Friday, May 16, 2008

Daily Dedroidify: 2012

Daily Dedroidify: 2012
or How I learned to stop worrying and love the dimensional shift

Don't BELIEVE anything about 2012,
take responsibility for your own spiritual evolution now.

John Major Jenkins on RedIceCreations: Galactic Alignment part 1 & the rest

John Major Jenkins website
John Major Jenkins RedIceCreations link
The How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 AD
on Conscious Media Network about 2012 & the Mayans

Maurice Cotterell and the Sunspot Cycle
Maurice M. Cotterell is an engineer, scientist and author who found a way of calculating the duration of long-term magnetic reversals on the Sun.

(UPDATE: review by John Major Jenkins of this Sunspot work is rather destructive, read Jenkins' Review of 'The Mayan Prophecies by Gilbert & Cotterell' here: "The effort to figure out what the end date is all about is commendable, but new perspectives concerning the astronomy of the Mayan end-date have already been published and point to a different and much more thoroughly tested and documented hypothesis - a hypothesis quite compellingly simple. As outlined earlier, my hypothesis is simply based on the astronomical alignment that occurs on the Long Count end date - the winter solstice of 2012 A.D.")

Using this knowledge he was able to break the codes of ancient sun-worshipping civilisations, In 'The Mayan Prophecies' he revealed how the mysterious beliefs of the ancient Mayas, who believed we are living in the fifth and final age of the Sun, were based on sound scientific principles.

How did a people living more than a thousand years ago in the jungles of Central America come to possess such extraordinary prophetic insights? His research reveals incredible pictorial evidence that proves the man in the tomb at Palenque, Lord Pacal, priest-king leader of the Maya concealed his knowledge in his tomb in an extraordinary way... and shared this knowledge and the higher orders of spirituality with his people, just like Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and others before him. (Another book lists Tutankhamun and Mohammed aswell.)

The tomb contains the Temple of Inscriptions which houses the famous "Lid of Palenque" (Which remains there because it weighs tons). When you look at the lid you just see a big picture. But when you overlay transparent copies at the right angles, more than 100 secret pictures of encoded knowledge appear! (The jade mask of Pacal found in the tomb can also be transformed.) This ancient knowledge is known and thrives today, concealed in sacred geometry, cherished by the Roman Catholic Church and the higher orders of Freemasonry.

What's really amazing though, is that this knowledge is not just encoded in the tomb of Pacal, but also in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, the decoded treasures found in the tomb of Tutankhamun (Which wasn't 'partially robbed and resealed' but the chaos was part of the riddle.), the statue and Tomb of Viracocha in Peru, Stonehenge and the huge Terracotta Warriors tomb of the first Emperor of China (Shi Huang-Di, who was said to be part Dragon. It was also said that his mother was impregnated by a beam of light emanating from the star Alpha Draconis. There are more than 8.000 life-sized soldiers in the tomb!)

The Temple of Pacal includes prophecies and predictions for our time leading to the year 2012. They reveal that the Mayan calendar prophesies the end of our own 'Age of the Jaguar', the fifth and 'final' 'sun' in 2012. (And the start of a new era, a consciousness and dimensional shift.) This, according to Cotterell's sunspot theories will be brought about by a sudden reversal in the earth's magnetic field. Click here for a synposis of the Mayan Prophecies (Co-written with Adrian Gilbert.)

Sound of Creation Awakens You

from the vid info:
The call comes before 2012: The time to awaken is NOW

In 2008 you will be awakened!
In 2009 you will be transformed!
In 2010 you will transcend.
In 2011 you will be enlightened!
In 2012 it will be over!

David Wilcock: The Law of One series and many other sources, including my own, tell us that we DO have to prepare for this event. Though some might groan as if hearing a bad punchline, the secret is that “it’s all about spiritual growth in the end.” In order to “make the Ascension”, we have to achieve an above 50-percent motivation towards “service to others,” or the positive path, as opposed to “service to self,” or the negative path.
Read the entire article here at Divine Cosmos

GV: The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock

Why our time dimension is about to become space-like
It don't get much weirder than this. The universe is about to lose its dimension of time says a group of theoretical astrobods at the University of Salamanca in Spain. And they got the evidence to prove it.

