & come to insightful realizations through symbolism & metaphor about yourself & the world.

Then find out how to trigger lucidity in them and shape your own dreamworld like a god - your very own holodeck! When opening a door, look at your hands and ask yourself: am I dreaming? And this habit will convey to your dreams. Tell yourself before going to sleep that you will recognize dreams when an incongruous event takes place. When you realize you are dreaming, you can do whatever you like with enough focus. When becoming adept enough, you can even utilise the precious sleep time to further your spiritual practice without material bodily inhibitions or learn or practice anything else you can imagine.

Become a better, happier you

Take a trip into your own mind.
"Awareness + Intention = Control in a lucid dream." Jeremiah Molfese
Does the dreamer dream the dream or does the dream dream the dreamer?
"Dreams are a reservoir of knowledge and experience, yet they are often overlooked as a vehicle for exploring reality. In the dream state our bodies are at rest, yet we see and hear, move about, and are even able to learn. When we make good use of the dream state, it is almost as if our lives were doubled: instead of a hundred years, we live two hundred." Tibetan Buddhist Tarthang Tulku
"The dream shows the inner truth and reality of the patient as it really is: not as I conjecture it to be, and not as he would like it to be, but as it is." Carl Jung
Sigmund Freud called dreaming the royal road to the unconscious
"What if you slept, and what if in your sleep you dreamed, and what if in your dream you went to heaven and there you plucked a strange and beautiful flower, and what if when you awoke you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then?" Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"A dream not interpreted is like a letter not read." The Talmud
"American physicist and Nobel prize winner Richard Feynman introduced the concept of 'Negative Time', in the case of electrons it can occur that their departure time is mathematically behind the arrival time. This reversal of order could be meaningful for explaining predictive dreams." Henri Van Praag

The Colour of Magic

Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic
I love me some Terry Pratchett fantasy. If you don't know about The Discworld yet, his hilarious books are full of great dialogue, social commentary and occult references.

Dr Steven Greer?

Dr Steven Greer Practical Applications Unbounded Mind Part 1

I saw this guy on the shamelist of those awards I posted and thought wtf? This is the guy behind the Disclosure Project isn't he? He was one of the first regular UFO guys (not that into ufology so forgive the ignorance if there were many others before him) that made sense to me since I heard him talking about extradimensionality. Now I understand though hehe, Greer has gone all new agey on the UFO community's asses and that's not what the UFO community is for! Is it?! No they're here for UFO's, and if UFO's suddenly start getting extradimensional and you have to mix in meditation and all that they'll have nothing of it! We want UFOs, fuck the truth, "WE WANT TO BELIEVE!" :p After all, beliefs & intrests are meant to divide, not unite right ;p.
That being said though, who the hell can you take seriously anymore? I don't even take reality seriously anymore. So don't take this too seriously, I'm joking with a few sides of the spectrum here, all views are just as likely as there's little evidence to support each one.
Greer says there are no aliens abducting humans. It's the military lol. (I'm laughing but it's just as plausible as the 1569835416 other theories out there, do YOU know 2 people that think alike about this? I sure don't!). How do you define torture Cheney?! Cheney: "you mean oldschool or spaceship torture?" Calling goodlooking aliens good & ugly ass disgusting aliens evil is galactic racism he says, lol! Good point, though seriously, who'd wanna sit down and have dinner with a 7 foot slimey reptilian who might rape your daughter and eat your baby. That wasn't on the menu dude!
He also said he met with the Clintons but they didn't wanna get 'assassinated' LOL I have a hard time taking that seriously, the Clintons aren't good actors & they're also full of shit, so if you can't see through that BS I'll have some difficulty taking you seriously. He also thinks Gore is serious about Global Warming and cares :p It's possible! :p Oh right, and he runs meditation workshops, 1000 bucks of course - this is sacred (read expensive, sacred should be free right?) knowledge after all, and you can manifest ufo's & higher intelligence! Nevermind giving you the meditation instructions could take about 5 minutes :p. And the military will occasionally come take a peak with crazy cool weaponry on the latest craft. Now why the hell would you wanna see a light orb and have the military come look at it also? :p Oh right, to communicate with higher intelligence - who are pre-verbal :p (lol I jest. I know, I know :p still kidding here)- to learn... stuff. Oh btw, there isn't one picture or video from people who meditated with Greer that wanna prove it.
It's a good thing they are preverbal though, cause I can't read that channeled shit from Archangel Michael and his cousin from Seven planets left of the star cluster Nebukooka, they always start with: Beloved ones... Dearest ones... and they seem to use a lot of words saying absolutely NOTHING. Do your research higher intelligences, that shit don't fly here unless you're new agey!
Oh and speaking about extradimensionality, Greer fumbled that one too though when he claimed SETI had contact which was of course denied by SETI. I think the likelihood of extradimensional beings contacting us on radio frequencies is so hilarious, it's a good thing those dishes look cool, that's why we keep 'em.
I like to kid around about any version of reality, but I find all his theories just as likely as any other ufologist out there. And some I really like too, but that doesn't mean I'll believe 'em. It's like, throw the confetti up in the air and let's just have a good laugh at reality. Trickster archetype at work!
It might just be our own consciousness projecting itself to let us know we're not going the right way. Well damn you consciousness, you couldn't have projected a bit more a few thousands years ago? :p
(Please don't take offense. I'm kidding, the thousands of alternate online realities are just as silly and funny as consensus reality)

