Monday, August 11, 2008

SOS 'Students for an Orwellian Society' Successes

As to be expected, SOS has been quite successful. Since the events of 11 September, we have been able to convince a number of figures in national and local politics to help forward our aims. How could they do otherwise? Our successes can be shown to fit into the three major ideals of Ingsoc as expressed by Orwell:

War Is Peace
* Oceania (commonly called the US and Britain) is at war with Afghanistan Iraq. Oceania has always been at war with Afghanistan Iraq.
* Eurasia (commonly called Russia, Pakistan, etc.) is allied with Oceania in war against Afghanistan. Eurasia has always been allied with Oceania.
* In order to fight terrorism, we must cause it, says Donald Rumsfeld.
* It's okay that there were no “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq; that's not why we went to war. It's equally okay that there are so many of them in Oceania.
* “I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.” — George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States

Freedom Is Slavery
* The Anti-Terrorism Act ensures US citizens' freedom by ensuring the FBI's ability to examine their activities.
* We encourage all true citizens of this country to join Operation TIPS, which, we promise, will help further an Orwellian society in ways that we at SOS cannot even begin to fathom.
* When flying, you may use the toilet. However, if it is occupied, do not wait in line for it to become free. Only a terrorist would do that.
* In London, feel secure beneath the watchful eyes of Transport for London.

Ignorance Is Strength
* There is no dissent in this country. Those who disagree with President Bush are merely confused.
* The New York Times published an excellent piece of doublethink in its magazine section on Sunday 18 November. It is bad that Al-Jazeera fails to take American positions seriously. It is good that American media doesn't take Arab positions seriously. And all this from an Arab-American scholar who President Bush the First once called “more anti-Arab than the Israelis.”
* Government agencies are requesting that certain government reports be removed from public libraries. An excellent indication that SOS is having influence at the highest levels!
* Thanks, Time Magazine for removing articles from your website!

Just an excerpt. Check the link for more of their successes so far (some links are down unfortunately).

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