Monday, September 30, 2013

But who can put doors on a field!

"It's their affair and let them eat it with their bread; wether or not they were lovers, they've already made their accounting with God; I tend to my vines, it's their business, not mine; I don't stick my nose in; if you buy and lie, your purse wants to know why.

Besides, naked I was born, and naked I'll die: I don't lose or gain a thing; whatever they were, it's all the same to me.  And many folks think there's bacon when there's not even a hook to hang it on. 

But who can put doors on a field!

Let them say what they please, I don't care."

Arcade Fire

Subliminal-Synchro-Sphere: 666 - The 'Solstice Sun King' and the 'Moon Baby'

Got a few hours to spare to get your mind blown?
666 - The 'Solstice Sun King' and the 'Moon Baby' 
from the Subliminal-Synchro-Sphere
Horselover Phat, I salute you!

Just a few teasers: 
 In December 1948, Parsons took “the Oath of the Abyss” in a ritual conducted before W.T. Smith. This is tantamount to willingly suffering the “long, dark night of the soul” that is common in artistic and psychological literature. While most occult initiations can be “given,” i.e., passed on through ritual and the laying on of hands or some other appropriate ceremony, the initiatory levels of the “Abyss” and beyond cannot be imposed by human intervention, according to the tradition of the western mystery schools. In this case, all of creation is seen as the Qabalists’ “Tree of Life,” a diagram containing ten spheres connected by twenty-two paths. The top three spheres and the bottom seven spheres are “separated” in this instance by the Abyss, a place where one’s ego is destroyed… or not. If not, then one becomes a “black brother,” or “magician of the left-hand path,” that is, an evil magician and source of pestilence. If one has successfully passed the Abyss, however, then one attains greater spiritual glory.
Peter Levenda - Sinister Forces Book One:The Nine  

Tim the (bolt throwing) Enchanter (druid) led them to the cave of the rabbit and he is able to cast 'bolts' (drui lanach/druids lightning)

The ancient Druids, masters of magic and hidden sorcery, defined two kinds of lightning, the one Dis-Lanach, the Lightning God, the other Drui-Lanach, the Lightning of the Druids, and hence their tremendous power. Volcanoes in eruption led to the discovery of this secret, for in eruption they throw out masses of rock and stones with tremendous velocity and exemplify terrific force. In these emissions occur sulphur, saltpetre and carbon, the ingredients of gunpowder.
The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain - Comyns Beaumont

The Tower in Holy Grail seems a strong and repeated thematic!
  A dejected Arthur leaves the castle tower...where he expected to find the grail
The French soldiers berating him and throwing things from the top!

 To others, the Tower represents the paradigms constructed by the ego, the sum total of all schema that the mind constructs to understand the universe. The Tower is struck by lightning when reality does not conform to expectation (see pic above and below). The querent may be holding on to false ideas or pretenses; a new approach to thinking about the problem is needed. The querent is advised to think outside the box. The querent is warned that truth may not oblige schema. It may be time for the querent to re-examine belief structures, ideologies, and paradigms they hold to. The card may also point toward seeking education or higher knowledge.

Life of Brian
 A WTF interlude...Brian (Chapman) falls from the tower and an alien spacecraft takes him on a trip and crash lands next to the same tower.

  To others, the Tower represents the paradigms constructed by the ego, the sum total of all schema that the mind constructs to understand the universe. 

The Tower is struck by lightning when reality does not conform to expectation
 ...moments before Brian is whisked away into space

 The querent may be holding on to false ideas or pretenses; a new approach to thinking about the problem is needed. The querent is advised to think outside the box. The querent is warned that truth may not oblige schema. It may be time for the querent to re-examine belief structures, ideologies, and paradigms they hold to. The card may also point toward seeking education or higher knowledge.
(the above text...seemingly fitting this scene like a glove & perhaps, aimed just as much at us, as it is Brian)

Green 3rd eye aliens

A variety of explanations for the images on the card (The Tower) have been attempted. For example, it may be a reference to the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, (Babylon) where God destroys a tower built by mankind to reach Heaven.

 The Tarot of Marseilles depicts a burning tower being struck by lightning or fire from the sky, its top section dislodged and crumbling.

