Saturday, May 3, 2008

Robert Monroe OBE Quotes

There are many other consciousness growth centers throughout what you know as the physical universe.

Emotion is what makes the game seem so wild, but it is the game, the one game in which all other games are played. The others feed score to the big game in the form of emotional energy. The big game is to control and develop this emotional energy to its most effective condition, which is vaguely set by humans as love, until we graduate. The more we score, the more fun it becomes.

The paradox attached to such vital energy, emotion as you call it, is the opportunity for growth it provides and the simultaneous possibility of stasis and retrogression. Control and direction thereof thus becomes a prime purpose in the evolving human experience. Understanding and comprehension is the resultant and flows without effort. At no point is the goal to repress or suppress such energy. Instead, it is enhanced when directed and focused into the channels for which it was originally designed.

The major reasons (or only) for attending the human experience school are first, to learn to translate the original Prime Energy ("Super Love") into discernible form and second, to become a first-order generator of the original Prime Energy.

The depth of learning is in direct relation to the intensity of the experience.

Emotion is the key to and the driving force underlying every thought and action in human existence.

Remember that your ultimate goal is not physical survival.

It's a predator world by design--and it's a superb teaching machine.

Exercise your Human Mind as full as possible, knowing it is only an exercise.

The next outward layer is what we think others think of us. Attempting to keep up, or leading a totally reactive existence--which is what many people do--can if you allow this lifestyle to take over, lead to a veritable hell on earth.

The only way you can obtain [love] is through shared life experience, and even then there is no guarantee. The deeper, more intense the shared experience, the less time it takes.

Enjoy your life in the System, maximize your highs and lows--but don't become addicted.

[Advanced souls] know that they cannot change the system and they don't wish to. They are content to enjoy themselves in the Earth Life System and the only influence they exert is to maximize their experience.

Relax, breathe evenly…the beginning of differential phasing…the fading of physical input as phase separation deepens and nonphysical sensory mechanisms begin to take over…this is much the same as going to sleep but without the loss of consciousness.

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