Alone: AllOne, Al1, Eye Al1 (I Alone), Home is where All is One. Home Al1!
Ark of the Covenant: a) was possibly just the box they kept the entheogens in, the myth was if you looked inside you would die - but it was probably the priesthood that would kill you ;p (thanks James Arthur). b) Other take on it of Nassim Haramein explained by Daniel Pinchbeck (thanks Hidden Dakini)
ASS: A Secret Society. Ety: Beast of Burden. Some stuff you don't have to make up, it's just too easy.
Authority: in dutch is "gezag", add an a and "gezaag" means "sawing" (wait for it) or the more used metaphorical meaning: "whining"!
Awesome: In west-flemish dialect: "Oasemn" (same phonetically) means "breathing", "to breathe". However awesome did not always mean something positive, quite the opposite.
Belief: in dutch "geloof", also means "faith". "Loof" without the "ge" means "praise"...
Ety: Holy shit are you ready for this: Belief used to mean "trust in God", then Belief had by 16c. become limited to "mental acceptance of something as true" (in other words BS in a lot of cases) from the religious use in the sense of "things held to be true as a matter of religious doctrine" (c.1225). So... basically it means dogma.
Catmagree: catma + agree, I catmagree: I seem to agree at this time with the current body of evidence but am open to new interpretation.
Citizens: C-it-iz-zen-S - See it is Zen Wisdom (thanks Imagical Greek) Ety: from City. Shame we don't use Denizen much anymore, I love the word denizen :p (ety: inside, within)
crISIS: Interesting ety. The cliché about the Chinese character also representing Opportunity is... wrong. And in fact it does not mean opportunity but "incipient moment" or "crucial point", just like "turning point" in the english etymology. Don't ever be sad about illusions dashing to pieces, instead be glad about the turning point and the acquiring of more truth ;p.
Dungeon: in dutch "kerker", -er: kerk=church (and 'er' is just a suffix)
(Kerker is from the latin Carcer, from which incarceration comes as well.)
Eternity: etern E.T. ether E.T., return E.T. ? :p Ety: Great Age.
Etymology: True Sense ;p
Freedom: We are all born free! When turned into dutch: "vree dom" sounds like "wreed dom" which means "pretty dumb" (freedumb) and "wreed" literally means "cruel", I guess we can apply that to western politicians perversion of the word. Freedom is one of my highest ideals, though the true freedom, not what silly brainwashed citizens think it is.
Hallucination: Hal/All Lucid Nation ;p - Ety: "wander (in the mind), dream" (though also "deceive", tis possible!)
Hope: Dope (Opiate for the masses? ;p), Nope, Rope :p LOL. Ety: "wish, expect, look forward (to something)", Hmm, wishful thinking eh? ;p. Some suggest a connection with hop (v.) on the notion of "leaping in expectation." Don't get me wrong though I much prefer hope-based over fear-based poly-tics.
Import-ant: What do you choose to import into your mind?, Ety: Bring in.
Island: Is land, Eye land. Ety: Thing on the water, lol.
Life: In flemish/dutch is "Leven" (also "To Live"), there is no singular of "Leven", the closest in flemish/dutch could be "Lef" = "Guts, Nerve, Daring". Ety: Continuance! Something quite different than the recent mechanical materialist view isn't it.
Lord: anagram for the dutch "Drol" which means Shit or turd. Screwed up ety too.
Mansion: Man Sion/Zion, Man's Ion (thanks Imagical Greek)
Missing: I once made the typo misisng - isis is missing, see aferrismoon for more info.
Mission: Missing Sion/Zion/Sun hehe. Etymology: originally of Jesuits sending members abroad, from L. missionem (nom. missio) "act of sending," from mittere "to send," oldest form probably *smittere, of unknown origin.
Missionary: 1656, from mission (q.v.). Missionary position first attested 1969; allegedly so called because Christian missionaries forced it on "primitive" people to replace their more creative variations. When are they gonna make a movie out of that one? :p
Monastery: Moon-a-stare-y (thanks Hendrik Palmgren from Red Ice)
Neo-Con: Neo=One ;p. Con-vict. Con-artist...
