Friday, August 28, 2009

Robert Anton Wilson on Conspiracy


  1. Fascinating stuff! I had no idea Jones actually wore the facepaint... Is he trying to branch out to ICP fans or something?

  2. God I love RAW.

    I often think Alex Jones is 1/3 genius, 1/3 batshit insane and 1/3 useful idiot.

    But RAW, 100% Pure Awesomeness.

  3. Heh tommy me neither, glad I didn't watch it with the regular audio.

    Rob, that's a great analysis ;) Sounds about right

  4. To think I subscribed to prisonplanet for a little while. I can't believe that jones painted his face like the joker and broadcasted a show. What happened there, and what does it mean?

  5. brEYE I think that was a show about the Dark Knight and its blatant conspiracy themes. A 'little' over the top with the paint and body language it seems from this vid though ;)