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it - even if I have said it - unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." - The Buddha.

Even Buddha had no idea how fucking crazy reality would get though.

English mofo do ya speak it?

I learned the difference between much & many today. Thanks Cam lol. So I fuxored the poll. I voted for 5 since that had 3 votes, 20 had one, 10 had one :p I'll consider that at the end. Vote people, it matters here hehe.

Psychedelic Chemist Explores the Surreality of Inner Space, One Drug at a Time

Alexander Shulgin endured a government crackdown and hallucinations of his bones melting in pursuit of new mind-bending compounds. By David Biello.

Alexander Shulgin is the world's foremost "psychonaut." The 82-year-old chemist has not only created more of the 300 known consciousness-altering (or psychoactive) compounds than anyone living or dead, he has, by his own account, sampled somewhere between 200 and 250 of them himself—most of them cooked up in the musty lab behind his home in the hills east of Berkeley, Calif., where he has shared many a chemical voyage with his wife of 26 years, Ann.

"I take them myself because I am interested in their activity in the human mind. How would you test that in a rat or mouse?" says Shulgin, known to friends as Sasha.

Read the rest here

Thanks to the wonderful Philosophy-Explained blog

How to ruin a day at the Museum

Holy crap. Creationists at work. Or as I like to call them: devolutionists.

By the way, let's get hilariously political too :p
1. the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of effective power or vitality or essential quality
2. the delegation of authority (especially from a central to a regional government)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Great RAW interview

I have a huge archive of bookmarks, much of which unchecked, that I decided to post a few things out of once or twice a day. So here's the first! A great RAW interview. He talks about the alien abduction phenomenon, leary, pkd, crowley, and more.
I have an open mind about things

I don't have any dogmas

I await further enlightenment

2007 Zorgy Awards

First time I heard about this. Check out the results.
It's interesting to learn a few new sites and people.

Boltzmann Brain Paradox

A Boltzmann brain is a hypothesized self-aware entity which arises due to random fluctuations out of a state of chaos. The idea is named for physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844 - 1906), who had advanced an idea that the known universe arose as a random fluctuation, similar to process through which Boltzmann brains might arise.

The concept arises from the need to explain why we observe such a large degree of organization in the universe. The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy in the universe will always increase. We may think of the most likely state of the universe as one of high entropy, closer to uniform and without order. So why is the observed entropy so low?

Boltzmann proposed that we and our observed low-entropy world are a random fluctuation in a higher-entropy universe. Even in a near-equilibrium state, there will be stochastic fluctuations in the level of entropy. The most common fluctuations will be relatively small, resulting in only small amounts of organization, while larger fluctuations and their resulting greater levels of organization will be comparatively more rare. Large fluctuations would be almost inconceivably rare, but this can be explained by the enormous size of the universe and by the idea that if we are the results of a fluctuation, there is a "selection bias": We observe this very unlikely universe because the unlikely conditions are necessary for us to be here.