Ouroboros pun: "That was a long time ago" in flemish/dutch "Da's lang geleden", slang=snake.
Partizan: backwards is 'nazitrap' :p there is a movie company called partizan films (thanks Steve Willner of Labyrinth of the Psychonaut)
Soldier: soul-die-er, sol (sun) dier (thanks Imagical Greek). Ety is all about the money... Just as today really.
Science: seance (thanks Michael Skaggs of Hidden Agendas). (see first post on Language & Association for more, I have the highest respect for the Scientific Method, but not for Mainstream Science.)
Surface: How much of an Ace are you at Surfing this planet?
Understand: Under-stand, in dutch "verstaan", "ver" = far. So in both languages not the greatest connotations. Ety: Grasp the idea of. Synonym in dutch: Be-grijp, grijp = grasp.
Victim: in flemish/dutch, "slachtoffer", literal translation: "sacrificial offering". No, really. Ety: 1497, "living creature killed and offered as a sacrifice to a deity or supernatural power," from L. victima "person or animal killed as a sacrifice." Perhaps distantly connected to O.E. wig "idol," Goth. weihs "holy," Ger. weihen "consecrate" (cf. Weihnachten "Christmas") on notion of "a consecrated animal." Sense of "person who is hurt, tortured, or killed by another" is first recorded 1660; meaning "person oppressed by some power or situation" is from 1718. Weaker sense of "person taken advantage of" is recorded from 1781. Victimize is from 1830. (thanks Alex of Too Long in this Place)
War: In dutch/flemish: "In de war= confused". Ety: To confuse ;p
Are you keeping your mind on War? Eg:
Global Warming & The Climate Wars BBC docus. War on Terror: War oF Terror, or "War on Terra, Earth" (thanks Michael Tsarion) - Wars/Mars: Flip the first letter, Mars is the War(s) planet (thanks Jake Kotze of The Blob).
Video games: If we consider the theory that focus on x creates more of x, and we consider the intense nature of War video gaming, well...
World of Warcraft - Halo(=Stargate) Wars - Sun Crusher: The Great War - Twilight War: After the Fall -Act of War: Direct Action - God of War 1, 2 - Gears of War 1, 2 - Universe at War - War World - the FPS flood of many WW2 installments of series: Call of Duty (latest: World at War) / Brothers in Arms / Medal of Honor / Battlefield - War of the Ring - World in Conflict - Rome: Total War - Command and Conquer - Frontlines fuel of war - Universe at War: Earth Assault - Warhammer - Guild of War 1, 2 - crapload of Star Wars games - Theatre of War...
Barak - in Cz = apartment/flat; ih hebrew/Arabic something like 'a blessing'.
ReplyDeleteBarrack - in Eng. = place where soldiers live. The verb 'to barrack' = to criticize loudly, shout at, heckle
BRK -[ anglicised Hebrew characters] = 2+200+20/500 enumerated = 222/702
Osama - Os = 'bone', French ; Operating System.
Ama - found it as 'water bucket, esp.a fireman's bucket' on one site.
Scots 'kirk' means church aswell. In Czeck 'krk' means neck
Russian 'robota' means to labour - Karel Capek used it in his book Rozum's Universal Robot.
In German 'arbeit' means work, it got used at the entrance to concentration camp[s] in the phrase 'arbeit macht frei' .
Both words sound similar and emerged with 2 forms of Totalitarianism.
Neo-Con-Serve = a strange variety of jam
Isis is missing in the missing-hippy
Recreate the etymology , synchro-version of Devils Dictionary. Cheers
lol some great ones in there. Thanks for sharing aferrismoon.
ReplyDeleteFun word snacks - thanks for those.
ReplyDeleteand Aferrismoon provided A Tasty Bite to end the meal :)
I knew Aferris would have fun with that!!
ReplyDeleteFun stuff! Thanks bro.
Dont forget rumination- Rumi's Nation!
ReplyDeleteHehe, crossed my mind too when I saw it in yer post CK.