Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Daily Dedroidify: Reiki

Daily Dedroidify: Reiki

Reiki is a form of spiritual practice, used as a complementary therapy and proposed for the treatment of physical, emotional, and mental diseases. Reiki balances the chakra energy centers and/or heals an ailment energetically. Mikao Usui developed Reiki in early 20th century Japan, where he said he received the ability of 'healing without energy depletion' after three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount Kurama. Practitioners use a technique similar to the laying on of hands, which they say will channel "healing energy" (ki). Practitioners state that energy flows through their palms to bring about healing and that the method can be used for self-treatment as well as treatment of others.

Reiki seems to work at the 5th circuit neuro-somatic (directed attention and mind-body connection) of the 8 Circuits of Consciousness model. Possibly at the 6th neuro-electric circuit too considering the flow of Chi.
Reiki is taught through 3 or 4 levels, you find a reiki master (level 3/4) to 'attune' you and teach you reiki.
# Level 1: basic theories and procedures of how to work with Reiki energy, placement of hands on each chakra, self-healing daily for a month and healings for other people are given free
# Level 2: use of three symbols which are said to enhance the healing effect and allow for distance healing
# Level 3: master, can attune others

My L1 teacher was Tracey Owen, check out her website.
In some systems there are more advancements to be learned, for instance stages in the different elements application of energy and more in Tera Mai reiki by Kathleen Millner, interesting - but pricey :p, I once attended a healing session by her in Belgium though and felt her presence radiate as they say of spiritually advanced people. Quite an experience!

I will update this page later by describing different healings I've done on myself and others to give you a clearer picture of how it works.
Instructions to try and give yourself a reiki healing
The human mind is capable of much, through experiment (mystics are scientists after all) I've learned that people don't always need an attunement, being a placement of symbols in the crown chakra, to activate the possibility of self-healing or even healing others with reiki. Try the following instructions, this is just my way of doing reiki there are many others and they are probably all ok, and see how much possibility lays before you:
Lay or sit down and relax, breathe deep and easy from down below - not the chest - throughout the session
affirm that you are a part of the universal consciousness and source and you are able to tap into the universal energy called reiki.

1. grounding
Make sure you're feet are touching the floor at all times during reiki for beginner safety. First feel and see white energy with every inhalation and exhalation go from the top of your head through your body through the floor, through the ground and deep down into the middle of the earth say to yourself something like: "I am now grounding myself to mother earth, thank you mother earth for grounding me"
after doing it for a few breaths you could be able to feel the energy come into and out of your feet and legs when you do or when you've done this for a minute or 2 or so,
say: "I am now grounded to mother earth, I will remaind grounded for as long as is necessary for this reiki session, thank you mother earth."

(optional: you can visualise white positive healing light coming in to your left leg with every inhalation, and visualise black stagnant or bad light coming out of your right leg to a specific spot that needs healing, you can also use both legs at the same time for the black/white light, then alternate with exhalation/inhalation)

2. cocooning
INHALE and feel the light energy go up from your feet through your body through your head crown, EXHALE, and fountain out forming a cocoon that starts encircling your body from head to feet, then see the light energy come in your feet again as you INHALE and go up your body again, do this for a few minutes
say to yourself as you do this: "I am now in my sacred space, this cocoon of love and light energy only allows in positive energy and beings of love and light, all negative energy is rid out, I am now in my cocoon of love and light, my *insert your methaphysical favorites here* keep me safe, I will remain in my sacred space for as long as is necessary for my protection during this reiki session."
relax as you do this and feel safe, know your *insert your methaphysical favorites here* are looking out for you and know that fear ony takes the shape you give it, so visualise yourself in a white cocoon of love and light and feel the divinity within you

3. reiki
say to yourself: "I now open myself to receive the flow of reiki, thank you *insert your methaphysical favorites here* for this blessed gift of reiki, (feel and visualise this too:) I now feel reiki flowing into my crown chakra, flowing down my head and arms to my hands and radiating out in a glow" (you will know when it's working when you feel the loving warmth/cold (depends on energy needed for you at this time) radiating from your palms into your body.

then you can either do a body part that needs healing for a half hour or 45 minutes or an hour or even longer (if you have some good tunes or an audiobook or a video it can work out)
or normally a reiki session includes around five or more minutes each on: crown chakra (violet): the side of the eye temples along the ears, with the palms at eye level
third eye chakra (indigo purple): covering the eyes and forehead
throat chakra (blue): cupping the hands on the throat gently
heart chakra (green or pink): across the chest (middlefingertips barely not touching)
solar plexus chakra (yellow): above the belly button (mftips barely not touching)
sacral chakra (orange): below the belly button (mft bnt)
root chakra (red): alongside the private parts :p

you can visualise the indicated color of a spinning vortex of energy
on each chakra if you want, it's no biggy if you don't do it right away

the qualities of the chakras are:
crown: spirituality
third eye: intuition, wisdom, forgiveness, psychic
throat: communication, self-expression
heart: love and friendship, relationships
solar plexus: self esteem, personal power
sacral: emotions, unconscious, sexuality, creativity
root: survival, physical needs, material real world matters

after you're done (your time is up or you feel energized enough), say: "I am now stopping the flow of reiki, I will remain grounded and in my sacred space for as long as is necessary for my protection, thank you *insert your methaphysical favorites here* for this blessed healing and gift." Give yourself time to readjust to the material, get up slowly as you would out of meditation and just feel thankful that you are able to heal yourself (and others) from now on :)

And then share the gift with others :)

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