Saturday, June 7, 2008

International Visitor Leadership Program

How long can the rigged game of politics continue with information like this coming out, well long because not enough care to learn it (:p). Here is another blatant display of a global effort for a New World Order: A US Program called the International Visitor Leadership Program which of course started with Nelson Rockefeller to train world leaders:

The International Visitor Leadership Program annually brings to the United States approximately 5,000 foreign nationals from all over the world to meet and confer with their professional counterparts and to experience America firsthand. The visitors, who are selected by American Foreign Service Officers overseas, are current or potential leaders in government, politics, the media, education, labor relations, the arts, business and other fields.

Among the thousands of distinguished individuals who have participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program since its inception more than five decades ago are more than 200 current and former Chiefs of State, 1,500 cabinet-level ministers, and many, many other distinguished leaders from the public and private sectors.

Just some of the alumni: Margaret Thatcher (turbo bitch & Reagan puppet), Tony Blair & Gordon Brown (any doubt left of their puppet-hood?), Guy Verhofstadt (former Belgian prime minister, aka Baby-Thatcher, hmm!), Nicolas Sarkozy (French President who incited the Paris Riots), Jan Peter Balkenede (aka Harry Potter, Belgian big mouth minister of foreign affairs and fellow NWO puppet Karel De Gucht said "Balkenende is a mix of Harry Potter and a petty rigid bourgeois mentality". It's just a game. Several attempts have been made to popularise Balkenende's image. During the 2006 election campaign, the political youth organisation CDJA created special T-shirts with the prime minister's face turned into Che Guevara. - no shame), Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa (Mexican puppet president, will be no trouble to form the North American Union), Marius Job Cohen (Amsterdam mayor, getting rid of legal prostitution there by taking on... the landlords) and many others.

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