Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How to Understand: 8 Timeless Thoughts from the Last 2500 Years

How to Understand: 8 Timeless Thoughts from the Last 2500 Years by Henrik Edberg at the Positivity Blog.
"One of the interesting things about getting older and being interested in personal development is how you come to understand just how little you really understand. Quite the change from when I was younger and thought I knew it all. :)

But how can we improve our understanding of ourselves and our world now? Here are 8 timeless thoughts on that topic:

1. Take notice of what others may teach you about yourself.
2. Look at aspirations to understand the heart.
3. You must do to understand.
4. Understand first and not the other way around.
5. Use a lens of sympathy.
6. Be here and now completely.
7. Try a different point of view.
8. Understand that there are things you may not need to understand."
Read on at the Positivity Blog

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this my man, I've been needing some positive reinforcement as of late.

