Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Same shit, different puppet


  1. CelticRebel and Finchley Central have had the right of it with this guy too. Different face, but the same policies. And yet the smooth charm is believed. Whatever happened to the "alert and knowledgeable citizenry" that Eisenhower wished for? That Jefferson wished for? Makes me damn glad I'm not a citizen of the USA. Not that it'll make much difference when the balloon goes up.

  2. As though this is a suprise?

    Knowing it's bad out there, Obama is just "more purfume on the pig". So why is it so difficult for people to see through all this. It's so obvious. I know the Luciferian mind set is strong but every time I hear people like Obama makes me sick. Don't others feel that too?

    Obama reminds me of the "Grim Reeper". Everywhere this man goes is followed by death and or destruction. Are there any good leaders anymore? (A rhetorical question).

  3. But he has a capitol D behind his name, which makes it ok.

  4. "Barack Obama" is Kenyan for "George Bush the Third"

  5. LOL, great comments everybody
