Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Difference Between NLP Dedroidify Therapy and Conventional Psychology/Psychiatry

With gracious permission of one of my clients, J. who I am helping out of a depression and making the shift from pessimist to optimist, to illustrate the difference he experienced between my NLP and conventional therapy:
"I've seen therapists for the last six years, but it's more of a listening session than anything else, therefore, no help at all."
This is what has motivated me to start NLP therapy, I felt I was good at it, and I haven't heard a single positive review of convential psychologists/psychiatrists, who charged a lot and are not helping their clients. Let's see how J. compares his former therapists to how I helped him:
"Whoa! You covered a lot in this session. Again, these are incredibly new therapies for me. Usually I'd go to a doctor and he'd just sit there and look at me, writing illegibly on some yellow legal pad. What great help that was. Did wonders. I'm kidding of course. The kind of lessons and ideas you present give me a kind of new paradigm to work with in my life."
I know psychologists and psychiatrists learn a lot of theory, and then when they start their practice, they basically have to wing it. Most of them make plenty of money, but little change, therapeutically they crash to the ground instead of soaring with that winging.

The difference between conventional talking therapy and Neurolinguistic Programming, is NLP actually modelled psychologists who knew how to do their job and effect change rapidly and effectively, like Virginia Satyr, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson. On the difference Richard Bandler, one of the founders of NLP, hilariously said this:
"It's not a therapy group, it's a training session - if you want to go to therapy, well, we can recommend some therapists who are very reliable, why some of their clients have seen them for 20 and 30 years."
Richard Bandler
NLP is a sort of practical training. Often one session is all what it will take to get you confident enough to take care of your own consciousness from then on. I asked J. what the psychologists/psychiatrists he went to see for six years to no avail actually specifically suggested:
"As for my therapy sessions, they suggested once that I get angry. One doctor said, get angry, you should be mad, he told me. I said I wasn't very angry at anything, not very angry person. Then he dropped it. They tried to get me to date girls too, saying I needed someone to keep me "occupied". I wasn't having it."
"Get angry, do some random dating. Time's up, see you next week." Geez. How has this paradigm not collapsed yet? Another example:
"The hypnotherapy might be something of interest to me. I've never had that kind of experience. One of the methods of my former psychiatrists was to put me in a chair and tense up my muscles and then release the tension. He gave me a cassette tape with his voice relying instructions. I guess it was his way of recreating meditation practices. It didn't help very much.
This was a guy who when I was talking about my problems would literally yawn with his mouth closed. Ever seen anyone do that? It's really annoying, especially when your spilling your guts to some wealthy doctor (and he was, he owns like six houses and has five boats and red mercedes benz I see him cruising around town in). My mom went to see him too for a while. She did not like his methods and stopped. I have since stopped as well." J.
So this guy at least used a short yoga exercise and made a poor Hypnosis/Guided Meditation tape, instead of using the expensive time to actually do a personal session that would have been of some use. When you have six houses and five boats, who has the time to care about their clients?

What happens in Neurolinguistic Programming? Well it's not a listening session! The NLP therapist finds out the core challenges, motivates the client to use his/her own creativity in applying solutions, helps the client immediately to rearrange the inner world and experiencing, teaches the client an entire toolbox of techniques customizable to their own needs, and most importantly: applies everything that might help!

As for my own offered change therapy, I also teach anything what is of practical use and interest to the client, for instance the psychological use of meditation, practical psychology and much more. If you teach the client how the mind works, they can influence it themselves more succesfully. So when the therapy is over, the client has learned an entire range of new information and techniques that improve the rest of their lives and help them to realize they are the driver and not the passenger of their consciousness. As an incentive to people who are considering my therapeutic services, some more chronological kind words from J:
"Great first lesson."

"Thus far, it's been great."

"Tremendous insight. Very helpful, I appreciate it greatly."

"I must say I've read books on self-help and other philosophy oriented texts that have helped. However, I find this more helpful. It's probably because you can relate to my problems and put the solution in words I can understand and respect.
Thanks again for your time and your kind, inspiring words."

"Whoa! You covered a lot in this session. Again, these are incredibly new therapies for me. Usually I'd go to a doctor and he'd just sit there and look at me, writing illegibly on some yellow legal pad. What great help that was. Did wonders. I'm kidding of course. The kind of lessons and ideas you present give me a kind of new paradigm to work with in my life."

"I did the exercise five times and realized I am the one in control.
Thank you for your kindness and understanding. Great job thus far!"

"I'm glad I came to you. I"m very appreciative that you agreed to give me free lessons. "

"I'm looking forward to it. (Next Lesson)"

"I'm glad you took me on as a client. Regardless of anything, this has helped me tremendously. If you ever need a reference, or feedback, or anything along those lines, I'm your man. "

"Thanks so much again!"
Thanks to J again for his agreement to post this and the wonderful and fast progress he's making. E-mail me at Dedroidify at Hotmail dot Com for more information. If you have any challenges consciousness wise, I'm your man!

"There is nothing permanent or compulsive in your system
except what you believe to be so."
Moshe Feldenkrais

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