Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lauràelle, The Ceremony & The Sword (and a freaking Gargoyle)

Check out this fascinating post at Robert Bruce's website, about the OBE experience and what is possible, this is just incredible ;p)

I have hesitated over the telling of this tale for many years. I have a lifetime of experiences like this to share, but some (like this one) may seem way over the top to some people, no matter how its written. This is simply because they lack any kind of experience that would allow them to relate to it. Because of this, part of me says to keep these things to myself, while another part urges me to share everything freely. So, although I am still undecided on this matter, I've decided to take a risk and let you, the reader, be the judge.

The following experience happened in the late 80's. This is one of the most extraordinary OBE experiences I have had to date. It occurred during a powerful real time projection around midnight. It depicts some highly unusual events. Please trust that I have taken great pains to add nothing to this powerful experience; and have not taken poetic license nor romanticized it in any way. On the contrary, I shortened and toned it down a great deal during the writing of it.

Many of you are, or will soon become, projectors in your own right. Some of you, I am quite sure, will have experiences every bit as awe-inspiring as this one may seem to you right now. And after reading this, at least you will have something to measure your own extraordinary experiences against. And maybe one day you'll think to yourself, hey, that Astral Knights story of Robert's is not so weird after all. When out-of-body it really does pay to be prepared for the unexpected -- understatement! And if you think: "Hey, Robert's getting really strange on us here" then I challenge you to prove me wrong or otherwise: get out of your body and see for yourself what's really and truly out there.

My friends, there is a whole lot more to OBE and other dimensions than meets the eye. Other dimensions, even the relatively simple and stable real-time zone, have aspects to them that are hidden for the most part, even to the most serious and dedicated of experienced projectors. I honestly think its more a matter of sincerity, heartfelt open-mindedness, belief and a willingness to believe, than it is of skill or ability or natural talent. But I do not extend this thought to include the imaginations and fantasies of a vaporous mind.

The following is, going by all I know and trust and hold dear, a fully objective Real-Time experience, had immediately after leaving my physical body. I was fully awake when I left my body, fully awake and coherent during the experience, and fully awake when I reentered it. There was no break in consciousness at any time, and I had a full shadow memory download. I did not leave the real-time environment; nor my own house (nor my own mind for that matter) at any time during this experience.

It begins. Buzzing out of my body around midnight, I floated towards the dining room and stopped cold. A being, looking much like a traditional gargoyle, was hovering near the kitchen entrance, high up on the wall. It was an ugly brute about the size of a large dog, humanoid but with over-long legs and arms, dark leathery body and a leering caricature of a face with dull-red glowing eyes. It was hunched motionless with knees held to its chest just inside the wall about head-high. It seemed to be watching me but I don't think it was aware I had spotted it yet. I floated forward to confront it and it sprang to life. It moved with the strobe-like jerkiness common to many negative entities; when seen clairvoyantly or during a real-time OBE. Turning, it moved through the wall away from me…and into the nursery. A fierce shiver of energy coursed through me and all fear vanished as I thought about what this thing might be doing to my children.

A cold, calm rage filled me and my heart center (of my projected double) throbbed heavily as energy poured into me; coming from my physical body. I desperately wanted to drive this thing away, or kill it if I could. There had been an uncomfortable atmosphere in our house lately that came and went. My children had not been sleeping well, having nightmares, night terrors and et cetera.

I racked my brain for a way to attack it and remembered something I'd read many years ago by Dione Fortune, in her excellent book, Psychic Self Defense. Dione said to ask for your sword and armor whilst out-of-body, or if this failed, to create them for yourself. I decided to try creating one first, not having much faith that some mysterious being or force from above might actually give me a sword and armor. I'm a realist at heart and although I'd seen a lot of strange and wonderful things, especially during out-of-body experiences, I'd never seen anything that might lead me to believe something as fantastical as this might ever happen.

I held out my hand and visualized a big, double-handed broad sword, just as Dione had suggested in her book. The sword slowly formed and came into sight over a few seconds, like an image appearing on photographic paper in development fluid. I turned to move after the creature but the sword faded as soon as I ceased holding it in shape with my mind. I remade it several times but it kept fading away. Frustrated and with a sense of growing urgency, I gave up on the idea of creating a sword. In exasperation, I decided to try the other method. 'What did I have to lose,' I thought? Quieting my mind I raised my hand, sincerely and most-reverently asking God aloud for my sword. What happened next totally blew me away and changed my understanding of OBE forever!

Wanna know what that was? Read on here :p

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