Thursday, July 17, 2008

Daily Dedroidify: The short path by Padmasambhava

Daily Dedroidify: The short path by Padmasambhava

1. Reading of a great number of books of different religions and philosophies. Listening to many sages and teachers who adhere to many different theories. Scientifically experiencing and trying out several different methods.

2. Choosing one from all investigated religions and philosophies and letting go of the others, as an eagle chooses one sheep from a herd as its prey.

3. Live in a simple manner, humble in one's way of acting; not trying to be remarkable or seeming important in the eyes of the world, but raising one's spirit high above all worldly power and fame after this seemingly unimportance.

4. Indifference toward everything. Behaving as a dog or pig who eats what happens to be around. Making no choice between the occuring things. Making no effort whatsoever to receive or avoid something; with equality accepting everything that happens, richess or poverty, praise or loathing, stopping to distinguish between piety and impiety, honor or shame, good and evil. Never be sad, or have sorrow about done matters and on the other hand never being happy or proud about what one has accomplished.

5. Observing conflicting opinions and different manifestations of activity with complete equality and disattachement. Understanding that these are unavoidably confined in the unique manner of acting of each individual. Understanding all of this and remaining serene. Overseeing the world as someone looking down from the highest mountain on the valleys and lesser mountain tops around them.

6. The sixth stadium cannot be described. It corresponds with the realisation of emptiness, that in Lamaistic terminology stands for Inexpressible Reality.

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