Saturday, May 10, 2008

Synchromystic roundup

The Hidden Agendas: Trailing The Slithering Synchs
A 360° rainbow around the sun, what else do I need to say? :p

Meta-Logic Café: Horns of Power
Wow! That took me places I haven't been before :)

Thuther Thought: We're in the Middle of WWIII = Wizard War III
Pretty self-explanatory title!

Gosporn: Respect
Mandatory internet warning for graphic image & awesome information ;)

For some fun paranoia: (everything can be fun when not taken too seriously ;p)
Atlantean Times: Is Jamie Oliver a Freemason?
Pseudo Occult Media: Stephen Colbert 33rd Degree Freemason?

Colbert on Fulford & Illuminati

Ewige Blumenkraft!
You think Colbert read RAW & Robert Shea's Illuminatus or his writers did? :p

Colbert's show is weird, the humor doesn't always work (I can only watch Stewart's Daily Show and the Report every few months when really bored) and need I say again, a lot of republicans thought he was one of them when the show started, I mean ouch! How do you not get that?

The horns would mean I'm illuminati too haha. Though it's possible, Stewart & Colbert mostly stick to the mainstream stories & talk to politicians a lot on their shows (eww :p). I often see them as gatekeepers like Chomsky (9/11) possibly may be too - though never underestimate ignorance and Belief Systems, there doesn't always need to be a conspiracy ;p. Colbert was really freaking nervous at the president roast though ;). Then again the "see patterns where non exist" line tips it over the other end once more, mainstream media folk love ridiculing conspiracy and it's a great tactic to avoid the average joe from looking into such matters.
Colbert has a point here too though - confirmation bias plays a huge role in conspiracy research (& obviously synchromysticism too, though on a whole other level) which is one of the main themes of this blog, avoiding that! I think in finding patterns the only thing to keep sane and not make a mess of one's belief system is not taking it too seriously.

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