Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year

I'm sorry I can't start the new year with good news though. I've lost the hosting for and don't have the funds or tech-savviness to set up a new one or temporary one. So for the time being, is dead. All the content is still available via when I did the daily dedroidify series on here, just have to scroll a bit down.

I plan to get my shit together at one point, just don't know when yet. My treatment for Lyme begins next wednesday so that'll be a nice start.

If anyone has any ideas how we can reserve the domain name at least without paying too much I'd really appreciate it.


  1. I think I can help. What exactly do you need to keep it going?

  2. That would be nice! domain name registration and some webspace with ftp access is all we need I think.
