Saturday, January 5, 2008

The 8 Circuits of Consciousness model

This is a 'short' introduction to the wonderful model of the 8 circuits which will help you understand personal human behaviour, habits and beliefs, and also put 'paranormal' and spiritual experiences in a logical framework. 8 Circuits page
(everything in this bulletin, and much more, can be found on this page)

The 8-circuits-of-Consciousness
is a heuristic model to help us navigate through our personal evolution. In the works and books of Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Antero Alli, John C. Lilly and others, these great minds suggest guidelines, meditation practices, rituals and even consciousness-altering substances linked to each circuit to help us evolve as the circuits harmoniously interconnect to raise our consciousness.

Always remember that the map is not the territory, a metaphorical representation of a concept is not the concept.

"To understand neurological space, Dr. Leary assumes that the nervous system consists of eight potential circuits, or "gears," or mini-brains. Four of these brains are in the usually active left lobe and are concerned with our terrestrial survival; four are extraterrestrial, reside in the "silent" or inactive right lobe, and are for use in our future evolution. This explains why the right lobe is usually inactive at this stage of our development, and why it becomes active when the person ingests psychedelics (or engages in other right lobe activating practices.)" - Robert Anton Wilson

Very short summary from (edited)
The Terrestrial Circuits

1. The Biosurvival Circuit:
imprinted in infancy. Concerned with sucking, nourishment, cuddling, biosecurity.

2. The Emotional-Territorial Circuit:
imprinted in the toddling stage. Concerned with territorial demands, emotional power tactics, political domination-and-submission strategies.

3. The Semantic Circuit:
imprinted by human artifacts and symbol systems. Concerned with handling the environment, invention, calculation, prediction, building a "map" of the universe.

4. The Sociosexual Circuit:
imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences and tribal "morals." Concerned with sexual pleasure, local definitions of "moral" and "immoral", reproduction, nurture of the young.

The Extraterrestrial Circuits

5. The Neurosomatic Circuit:
imprinted by ecstatic experience via physiological or chemical yogas. Concerned with neurological-somatic feedbacks, feeling high, somatic reprogramming (Christian Science, faith healing, etc.).

6. The Metaprogramming Circuit:
imprinted by advanced yogas. Concerned with reimprinting and reprogramming all earlier circuits, relativity of "realities" perceived, cybernetic consciousness.

7. The Neurogenetic Circuit:
imprinted by advanced yogas. Concerned with evolutionary consciousness (past and future), DNA-RNA-brain feedbacks, Jung's "Collective Unconscious."

8. The Neuroatomic Circuit:
imprinted by shock or near-death experience. Concerned with quantum consciousness, non-local awareness (beyond spacetime), Illumination.

Adapted from 'Exo-Psychology', by Timothy Leary.
(R. A. Wilson, Illuminati Papers, pp.17-18.)

more short summaries at 8 Circuits page

8 circuit wordcloud:

Circuit 1 Physical, Bio-Survival, Security, Oral, Invertebrate, Fight or Flight, Scotty, Maternal Lactation, Nicotine, Valium, Prozac, Sedatives, (baby)

Circuit 2 Emotional, Territorial, Political, Anal, Feeling, Mammalian, Dr. McCoy, Alcohol, Temper Tantrums, Defending Beliefs, Reichean Therapy, (toddler)

Circuit 3 Conceptual, Logical, Semantic, Reason, Time-binding, Symbols, Mr. Spock, Reading, Writing, Telephone, Reality-Tunnel, Caffeine, Amphetamines, Nicotine, Chocolate, Cocaine, (primary education ages)

Circuit 4 Social, Sexual, Moral, Civilized, Phallic, Captain, Kirk, Television, Mass Media, Parties, Events, Fascism, Church (secondary education ages)

Circuit 5 Neurosomatic, Sensory, Intuition, Multidimensional thinking, Mind Body Connection, Hedonic, Meditation, Hatha Yoga, Hypnosis, NeuroLinguistic Programming, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Aikido, Shiatsu, Reiki, Endorphin Rush, Music, Sufi Whirling, Mandatory Silence, MDMA, Opium

