Monday, February 4, 2008

Train Your Eyes to See Color, Again

Neat little article on perceptions
I'll post some more eye and consciousness-related exercises later on.

1. Next time you are walking or driving somewhere, or sitting on the bus or a car. Remember to do this.
2. Pick a color and focus on it. Look for that color in your field of vision as you’re moving about. For example, focus on the color red.
3. Do this for several minutes. Do you notice this color in so many places?
4. Pick another color and focus on it. Forget about the first color, just focus on the second. For example, try the color green.
5. Continue for several minutes. Scan your surroundings. Do you suddenly notice your second color popping up everywhere?
6. Repeat several times using different colors each time.

Pretty cool huh? As simple or as silly this may sound, it’s a powerful exercise that I like to play around with. Each time we shift our focus on a new color, it feels like a shift in vision, or putting on special glasses that only filters this color.

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