This leads to the Boltzmann brain concept: If our current level of organization, having many self-aware entities, is a result of a random fluctuation, it is much less likely than a level of organization which is only just able to create a single self-aware entity. For every universe with the level of organization we see, there should be an enormous number of lone Boltzmann brains floating around in unorganized environments. This refutes the observer argument above: the organization I see is vastly more than what is required to explain my consciousness, and therefore it is highly unlikely that I am the result of a stochastic fluctuation.

The Boltzmann brains paradox is that it is more likely that a brain randomly forms out of the chaos with false memories of its life than that the universe around us would have billions of self-aware brains.

T.S. Eliot: Four Quarters

"Although logos is common to all, most people live
as if they had a wisdom of their own."
1. p.77. Fr.2

"The way upward and the way downward are the same."
1. p.89. Fr.60

T.S. Eliot

The Mind is a Liar and a Whore part 1

If you don't know what she's talking about, sit or lie quietly for ten minutes, and try not to think about anything... see what kind of random bs your mind 'throws up'. Do it!

You are not your thoughts.

The Illusion of Duality

The Illusion of Duality

"There is nothing good or bad,
but thinking makes it so."

Shakespeare, from Hamlet

Thanks OceanShaman

'Skeptics' take on Accupuncture

'Skeptics' take on Accupuncture (read here)

Ok just had to butcher my own article :p

I opened with a statement that "The Chinese do freaking open heart surgery with accupuncture anaesthetic while the patient is conscious with its chest open, the BBC has shown it in a documentary even."
Edit: Holy crap, someone posted a comment with a link that the entire segment in the docu was fake, thanks to the poster, but real gratitude goes out to the BBC! :p
For example, the scene showing a patient punctured with needles and undergoing heart surgery left viewers with the strong impression that acupuncture was providing immense pain relief. In fact, in addition to acupuncture, the patient had a combination of three very powerful sedatives (midazolam, droperidol, fentanyl) and large volumes of local anaesthetic injected into the chest.

With such a cocktail of chemicals, the needles were merely cosmetic. In short, this memorable bit of television was emotionally powerful, but scientifically meaningless in building a case for acupuncture. I have spoken to several experts who say that the procedure was neither shocking nor impressive, but it was unconventional because the Chinese surgeons seemed to have used a higher level of local anaesthetic to compensate for the lack of general anaesthetic.

When I put this to Professor Sykes, she replied: "The suggestion that the operation could have taken place without the acupuncture and it would have been fine is an interesting idea and might possibly be the case."
Well you don't have to be a scientist to know that do ya Sykes? Fuck :p

My main point though was this:
What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. That goes for scientists (even methodologists! :p) too. You have to look first, make up your mind later. And belief or openness to the treatment is an actual necessary factor as it relies on the neurosomatic mind body connection... So I think it's kinda logical you have to be awake in a MIND-BODY Healing modality.
"but alternative medicine only seems to work when you are awake. You have to know (or think) you’re being treated."
This was my biggest issue with the article. It's the whole point of mind-body medicine. If they can't grasp that how can they investigate the modality well? Obviously mind-body healing can't be measured with old paradigm objective science - because it's subjective. I remain unconvinced by this research. Awareness cannot be measured (yet) either, is anyone silly enough to claim it doesn't exist?

Conclusion: Another lesson in BS (thanks again anonymous poster). I haven't tried accupuncture and don't like needles period. Though work with Chi energy and Meridians has proven very useful to me and I found this investigation unconvincing due to their basic assumptions about it.

Daily Dedroidify: The Divine Ratio

Daily Dedroidify: Phi 1.618* | the Divine Ratio (aka Golden - Mean, Section, Proportion)

Phi is an irrational number that seems to be life's archetypal architecture. Reflecting nature's balance between symmetry and asymmetry and the ancient Pythagorean belief that reality is a numerical reality, except that numbers were not units as we define them today, but were expressions of ratios.
You can find this ratio everywhere: math, geometry, art, color, music, life, the human body, animals, plants, dna, architecture, population growth,...

The Fibonacci series: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233...

Starting with 0 and 1, each new number is simply the sum of the two before it. The ratio of each successive pair of numbers in the series approximates Phi 1.618*, as 5/3 = 1.666*, 8/5 = 1.6. The successive numbers quickly converge on Phi. After the 40th number, the ratio is accurate to 15 decimal places: 1.618033988749895...

