Friday, August 29, 2008

Waterdoor to Mayan Underworld discovered

Hehe, well I twisted the title a little and I'm incredibly late with this but there you go. Mexican archeologists have discovered a maze of stone temples in underground caves, some submerged in water and containing human bones, which ancient Mayans believed was a portal where dead souls entered the underworld. 11 sacred temples and a 330 feet road, you don't say!
Thanks to James Ratte: "Eleven sacred temples and a 330-foot long road', ha ha LULZ, eleven & 330, go figure."


  1. Re: your twist - then it's UnderWater World ......aaaaagh flooding


  2. I know we can snicker at the 11 and 330, due to our "Masonic friends", and as we know our Numbers have been pretty much turned on us/stolen...

    ...guess we have to go on faith unless we're there to see it for ourselves. They knew this point would come, that distrust would set in, can't wait until they begin re-writing history officially and science (seance) too.

    I read a quote from Zen Master Suzuki that said to practice zaazen as if you were a dying person, then nothing would fool you. I liked that. Be well Dedroid, thanks for staying on top of the stories for us bloggers that still work slave hours (long f*ing days).

  3. I found a nice little one liner written about Probability Theory when I was researching for my Thesis in 2005. "If it is funny repeat it until it is not, If it is not funny repeat it until it is" The Truth in Humor, the Humor in Truth, a cosmic giggle, that electricity, 'mirrors facing each other'

  4. I saw that on National Treasure: Book of Secrets
