Friday, January 2, 2009

2009: 666

Happy New Year people, and nice going. We're off to a good start, blog visitor nrs:
Excellent, especially for someone in a Tenacious D Lee phase.


  1. "I never claimed to be a musician. I always wanted to be a ship builder. Thirty three and third; sail around the World just becuase it's fucking round" Bradley Nowell 1968-1996

  2. he talks about 666 & 777 in his 2012 videos. I work for the Hasidic community, so it's cool to see for me. I've always had a deep respect for their stance on Israel.

  3. ah, watching Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood starts reading his lucky numbers and I said in my head ok, he is about to say 23 and whamo, he said 23.

  4. around 40 minutes and 20 seconds