Greek philosophers considered the Golden Mean to be the middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.

According to legend, the Greek Philosopher Pythagoras discovered the concept of harmony when he began his studies of proportion while listening to the different sounds given off when the blacksmith’s hammers hit their anvils. The weights of the hammers and of the anvils all gave off different sounds. From here he moved to the study of stringed instruments and the different sounds they produced. He started with a single string and produced a monochord in the ratio of 1:1 called the Unison. By varying the string, he produced other chords: a ratio of 2:1 produced notes an octave apart. (Modern music theory calls a 5:4 ratio a "major third" and an 8:5 ratio a "major sixth".) In further studies of nature, he observed certain patterns and numbers reoccurring. Pythagoras believed that beauty was associated with the ratio of small integers. With this discovery, the Pythagoreans saw the essence of the cosmos as numbers and numbers took on special meaning and significance. The symbol of the Pythagorean brotherhood was the pentagram, in itself embodying several Golden Means.

"Nature is not mute! Man has become deaf!"
Terence Mckenna

BBC near Tibet

Undercover filming near Tibet

The BBC's James Reynolds reports from Gansu Province, China, defying a ban on foreign media covering the Tibet protests.

Is this the world we created?

Queen: Is this the world we created?

Just look at all those hungry mouths we have to feed
Take a look at all the suffering we breed
So many lonely faces scattered all around
Searching for what they need

Is this the world we created?
what did we do it for?
Is this the world we invaded?
Against the law?
So it seems in the end
Is this what we're all living for today?
The world that we created.

You know that every day a helpless child is born
Who needs some loving care inside a happy home
Somewhere a wealthy man is sitting on his throne
Waiting for life to go by.

Is this the world we created
we made it on our own
Is this the world we devastated
Right to the bone?
If there's a God in the sky looking down
What can he think of what we've done
To the world that he created?

Breathing For Beginners

If you can read this, then the chances are you don’t consider yourself a beginner at breathing. After all, you’ve been doing it for years. But are you really breathing or are you operating on automatic pilot and missing out on a whole host of breath related benefits.

Breath awareness helps the body detox, repair, regenerate and blow stress away.

Read on to discover the simple secrets of how your breath can calm your mind and heal your body.

Influencing Autonomy
Breathing is the only vital autonomic bodily function that can be consciously controlled and directed by the mind. This is so for a reason; your breathing is a bridge between your body and your mind. To allow your breathing to remain unconscious and automatic is to exist in a realm where that bridge is obstructed.

The breath is intended as a balancing device, a tuning tool that allows you conscious control of your emotions, and access to states of deep relaxation and harmony. Your breath holds the key to the door of compassion and understanding for all living beings. Why? Because it is in the moments of peace and stillness created by breath awareness that you can get in touch with the inner you. The peaceful, calm and competent you, and the you that can extend empathy, care and concern to others.

Being able to control your breath means being able to control your mind and being able to deeply nourish, oxygenate and detox the cells and tissues of your body.

When you are rushing about too busy and too stressed to eat properly, breath properly etc etc you are also too busy to connect properly with others. Over years of observation it has come to my attention that stressed people are not popular people. They are snappy, selfish and a strain to be around. They are missing out on the sweetness and subtleties of life. Stress robs us of the pleasures to be found in simple things in life and can cause us to drive others nuts with our ranting about little inconveniences that become mountains of self-obsessed stupidity.

Stress is a personality spoiler - breathing practice is a personality nourisher. It may well be one of the most powerful, yet overlooked tools in personal development.

Deeply Does it
Deep breathing is also detoxing to the internal organs as the diaphragm assists the heart by massaging the organs as it draws down to breath deeply and then pumping blood strongly back up to the heart and lungs for more effective cleansing and re-oxygenation.

Detoxing, regeneration and repair of the body are further enhanced and triggered by the parasympathetic switch brought about by deep breathing. Slowing and deepening your breathing is a sign to your body to switch off the “fight or flight” responses that operate when you’re under duress.

The trouble with the hustle and bustle of modern life is that your body may perceive you to be always experiencing stress to some degree. If you are in the habit of breathing rapidly and shallowly, your nervous system may not get the message to “stand down” and you may be rapidly burning your energy reserves by living on constant standby.

That standby state keeps adrenaline coursing through your veins, puts your digestive system on hold, and causes excess heat and acidity in the body - which are two major causes of degeneration and disease.

Slow Your Breath & Lengthen Your Life
The Vedas teach that life duration is measured in breaths and that there is a direct relationship between how fast you breath and how long you live. To breath rapidly and high up in the chest squanders your vitality. It makes you gasp like a fish out of water. Slowing your breathing preserves your vital energy and calms your spirit.

A recent study in India concluded that the average volume of air inhaled can be increased by up to 50% after just 15 minutes of deep diaphragmatic breathing and that the average number of breaths per minute reduced from 15 to just 5 breaths a minute thus making breathing more efficient, energy producing, and stress reducing.

“When breathing is depressed or strained, all sorts of diseases will occur. Those who wish to nurture their lives must first learn the correct methods of controlling the breath and balancing energy. These breathing methods can cure all ailments great and small.

How to Educate Your Lungs
Both Qigong (which literally mean “energy work” or “breathing skill”) and Yoga teach a basic form of diaphragmatic breathing that can be learned and practiced easily and without complex instruction.

Daily sessions of 10 to 15 minutes are long enough to make a significant difference to your life, the added benefit of regular practice being that you will educate yourself to be always more mindful of your breath, or at least to know how to stand down and recover quickly from stress and emotional upsets.

Quick guide to deep diaphragmatic breathing

Stage 1: Inhalation
Inhale through your nose. Relax your diaphragm as you breath in and let it draw the air down deep into your abdominal cavity (i.e. Stomach area). Allow your ribcage to relax and expand as you breath in so that your lungs can get “topped up” right up to your collarbone area. Then press the air down into your diaphragm so that your stomach wall is pushed out.

Stage 2: Retention
Hold that breath. Consciously hold the breath for about 5 seconds then relax and let it out.

Stage 3: Exhalation
Pull your stomach in and up and let the breath out in a slow steady stream through your mouth. Be sure to fully empty your lungs.

Stage 4: Empty Retention
Pause for a few seconds with your lungs empty before starting again with the next complete and deep inhalation.

In pranayama, Yoga’s ancient system of breathing for health and longevity, it is this held empty state that is considered the most beneficial to the body and the mind.

Thanks Daily Om

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Dedroidify Documentary tag on this blog

Squirt & Swallow: Mushrooms

Spuiten en Slikken - Mushrooms (English subs)

This is a clip from great dutch TV show where they discuss sex & drugs in each episode. They also have a drug test each episode with great info.

PKD: The Penultimate Truth

Philip K. Dick: The Penultimate Truth
(warning: all spoilers in the plot summary of wiki link)

World War III is raging - or so the millions of people crammed in their underground tanks believe. For fifteen years, subterranean humanity has been fed on daily broadcasts of a never-ending nuclear destruction, sustained by a belief in the all powerful Protector. But up on Earth's surface, a different kind of reality reigns. East and West are at peace. And across the planet, an elite corps of expert hoaxers preserve the lie.

Heavily recommended!

Paradise Engineering

Paradise Engineering

"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission natural selection, the force that made us.... Soon we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we wish to become." Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge

"Whatever was the beginning of this world, the end will be glorious and paradisiacal, beyond what our imagination can conceive."
Joseph Priestley

Daily Dedroidify: Views of Life

Daily Dedroidify: Alan Watts' Views of Life

The Chinese view nature as biological. The Chinese call nature 'zi ran,' and this expression means 'of itself so', 'what happens of itself' or we might say spontaneity. Everything that happens, happens of itself in a certain spontaneity. There is no principle that forces things to behave the way they do, it is a completely democratic theory of nature.

