Tuesday, April 15, 2008

After all what is Time, a mere Tyranny? (+Simulacra part 2)

The Hidden Agendas Blog has salvaged a fascinating article that went missing from the news site pravda.ru, here's an excerpt:

The possibility to travel in the past is proved by Professor Nikolai Koziryov, who works in the observatory of Pulkovo (Saint - Petersburg). He found out that astronauts observe the light of one the same star from three points from the past, present and future.

Academician Albert Veinik from Minsk, Bellarus, proposed a hypothesis back in the 70s that the time has a material carrier. He called it Chronomic zone and even made a device for its accumulation.

Albert assumed that our planet also has a chronosphere, so if we learn how to manipulate it, we'll be able to make a trip to the past.

Read the entire fascinating article here

"Who controls the past controls the future.
Who controls the present controls the past."
George Orwell

The Blob put up a related post today including the video game Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

This is quite fascinating, as 1. David Wilcock has mentioned that the elite already possess time travel tech and are hereby masters at rigging elections and turning reality to their favor.

And 2. Of course, now I can't hesitate to post more excerpts from Philip K. Dick's Simulacra (spoiler alert) which is just pure genius. It also features the elite having time travel technology, similar to "The Penultimate Truth", another great book by him, in which the elite use time travel tech even to misuse archaeology.

Among many other wonderful tongue in cheeck social commentary, the matriarchal President Nicole - who is like a celeb that the citizens ignorantly worship, uses the fictional(? :p) von Lessinger Principle to get someone back from Time chosen by a general to apparently save 6 million Jewish lives in some period that might be familiar to you (I haven't finished the book but I think the State of Israel in the book pushed this), guess who they get to negociate with...

"'It's Goering,' Nicole said.
'Of course,' Star continued to smile.
'You damn fool,' she said. 'He's too smart for any of us - don't you know that? If we try do business with him-'"
And of course, there are always warnings...
"I think von Lessinger was right in his final summation: no one should go near the Third Rech. When you deal with psychotics you're drawn in; you become mentally ill yourself."
Later however a plot leaks out that some Ges (elites, fittingly I associate them with Gangsters :p, after all what is a ganster, a part of an elitist gang) that want to stop the system of having an android be supposedly elected by the people every 4 years, that becomes the husband of Nicole and gives the people another illusion and something to look forward to. lol! That's not even the full story but I won't spoil all of it.
"'And,' Pembroke pointed out eagerly, 'these eight men, these top officers at Karp (android factory), are de facto criminals; they've deliberately met and conspired against the legal government... 'May I say,' Nicole said drily, 'that all of us are de facto criminals. Because this government - as you pointed out is based on a fraud. And of the most primary magnitude.'
'But it's the legal government,' Garth said. 'Fraud or not. And the so-called "fraud" is in the best interests of the people. We're not doing it to exploit anyone - as the cartel system does. We're not out to engorge ourselves at somebody else's expense.'
At least, Nicole thought, that's what we tell ourselves."
So the book so far alludes that they will try to convince Goering to bring some of his assassins, which are normally no longer necessary and thus don't exist anymore as a near-complete control system is in place, to wipe out the conspirers and thus retain the Status Quo and stay in power.

"He had gone slightly ahead in his time, by use of his own von Lessinger equipment; he had become impatient waiting for Nicole to arrange the transfer of Goering. Here it was now; or rather, here it would be in seven more hours."

"It was easy, possessing von Lessinger equipment, to penetrate the White House despite its National Police guards... Not only was he able to observe his past and future selves - the future, at least, in terms of possibility. Of potentiality, rather than actuality. The vista spread out for his inspection of the perhaps."

"They will make a deal. Nicole and Goering; the Reichsmarschall, taken first from 1941 and then from 1944, will be shown the ruined Germany of 1945, will see the end in store for the Nazis - will see himself in the dock at Nuremberg, and, at last, will view his own suicide by a poison carried in a retal suppository. This will rather influence him, to say the least."
"Artists use lies to tell the truth. Politicians use them to cover it up." V

Maybe, maybe.


  1. Excellent write up! Thanks for the plug, I had gone back to try and find that story at the web site, but could not locate it at all, luckily I saved it to the hard drive, learned that one after seeing significant stories vanish as quickly as they were posted! Hmmm, wonder if it has anything to do with the elites and their probably already time travel escapades! Guess it's time for people to learn how to be "outside" of time...

  2. I went looking too, couldn't find it either, I saved it too from your site. It's indeed a very good habit, I even do it with youtube vids through keepvid.com.

    This sure puts this quote in a new light :p
    "Time is the justice that examines all offenders." William Shakespeare