Circuit 6 Neuroelectric, Psychic, Metaprogramming, Second Attention, Lucid Dreaming, Psionic, Visions, Advanced Meditations, Sense Deprivation, Isolation Tank, Kundalini and Raja Yoga, Chaotic and Dynamic Meditation, Retreat, Near Death Experience, Peyote, Psylocybin Mushrooms, Chaos Magick Rituals (eg Aleister-Crowley Peter-Carroll Phil-Hine)

Circuit 7 Neurogenetic, Collective Unconscious, Akashic Records, Archetypes, Mythic, Synchronicity, Psylocybin Mushrooms (heavier dose), DNA, DMT, LSD, Near Death Experience, Datura, Religious Conversion, Chaos Magick Rituals (eg Aleister-Crowley Peter-Carroll Phil-Hine)

Circuit 8 Neuroatomic, Cosmic, Spiritual, Out of Body Experience, Astral Travel, Satori, Enlightenment, Ketamine, Salvia, DMT, Jimson Weed, Datura, Aboriginal Dreamtime, Near Death Experience

The Neuropharmacy of an Eight-Circuit Brain by Antero Alli:
What actions & drugs activate which circuits?

Circuit comparison with Gurdjieff, Freud, Jung, Bern, Sagan, Piaget & even Roddenberry :p (click here to view full pic in new window)

The Neuropharmacy of an Eight-Circuit Brain by Antero Alli:
What actions & drugs activate which circuits?

Excerpt from Robert Anton Wilson's Quantum Psychology:
Lower Circuit positive/negative overview.

* Circuit 1: Oral Bio-Survival System
Neophilic: exploring, healthier
Neophobic: insecure, dogmatic (even when shifting), sicker
note: reimprint via yoga or martial arts
* Circuit 2: Anal Territorial System
Dominant: lead, seek power
Submissive: seek dominant types to lead them
note: adrenaline, attacking rival pack
* Circuit 3: Semantic Time-Binding System
Pioneer/dominator: create new symbols, clear-thinking
Conservative/follower: unthinking
note: usually lasts for life (clear- as opposed to unthinking self)
(The part of the brain that regulates reasoning, impulse control and judgment (circuit 3)
is still under construction during puberty and doesn't shift into autopilot until about age 25.)
* Circuit 4: Socio-Sexual System
Sex-positive: joyous, transcendental, bright eyes & bushy tails
Sex-negative: problematic, disturbed, zombie-like appearance
note: negative imprint is the criminal born-to-lose type / jekyll-hyde dualism

The Eight Basic Winner/Loser Scripts by Robert Anton Wilson (Illuminati Papers excerpt).

1. The biosurvival
Winner: "I will live forever or die trying."
Loser: "I don't know how to defend myself."

2. The emotional-territorial
Winner: "I am free; you are free; we can have our separate trips or we can have the same trip."
Loser: "They all intimidate me."

3. The semantic
Winner: "I am learning more about everything, including how to learn more."
Loser: "I can't solve my problems."

4. The sociosexual
Winner: "Love, and do what thou wilt." (Anon. of Ibid)
Loser: "Everything I like is illegal, immoral, or fattening."

5. The neurosomatic
Winner: "How I feel depends on my neurological knowhow."
Loser: "I can't help the way I feel."

6. The metaprogramming
Winner: "I make my own coincidences, synchronicities, luck, and Destiny."
Loser: "Why do I have such lousy luck?"

7. The neurogenetic
Winner: "Future evolution depends on my decisions now."
Loser: "Evolution is blind and impersonal."

8. The neuroatomic
Winner: "In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true, or becomes true within certain limits to be learned by experience and experiment. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind. There are no limits." (Dr.John Lilly)
Loser: "I am not psychic, and I doubt anyone is."

RAW Circuits 1-4

RAW Circuits 5-8

7 Circuits and archetypes

image from showing circuits & chakras
(click here to view full pic in new window)

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