Saturday, July 26, 2008

Remember sporadicity?

Well, 2 days of looots of posts made you forget about that post, but sporadicity is in effect now, even worse so, I think I might only get to posting the soonest on monday. But! I have a synchromystic Dark Knight write-up in the works, holy subliminal mindfuck Batman! I had to shut down my conspiracy reality tunnel thought streams because the movie had me in over-analyze mode :p. See you soon folks.


  1. looking forward to the post, as i really enjoyed the film last monday on ImaX.

    when you get it done i'll go and see it at the movies again :)

  2. Ouch--shutting down reality tunnels can be a painful experience! I too am looking forward to your take on it Dedroid!

    Be well, a great counter-action for re-routing conspiracy tunnels is with a creativity one...

  3. Hi :p I appreciate so much your bringing us The Scientists and The Magicians. I bet you don"t sleep much. Steveraymer@hotmail.

  4. oh I'm getting quite good at reality tunnel shifting ;) It's just an intention. And I have a lot to choose from ;p It's an excellent way to experience reality, compared to having only one. I'm about 30% ready with the post now.
