Tuesday, January 1, 2008

50 Ways You Can Be The Change

This isn't recent, but quite ok!

50 Ways You Can Be The Change

By advancing our lives in the areas of mind, body, spirit, relationships and environmental awareness we can improve our individual outlook and help the world become an even greater place!

As my favorite Gandhi quote states: "you must be the change you want to see in the world" and here are 50 of the best practices, exercises and philosophies you can begin implementing to "be the change":


1. Be Nice to People
And see how positive energy attracts positive energy

2. Take Responsibility For Your Actions
And stop making excuses

3. Volunteer Your Time
And realize that helping others is the ultimate way to make the world a greater place

4. Ask for Help
And give someone else the satisfaction of having the answer

5. Offer the Best Advice You Can
And set someone off in a new and positive direction.  Do it without expecting anything in return!

6. Smile More
And spread happiness to others with the slightest effort

7. Pay Close Attention to Your Language
And start seeing how your words and actions define you

8. Make a Donation
And feel how giving spreads positive energy and love

9. Ask your Closest Friends and Family "How Are You Doing"?
And let them know you are there for them


10. Do Crossword Puzzles and Other Mind Games
And challenge your intellect

11. Find and Work in a Career You Love
And spend your valuable time in a job that makes you truly happy!

12. Purposefully Deal with Stress
And learn to melt tension away

13. Read Good Books
And stir creativity in your brain

14. Take Classes
And learn more about the things that really interest you

15. Write in a Journal
And let the mind unwind itself through the hand

16. Start Viewing Yourself as Part of a Greater Universe
And see how the first step to a healthy planet is a healthy you!


17. Vary Your Workout Routines
And make your body stronger, more pliable, and resistant to illness

18. Try Ancient Forms of Healing
And tap into human knowledge that goes back many millennia

19. Exercise with Trained Professionals
And push the limits of what you think you are capable

20. Run a Marathon
Again, push the limits of what you are capable.  If not a marathon, find some physical activity that is ultra-challenging for you and do it!

21. Take Long Hikes
And appreciate the beauty of nature first hand

22. Sit in a Sauna or Steam Room
And sweat out harmful toxins

23 Use Medicines and Pharmaceuticals as Last Resort
And have faith in holistic measures and your body's ability to heal itself

24. Love and Appreciate Your Body
And get rid of negative feelings and associations you have with it


25. Treat Yourself to Massages
And literally rub away all stress and tension

26. Start a Spiritual Practice for Yourself
And give yourself unparalleled perspective by connecting with the "true you".

27. Laugh Hard Every Day
And generate happiness for your soul

28. Accept Your Universe
And have unswerving faith that you can handle it, no matter what happens!

29. Feng Shui Your Home
And create a positive energy flow that extends to the external world

30. Listen to Soothing Music
And calm your body, mind and spirit

31. Plan a Healthy Retreat or Vacation
And ensconce your body and mind in health and vitality for an extended period


32. Start Treating Your Food as Delicious Tasting Medicine
And prevent sickness and disease with the nutrition you put into your body every day!

33. Eat Locally Grown Foods
And support your local farms and growers

34. Take Responsibility For Your Health
And understand that only you know what is best for you

35. Drink More Water
And enjoy nature's elixir of life

36. Eat Healthy Foods for the Brain
And allow your thinking organ to work most efficiently

37. Cook More
And really get to know your food; enjoy it in a more complete and satisfying way!

38. Eat Organic Foods as Much as Possible
And understand that natural foods treat the body and the planet as they were originally intended

39. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
And begin learning the innumerable benefits these foods contain


40. Plant trees
And spread clean air throughout the world; donate trees here with American Forests.  Even better, give trees as a present with The Arbor Day organization

41. Buy Carbon Offsets
And support new and clean renewable sources of energy that offset global warming with Native Energy.

42. Conserve Water
And be aware of over-usage at the sink, in the bathroom, and while doing laundry

43. Recycle!
And realize how such a simple step like recycling can do so much to improve our environmental dilemma

44. Save a Piece of the Rainforest
And help the earth's atmosphere by purchasing 2,500 square feet of this precious land for $10 at The National Arbor Day Foundation!

45. Buy "Energy Star" Appliances
And save a ton of energy with every day activities

46. Use the Internet to Shop
And save gasoline and paper by clicking here for a list of 700+ conscious retailers

47. Research Reusable Energy Sources For Your Home
And utilize more sustainable and renewable power sources which are available!

48. Conserve Paper
And send e-cards instead of paper ones.  Start by getting removed from unwanted mailing lists at Junk Busters

49. Take a Stand
And volunteer your time to head an effort to "go green" at your work, school, place of worship or any organization you belong

50. YOU Decide
And start "being the change" based on your most valued beliefs and ideals!

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