The Indians view life as drama and everything happens to the self. The Brahman, the self pretends that it's lost and is us, and all our adventures, and all our troubles, and all our agonies and tragedies it gets mixed up in, then after a long period has elapsed, there is a catastrophe, the universe is destroyed in fire, and after that the Brahman wakes up, and says "well, good crazy what an adventure that was", he wipes the sweat of his brow and says "phew, let's rest a while." So for another period the divine self rests and knows who it is, "it's me!" Then it says "well, this rather boring, let's get going again, let's get mixed up! So that's a theory of drama, of play! (see Kali Yuga page)

Then there's the Judeo-Christian view of the maker, the architect, the constructor, the allmighty dictator who 'made' nature. Then around the 18th century Western people became increasingly doubtful wether there was such a God, but they kept their belief in this artifact, this machine and by the time of Newton people were explaining the world in terms of mechanism.
And we're still under the influence of that idea, because when you see drawings of human physiology they usually show the human being as a kind of mechanism, as a sort of factory. When you go to a hospital, you are processed, the heart specialist looks only at your heart because he can't understand anything else, the otolaryngologist which means the ears, nose and throat man looks at that section of you and he doesn't know about anything else and maybe a psychiatrist looks at you and goodness knows what happens there and so on and so on.

Everybody looks at you from their specialised point of view as if they were a bunch of mechanics examening your automobile. We ask for this, because most of us consider ourselves as chauffeurs inside our bodies which you own in the same way as you own a car and if it goes wrong you take it to the mechanic to fix it. You don't really identify with your body just as you don't really identify with your car. So here is this whole theory of nature which has grown up in the west as an artifact, something made. Most westerners wether they are Christians or non-Christians don't trust nature. Of all things nature is the thing least to be trusted! You must manage it, you must watch out for it, it comes out with weeds and insects and it will always go wrong if you don't watch out it! And above all human nature isn't to be trusted! Cause if you don't hold a club over your own head you might go out and rape your grandmother!

Now the Chinese would say, if you can't trust yourself, you can't trust anything. Because if you can't trust yourself, can you trust your mistrust of yourself? Is that well-founded? See? If you can't trust yourself you are totally mixed up, you haven't a leg to stand up and you haven't a point of departure for anything!

You are not merely a Grey Machine

"If you are intelligent and reasonable, you can not be the product of a mechanical and meaningless universe." Alan Watts (This is merely an edited excerpt from the excellent The Tao of philosophy - Man in nature.)

Alan Watts Streaming Vids

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Call for Collaborators on Open Source Platform for Education

Radical Change Group: Call for Collaborators on Open Source Platform for Education

From the site (click link for audio clip): When we started these freely available podcasts with a non-profit group in mind, it might have seemed like a crazy idea to most people. Today, we are happy to see that our podcasts are being downloaded all around the World - Europe, China, India, USA, Iraq, Azerbaijan, and many others.

Now, we are taking another step that might seem like a crazy idea today, but - who knows what the future holds - we are moving towards creating an open-source platform for education. Open source in personal growth is a radical paradigm shift. People say, you want to be different. We say, it’s not enough - let’s contribute to make a difference. Not only you will experience personal change - you will participate in creating it, and transform yourself in the process. This means freely available content, created not just by us, but by you! This means, you get to find and work together with peers all across the globe doing the work you love, get recognized for your contribution, and see the world change in a meaningful way.

To make this dream come true, we need your help to seed this project. We are inviting skilled professionals who want to contribute their time into creating the open source collaboration platform for education. If you have skills in one or more of the following areas:

* Programmers
* Web Designers
* Graphic Artists
* Mind Mappers
* Musicians
* Voice Artists
* Sound Engineers
* Translators from English to other languages
* Anyone with original AND cutting-edge work on personal growth

Then please, contact us at or through the web form, or just leave a comment in this podcast, and we’ll take it from there. This project can only succeed with your help. Become a Partner in Change, and let’s contribute to make a difference.

The Radical Change Group

Soul Deep

Soul Deep

I saw this yesterday and loved it. James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Bootsy Collins, George Clinton and the FUNK Revolution!

Daily Dedroidify: Life is just a Ride

Daily Dedroidify: Life is just a Ride
The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while.
Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question: "Is this real, or is this just a ride?"

And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say: "Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever,
because this is just a ride." ... and we kill those people.

Ha ha, "Shut him up. We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money. A choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as ONE.

Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defense each year, and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.

Bill Hicks - It's just a ride

Jem - Just a ride (sweet musical version)

"All our beliefs are being challenged now, and rightfully so; they're stupid."
Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks Streaming Vids