Monday, August 4, 2008

Do they really think the earth is flat?

From BBC News, an interesting look at the BS of the flat-earther:

"On 24 December 1968, the crew of the Apollo 8 mission took a photo now known as Earthrise. To many, this beautiful blue sphere viewed from the moon's orbit is a perfect visual summary of why it is right to strive to go into space.

Not to everybody though. There are people who say they think this image is fake - part of a worldwide conspiracy by space agencies, governments and scientists.

Welcome to the world of the flat-earther.

Our attitude towards those who once upon a time believed in the flatness of the earth is apparent in a new Microsoft advert.

Depicting an olden-days ship sailing on rough seas, presumably heading towards the "edge of the world", the advert is part of a $300m campaign aimed at rescuing the reputation of Windows Vista by comparing its critics to flat-earthers."

lol at Vista, I guess I'm a flat-earther, but only to Microsoft's BS. Who knows about what NASA (Never A Straight Answer) images are fake? :p But as the article author feels, believing the world is flat and horizontally infinite after all these centuries is getting a little silly and has nothing to do with questioning but with believing.

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