Cleese's other 'turreted castle tower'
  "Well, may I ask what you expected to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon?"

The Holy Grail? 

Orion (Osiris/Arthur) as an overflowing grail chalice cup...the tarot has colum/dove near, like the sky map (see below)!  The tarot 'ace of cups' also evokes the OTO insignia badge!
Ace of Cups (W) W=23...Psalm (Palm/hand, see ace pic) 23...'Lord is my shepherd' & 'my cup runneth over' etc. 

 Ace of Cups...Palm 23

The Lord (Orion/Osiris) is my Shepherd (Anu/Orion/Osiris) and the same!

Puppets...being mastered by both ends of the spectrum...the cross and the devil!

All-Star Superman 5 The Gospel according to Lex Luthor

The multi layered symbolism in this issue! Lex Luthor thinks he killed Superman via exposing him to the Sun's radiation. Do the Powers That (think they) Be try to kill most people's chance to walk the path to enlightenment via first, Religion and later the Mainstream Media? The Sun, the Solar Symbolism? The Gospel of Lex. The Father of Lies.

As for me, fiction has been largely responsible for my peace-loving, non-violent rebellion against any oppressive governments and religions, and subsequent 'awakening'. So joke's on you baddies!

"He is often the source of the impulse, or that thing inside of us that responds to it. The Devil's energy is absolutely necessary, absolutely deadly."

In December 1948, Parsons took “the Oath of the Abyss” in a ritual conducted before W.T. Smith. This is tantamount to willingly suffering the “long, dark night of the soul” that is common in artistic and psychological literature. While most occult initiations can be “given,” i.e., passed on through ritual and the laying on of hands or some other appropriate ceremony, the initiatory levels of the “Abyss” and beyond cannot be imposed by human intervention, according to the tradition of the western mystery schools. In this case, all of creation is seen as the Qabalists’ “Tree of Life,” a diagram containing ten spheres connected by twenty-two paths. The top three spheres and the bottom seven spheres are “separated” in this instance by the Abyss, a place where one’s ego is destroyed… or not. If not, then one becomes a “black brother,” or “magician of the left-hand path,” that is, an evil magician and source of pestilence. If one has successfully passed the Abyss, however, then one attains greater spiritual glory.

In other words, Luthor wants to destroy the Superman - his enlightenment - instead of his ego.


While Luthor is explaining himself though, Superman is acting like the clumsy Clark Kent while Luthor is on his little Ego Trip he has no clue it's Superman he's facing, and that Superman even saves him a few times in the meantime.
Look what happens in your world
The Dog Eat Dog world, good thing there's a Superman around, even if you don't realize it.
"Nevermind your glasses."
 It's not really safe down here in the lower circuits, energies, planes... But that's where Luthor's cell is, his glorified prison he likes to rule so much! You want to live don't you Clark? Sure, but like a sun.

You can read this next bit from left to right or from right to left. Superman was talking about the purple (royal) monster but he might just as well be talking about Luthor and all he symbolizes too.

I'll take the liquefying, thanks! 
"The prima materia. The liquid form of the Stone, called the Universal Solvent, dissolves all old forms like a rushing stream, and is the self-organizing matrix for the rebirth of new forms. It is thus a metaphor or model for the dynamic process of transformation, ego death and re-creation." 

 Superman is basically mocking Luthor's narrow little reality tunnel in the most humble way possible, while trying to save Luthor and at the same leading Luthor to thinks he's mocking Clark Kent instead. (Bonus tidbit: Toth the Baboon in a Superman suit)
Or not

"I used the Sun itself, the source of his powers."
Through religion and the media aka solar symbolism.
Yeah, yeah, yadda yadda. You keep trying anyway. 
How about enlightenment... you silly twat.

(Kent in my west-flemish dialect means "I know/have it")
Where to now, Mister Kent?
Anywhere but here, Nasthalthia.
Anywhere but here.

Moon river, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way

Sunday, September 29, 2013

F*ck Yeah! It's more from Grant Morrison!

I knew I didn't remember the cartoon to be as mindblowing as the comic's writing!

