Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Terence Mckenna - World Made of Words

From the lecture "Eros & Eschaton"


  1. My own personal philosophy has a way of explaining (or rationalizing) that.

    the way that would work in my philosophy would be something like this...

    All thoughts and all actions have "power", expecially the emotionally charged ones.

    "Underneath us" - everywhere and all around is energy. That "energy" or force, if you will, is a conscious intelligent Creator. We all spring forth from this force. It is the energy which organizes and even creates matter. Matter (coagulated energy) could not exist without this force holding it all together.

    This force is affected by our thoughts and actions and as it is a creative energy it refelects our "input".

    When we flood in negative emotionally charged thoughts the force takes them and then somewhere in creation (somewhere in the material unverse), but usually more local to our sphere - as most of us do not have a strong enough alignment with this creative force to affect beyond our sphere - makes them manifest.

    If you need to imagine it with a simple visual model, I would tell you to hold up a single sheet of paper, flat, like it would be if it were sitting on a table. That piece of paper represents the initial Creator force/energy - I refer to it as the fabric of creation.

    Out of that "fabric", and throughout it, springs forth matter. This matter organizes into a vessel of some type. Whether a galaxy, solar system, star, planet, gas, dust, atom... etc...
    The bigger the organizational unit of "the being", the greater the conscious impact it has on the creation fabric. I would quantify that into something called creative potential.

    Human beings also have creative potential. When we output those positive thoughts and actions and emotions and intent, the fabric receives it and starts about the process of incorporating it into the creation process.

    For example: We output anger and hatred... the fabric manifests a vessel and being that is filled with anger and hatred, like a serial killer, a terrorist, war, or even a storm, for example.

    Another way to consider it is, that, the fabric of creation is a like a "creating mirror" that refelects what it is given. When it is given "negative" energies in the form of hate or anger, etc, it reflects (manifests in the material universe) out of itself a vessel, to contain that emotional force - that vessel could be as small as a single atom or as big as a solar flare or super nova.

    To understand, take a glass of water. Stir it to a vortex then stop stirring and let it continue to spin. Slowly (drop by drop) add a food coloring. You'll see that food coloring swirl throughout the water.

    In the case if the fabric of creation being polluted with the "food coloring" of our negative emotions and intent, it would then push out the pollutant into a being or vessel that will contain it.

    If that "food coloring" makes its way to a conscious being, like ourselves, we have the ability then to transmute it, to absolve and thus dissolve it. To change it through our conscious actions into something positive like love.

    This is perhaps WAY WAY oversimplified and inadequate as It would take an enormously and impossible amount of words to actually attempt to describe the process with any more detail.

    Perhaps, if you ponder that concept a while you may see what various "masters" and great philosophical teachers throughout our history have attempted to communicate to us.

    ...think along the lines of the phrase "the kingdom of God is all around you"...

    If you want yet another simplified example of this interaction between observer, energy and matter, look into the work of Masaru Emoto.

    We are only beginning to understand the "conscious observer - fabric interaction" through our progress in quantum physics.


  2. Keep the tasty McKenna-y goodness flowing!

  3. StrangEye - Sorry, I just can't agree with a theory that makes me and my thoughts completely responsible for the actions of entirely separate from me corporate warmongers and murderers. The world existed before I was around. Is it me or is it Dedroidify causing all the needless havoc in the world? Is it you? Even if I clear my thoughts and focus on peace and love, things continue to spiral deeper in the outside world, and I realize I'm only ignoring very serious issues by convincing myself I can change the world with my thoughts. Things don't just go away because you wish for them to. You're an extremely intelligent and observant person and maybe I just can't grasp what you're really saying.

  4. The answer to all the questions you've posited is "YES!".

    but don't worry about it tommy...

    You don't have to accept it.
    You don't have to figure it out.
    You don't have to get it.

    You have your own brain in your head. And to be honest with you I enjoy your jaundiced viewpoint on things.

    It is no fun when everyone agrees. Makes everything sort of unreal.


  5. I've stumbled across your site for the first time today and needless to say it's blown my mind. You've done an excellent job in the presentation of everything, including on your website.

    I found you by looking for information on Terence McKenna. I've recently read all his books and undergone a "dedroidification" of my own. I seem to have walked out of Plato's cave and, as he said, once one's eyes have seen the true sunlight, one can never again see the same shadows on the wall.

    Keep up the good work.

    And Tommy: maybe the world wouldn't change overnight to a happy place without murder and corporate slavery, but if these ideas were adopted by all, it seems people would at least be too indecisive to err. I jest of course, but don't think of it in terms of pushing the external world out of view; think about it as changing your view of the world.

  6. maybe the world wouldn't change overnight to a happy place without murder and corporate slavery, but if these ideas were adopted by all, it seems people would at least be too indecisive to err. I jest of course, but don't think of it in terms of pushing the external world out of view; think about it as changing your view of the world.

    Last night I was thinking about what I said here and pretty much came to the same conclusion, that if more people thought that way, yes things would change (quickly), at the same time if you expect to be able to do all of it yourself it can lead to some feelings of extreme alienation (believe me, I did feel the same way StrangEye does for a few months) and can be extremely disappointing when you fail at changing anything in the outside world. But by then, you realize that you've changed yourself and that may just be the first step.

  7. tommy,

    believe me, I did feel the same way StrangEye does for a few months

    Perhaps you should elucidate for me...
    How exactly does StrangEye feel??


  8. That simply changing the way you perceive the world around you will change the world itself. Might not be "exact", I don't know how you feel! :p

    I know my view is sometimes "jaundiced" (had to look that one up, thought you were poking fun) but overall I am not nearly as cynical as some people...
