Friday, November 14, 2008

Heroes & Villains

Short Roundup from the last 2 episodes:
Claire (Clear) and Elle (mirrored name, french for "she", and El=Hebrew for God) go to Pinehearst, a front for "the Company", which uses a DNA Logo and has the words Pine(al Gland) & Heart.

: What if there's something wrong with all of us and they can fix it?
Elle: You're fine. You're perfect.
Claire: No, I'm not. Whatever's happening to you, it's happening to me, too.
Elle: You're still healing, aren't you?
Claire: Yeah. But I can't feel pain. And I think it's only a matter of time before I can't feel anything at all.
Elle: You can't feel pain. I wish I had your problems, Cheerleader. My body is screaming. I'm in agony.
Claire: Go with me. If there's a chance that these people at Pinehearst can help us, we'll go together.
Elle: All right, Dorothy. Then we're off to see the Wizard.

But the "wizard" aka "the man behind the curtain" aka Arthur Petrelli causes his own son Peter to go flying through a window as they arrive... (through Sylar, his other son)

Mohinder (voice-over): "A child is born to innocence. A child is drawn towards good. Why then do so many among us go so horribly wrong? What makes some walk the path of darkness while others choose the light? Is it will? Is it destiny? Can we ever hope to understand the force that shapes the soul? To fight evil, one must know evil; one must journey back through time and find that fork in the road, where heroes turn one way and villains turn another."

"I am better, Peter. That's not a belief, it's a fact."
Arthur Petrelli

Meta-Modelling that: Better how exactly?
Well in the episode he has a crapload of powers, but that doesn't change the fact that a range of different intelligences within him need serious work, crazy megalomaniac screwball that he is and all. So how is Petrelli evil? It all comes back to bs, ego & ignorance.

In the same episode, Arthur is holding a copy of Thus Spake Zarathustra, with the much misunderstood concept of the Superman or Overman by Nietzsche. Arthur Petrelli is now the Leader of the Company in heroes, the Company is a much used name for a metaphor about an organization of megalomaniacs that might ring a non-fictional bell. The Company in Heroes got sync'd to Prison Break's Company by the mention of "where's Scofield?" in the last episode. He's not exactly a nice guy, as he has been brainwashing his wife most of their life together, tried to kill his own son, and oh yeah, take over the world by any means necessary...

Arthur Petrelli: What do you suggest, we abort?
Lindermann: No not abort, no. Postpone.
Arthur Petrelli: You're not thinking this through, the plan for New York has been years in the making, do we postpone that too?

Hiro is on a mind expanding spirit journey thanks to an entheogen...

"You eat a disgusting paste made from roots of a Tamboti tree and the dung of a hyena."

And will be facing Arthur Petrelli in the next episode, as he doesn't like people dreaming about him...

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