 What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?
 They surrender.
 Jimmy is a reality tunnel explorer in All-Star Superman
Bruce Wayne has a point here. (from Batman 656)

Atlantis (BBC)

Really wanted to dislike this from the start but it grew on me during the first episode. Hey it's Jason, Hercules (King Baratheon!) and Pythagoras. You won't believe it, but Pythagoras has been reduced to "the triangle guy" just like in school! Not getting my hopes up for his character development but you  never know! It's from the BBC so I expected it to be as hard to watch as Merlin (which I did watch, because hey, it's medieval) but here the CGI is actually quite ok and the acting a bit (only slightly) less corny. Oh and Dr. Bashir is in it too!

Jimmies Chicken Shack - Living with Ghosts

I've learned to embrace my fears
and keep most of my demons down
I'm one in a miriad of ghosts
in myself I have found

No I'm not lost inside of me

Saturday, September 28, 2013

You don't say? NSA abuse of power

Twelve cases of unauthorised surveillance documented in letter from NSA's inspector general to senator Chuck Grassley

From Reddit comments: So twelve dudes were found to use their power for personal relationship reasons. How many used it it in more shady, money making, insider trading, business spying, infinitely more profitable ways and did not get caught because they were infinitely smarter about it?

Or blackmailing/controlling members of Congress, Supreme Court, generals, journalists, lawyers...
The "first" NSA whistleblower, Russ Tice. In three interviews this year (two in June and July with Peter B. Collins, and one in June with James Corbett) Russ Tice expands on his previous testimony and names some of the people whom he alleges NSA were targeting for surveillance, including senior Congressional leaders, the former White House Press Secretary, Senate Intelligence Chair Dianne Feinstein, General Petraeus, Supreme Court Justice Alito, Obama since at least 2004...

Tice received national attention as the first NSA-whistleblower in May 2005 before William Binney, Thomas Andrews Drake, Mark Klein, Thomas Tamm, and Edward Snowden came forward.

"Nobody is listening to your phone calls."

Candidate Obama VS President Obama:

Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman

 Fear is the sauce on the steak of life!
Don't let Engine Failure hold you back!
 Tiphareth the Solar Fire

 I always write the Superman headlines before they happen

"These things that we’re experiencing right now are sections through time. Everyone here is a section through time. But in actual fact, you’re not experiencing your real body. What is your real body? Your real body is a process. It starts when you’re born, and it moves forward until you die. That is you. Seen from outside, that’s what you look like. You look like a gigantic centipede, spread around all the little things that you always do: up and down through your house, up the stairs, down to the store and back – and it’s a centipede, and it’s us. It starts as a little baby and it comes out of your mother’s womb, and it gets bigger." Grant Morrison

 Take a trip to the sun via the Middle Pillar Ritual or any other means
and see your strength, curiosity, imagination and creativity triple.

Beware that your robot doesn't succumb to visual distortions and extreme paranoid reactions while synthesizing your alien chemicals.

I'm reading everything Grant Morrison has ever done from now on.

Massive Attack - Angel (thanks Figgs!)

One thing I notice all the time is that most people know real well what is the very next choice they can make to be on that path towards becoming whatever it is we wish to become, but we fall short of the path a breathes distance. I wonder which personality that is?

This topic reminds me of the music video for the song by Massive Attack, Angel. In the video, there's this guy who's in a large parking garage at night, and he has creepers steps behind him who he sees over his shoulder.

He gets scared, pacing faster, but at the same time his fears are confirmed by the fact that more and more creepers join the growing crowd keeping up pace behind him. 

He bolts into an all out sprint and is in an all out panic. 

When he slows to a stop to catch his breathe he notices that they all stop too, and watch. 

Then he notices a subtle sign that hints to his mind that all these dudes are pretty much a mere mirror image of himself. 

He steps forward, they step back. 

You see a twinkle in his eye, like fear washed away in that instant. 

Then he charges toward them, and a its like a crowd of a hundred people, all running away from the one guy!

Please tell me how YOU interpret THAT! :) 

like this: I'd interpret that as our courageous reality tunnel intimidated by our other aspects at first, then finally maturing and realizing its power to move people instead of be moved. 

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it... boldness has genius, power, and magic." 
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe