Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jim Self - Mastering Alchemy Sacred Geometry Energy Meditation

Jim Self - Mastering Alchemy Sacred Geometry Energy Meditation

Very interesting meditation technique (the ending is basic spiritual beginners talk though), slightly similar to reiki shielding I already use. Look it's the diamond body!(?) It also shares similarities with Drunvalo Melchizedek's (for me hard to visualise) Merkaba meditation. I will definitely try Jim's techniques in the near future (time is an issue though). Jim Self has more vids online and here is his official site MasteringAlchemy.com. I'd appreciate any sharing of experiences or similar techniques.

1 comment:

  1. Uuu... great find. He is very pleasant to listen to.

    The stuff in the site seems to be just available.

    I wonder how much time it takes. I had to seek back employment or else there will be another economy in need of a bailout.
