Friday, June 27, 2008

Olympic Logo: 3-l Swastika & ZION= 2012

Check out this fun with symbols, from rumormillnews, and many thanks to PseudOccult. I never realized ZION=2012, ha! This is the logo for the 2012 London Summer Olympics. London will be the first city to host the games for the 3rd time.

Early public reaction to the logo, as measured by a poll on the BBC website, was largely negative: more than 80% of votes gave the logo the lowest possible rating. Several newspapers have run their own logo competitions, displaying alternative submissions from their readers. It was widely commented that the logo resembles an image of the cartoon character Lisa Simpson performing fellatio and others have complained that it looks like a distorted Swastika (see below). (added: you can also spell Oz, obviozly.)

Olympic Logo also spells Zion

Zion(2102 rearranged or backwards)=2012 (equal value numerologically)

3-legged Swastika

And more 3-legged Swastikas (triskelions) from this source:
A stylized triskelion, Greek for three-leg .
This sign is associated with progress and competition and originated in ancient Greece, where it was used on coins.
Nowadays one can find on the coat of arms of the Isle of Man, the island between Great Britain and Ireland.
The Isle of Man is inhabited by Celts, and is related to , an early Celtic sign.
A similar structure, [same without hooks on the end], is used in electrical contexts to signify a certain type of transformer winding

Signs of this type are called triskelion, three-leg. This one is from a sheild that was used as a prize at competitions in Athens around 500 B.C.

This sign is the logo for Afrikaaner Weerstandsbeweging, a white organization in South Africa opposed to ending the policy of apartheid.
Compare with in Group 14.

The ancient structure has been found both in pre-Columbian America and in the Bronze Age Europe. In Europe it is especially associated with the Celtic tribes.
In this variation, , it appears in modern times in France as a sign for Jeune Bretagne, a separatist movement in the Celtic part of Bretagne.
The basic symbol is associated with migrations or independent movements of tribes or clans.

And some more of them

Also check out this huge Olympics symbolism post at Konkrete Junkyard, including a surprise (for me at least) about the main five rings logo.


Bonus if you find the 'hidden' word

me and a buddy thought of "suck it" at first glance but that's not it, lol!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not my finding (rumormill's) but thanks for that great post! Added a linky here too.

  3. Seems as if a lot of in the Synchromystic genre have contributed something on this.

    I put my own spin on this in my article covering "Nazi's, Naziriteship, and Zion".

    "Some Occult signatures are just too clever and insidious to be left ignored...and of course, you will be bombarded with words and imagery that hints all around the idea of "vision" and the ability "to see"."

    Nice contribution.
