Jung's Understanding of the Meaning of the Shadow by Laurens van der Post.
Not the least of Jung’s services to his time was his demonstration of how the dreaming process in man, far from being archaic and redundant, was more relevant than ever. Thissymbol moving between his dream and daylight self, however, was crucial at this moment.For years Jung had observed a sort of circular movement of awareness, dreams, visions, andnew inner material round an as yet unclefined centre like planets and moons around a sun. Itwas a strange rediscovery of what had once been called the "magic circle."
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Not the least of Jung’s services to his time was his demonstration of how the dreaming process in man, far from being archaic and redundant, was more relevant than ever. Thissymbol moving between his dream and daylight self, however, was crucial at this moment.For years Jung had observed a sort of circular movement of awareness, dreams, visions, andnew inner material round an as yet unclefined centre like planets and moons around a sun. Itwas a strange rediscovery of what had once been called the "magic circle."
Read the rest (17 pages) here at Scribd.
You can't go wrong with van der Post- everyone needs to understand Jung's shadow concept.