Time is running out - literally, says scientist
2012: NASA sees start of “new solar cycle”

Terence McKenna: Timewave zero clip (full vid here)

Terence McKenna on 2012 & UFOs - from Under the Teaching Tree:
"The ufo is a mirage, being cast backward into time by the transcendental object at the end of time. (...) It's a compensatory image that haunts time because time is a kind of hologram, time is a fractal and fractal means that the same pattern is embedded again and again in a relationship of self-similarity. So because the transcendental object exists somewhere ahead of us in history there must be necessarily a tiny part of it somewhere nearby. And this is what the ufo is I think, and this is why nobody's ever gonna show you a chunk of it, and they're never gonna put an extraterrestrial on television, because it isn't that kind of a creature, it's a compensatory image from the end of time.
We have been too long under the spell of the idea that only the past creates the present, the present is actually largely created by appetite for the future and this would seem to me a highly improbable idea had I not taken psychedelics and gotten this hyperdimensional view of the system that we're living in and then we can see that yes, history is not a random walk, it's not a series of undirected random fluxuations.
History is a proces of fractal self-complexification that builds on whatever it has achieved, and so upon the complexity of animal organisation is laying the complexity of human language, upon which is layed the complexity of symbolic signification of that language, upon writing is layed technology and so forth and so on, so we are in the sense of giving birth to or creating the object of our theology, which is a kind of god or goddess, and the UFO is simply an indicator that we are so close now to encountering the concrescent transcendental object that is able to haunt the skies of earth and people who live in trailer parks :p"

Daniel Pinchbeck: Postmodern Times Toward 2012

"Clearly, the shift to a higher form of consciousness could not happen passively. The transformation of consciousness requires not only personal work, but direct and surgically precise engagement with ecological, political, psychological, commercial, technological, and spiritual aspects of reality - as Nietzsche noted, the deed creates the doer, "as an afterthought." It is inconceivable that a movement to a state of higher consciousness could take place in a subconscious murk. Such a shift could only take place in one way: in the full light of consciousness. To accomplish this would require the complete engagement of our will and our higher cognitive faculties. We would have to decondition ourselves from negative programming, overcoming distractions and self-justifications and egocentric goals---to "abandon abandonment" and "escape escapism," as I was once told in a dream - in order to act for the greater good. At the moment, it is unclear how much sacrifice will be necessary."
Daniel Pinchbeck: 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl

Ian Lungold Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled (1of3) (the rest)

Based on the work of Carl Johan Calleman

2012 links
2012 Streaming Vids
An Overview of the Mayan Calendar from Dr. Calleman's research
Carl Johan Calleman's Website
The How and Why of the Mayan End Date in 2012 AD by John Major Jenkins
John Major Jenkins interview on Conscious Media Network about 2012 & the Mayans (register)
John Major Jenkins website
Jay Weidner: 2012 The topology of time
Jose Arguelles Planetary Pilgrims
Albert Villoldo The Four -

General 2012 overview you wanna check out:
Terence Mckenna's Novelty Theory (Timewave Zero)
Daniel Pinchbeck and the return of Quetzalcoatl
The Mayan Calender in general & The Hopi prophecies
Maurice Cotterell
John Major Jenkins
Carl Johan Calleman (Ian Lungold lectures)
Jose Arguelles
Albert Villoldo

Love and weapons, kill much the same way!
With shaking hands we start again!
boy sets fire - falling out theme

us kids know, where we go

Arcade Fire: No Cars Go

Angels & Airwaves - A little's Enough

The children ran to see
The parents stood in disbelief
And those who knew braced for the ride
The earth itself then came alive to say...

More at the 2012 page.

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