Monday, May 26, 2008

The Science of Lost

Above Left: a Dharma Initiative logo. Right: Large Hadron Collider (CERN)

This Popular Mechanics article on “debunking” the science of Lost does little debunking and much fawning and speculating. (LOL, sounds like their work on "debunking" 9/11 conspiracy theories - they even had to cancel interviews because they were being hammered in debates. These guys actually make money? :p).
What I love about lost (inspired also by RAW and John Lilly!) is the weird science, the emerging consciousness, synchronicity, dharma & karma, the little hints and symbolism. I can't believe they're stretching this show until 2010 though.

Thanks very much Hatch 23


  1. "debunking" 9/11 conspiracy theories"

    I don't find the 9/11 conspiracy theories credible, but I do have circumstantial evidence of conspiracy to hide, mis-represent and/or confuse some of the risks related to operation the Large Hadron Collider, and to prevent a reasonable and comprehensive safety study to determine the possible risks related to creating micro black holes on Earth that might pose an existential threat to the planet. Again only circumstantial evidence and only in my opinion as to whom this might involve based primarily from my work as co-moderator at I am now the founder of

    And whether this rises to the level of criminal conspiracy and whom this may involve is unclear, and may depend on several factors, including how dangerous the Large Hadron Collider may actually prove to be to the Earth, and whether those involved know more about the risks than they are sharing publicly...

    Learn more about the risks, and what PHDs and Professors of Math and Physics have to say at

    Dr. Raj Baldev, Director of the Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research writes:

    “ … the scientists are fully aware that it is not a project without a grave risk to the life of the Earth.”

  2. "debunking" 9/11 conspiracy theories"

    I don't find the 9/11 conspiracy theories credible, but I do have circumstantial evidence of conspiracy to hide, mis-represent and/or confuse some of the risks related to operation the Large Hadron Collider, and to prevent a reasonable and comprehensive safety study to determine the possible risks related to creating micro black holes on Earth that might pose an existential threat to the planet. Again only circumstantial evidence and only in my opinion as to whom this might involve based primarily from my work as co-moderator at I am now the founder of

    And whether this rises to the level of criminal conspiracy and whom this may involve is unclear, and may depend on several factors, including how dangerous the Large Hadron Collider may actually prove to be to the Earth, and whether those involved know more about the risks than they are sharing publicly...

    Learn more about the risks, and what PHDs and Professors of Math and Physics have to say at

    Dr. Raj Baldev, Director of the Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research writes:

    “ … the scientists are fully aware that it is not a project without a grave risk to the life of the Earth.”

