23 (full PDF here)
Dictated by Robert Anton Wilson
Transcribed by Howard W. Campbell III
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of
words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the
people who must use the words." --Philip K. Dick
Dictated by Robert Anton Wilson
Transcribed by Howard W. Campbell III
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of
words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the
people who must use the words." --Philip K. Dick
What change would you most like to see manifest Itself in the world around you? Frequency 23 is an experiment in alternative thinking and networking.
What you do with this is up to you.
A meme is a piece of information that reproduces itself, using a human vessel as a communicator-device. The study of memetics is the study of language as intelligent reproduction.
A meme-bearer is someone who acts as a catalyst for certain changes in human thought and behavior. A meme-bearer acts, consciously or unconsciously, as a carrier for any given meme, and works to contaminate the rest of the world at large with these memes, to alter consciousness. Meme-bearers are Change Agents.
“Language is a reality virus.” -William S. Burroughs
It is therefore possible to engineer a massive shift in consciousness through understanding the concept of memetics.
The internet is rife with memes, some beneficial and others detrimental to those who wish to encourage critical thinking and human intelligence increase. A controlled study in internet memetics could be conducted through creating a series of viral rumors, chain-mails, personal bulletins, falsified documents, or otherwise fictional scenarios and studying the ways in which these ideas reproduce themselves.
For this reason, an Agent is prohibited from believing what he or she reads.
Frequency 23 aims to cultivate conscious, witting meme-bearers to act as Change Agents for a higher frequency of awareness. This can be achieved through open dialogues with others, writing and blogging, culture jamming, media projects of all sorts, real-time reality fabrication encounters and group mindfucks, or by merely changing the ways in which you view and interact with the world, and being aware at all times of the ways in which your words and actions shape the world in which we live.
Frequency 23 is a non-profit, creative collective that aims to foster individual growth and the dissemination of paradigm shattering, consciousness altering ideas and actions. It does this through a collective pooling of media, resources, and external networking geared towards intelligence intensification. It operates under the basic assumption that every legitimate revolution is in fact a revolution in consciousness, and perhaps more importantly, the assumption that enlightenment can be contagious.
Frequency 23 is an open-source reality project. A Frequency 23 Agent should understand that reality itself is malleable, and that our interactions with others and the world around us shapes and defines the nature of consensual reality...
Read more here, if you are an artist this is a recommended book too, if you can handle reading the word 'spirits' a million times...
Fitch: You think this jury cares anything about negligent distribution? Product liability? Most of them can't even say the words, let alone understand the meaning. You think your average juror is King Solomon? No! He's a roofer with a mortgage. He wants to go home and sit in his Barcalounger and let the cable TV wash over him. And this man doesn't give a single, solitary droplet of shit about truth, justice or your American way.
Wendell: They're people, Fitch...
Fitch: My point exactly!
The movie directed by Gary Fleder, is an inquiry into practical magick. Grisham is fascinated by magicians. He is Narcissistic that way. The first evidence of this is depicted when Gene Hackman is being driven by a cabbie who tells Gene he pegged him for a first time visitor to New Orleans. Gene Hackman plays a profiler working as a jury consultant. We are introduced to his skill-set by the cabbie’s prodding of being able to “peg” somebody.
Profiler—One who grasps how a person’s values create their behavior, affecting their environment, simultaneously as their environment shapes their subtle values. Profilers are only profilers when they become predictive.
Gary Fleder depicts Gene’s perspective as he focuses on a cross hanging from the rearview mirror, then at a picture of an elderly woman, and finally at a parking stub for a memorial hospital. Gene asks, “How’s your mother?… She feeling better?” The cabbie asks how Gene knew about his mother. Gene continues with his cold reading by saying that this cabbie had considered putting his mother in a home but that it didn’t feel like the Christian thing to do and continues by recommending that cabbie “reconsider the home, because: better to have an unhappy mother than an unfriendly wife.”
I transcribed that accurately. How often does natural dialogue use a colon? Kudos to the screenwriters, Koppelman & Levien. But I digress. In the next seen (scene) we see the nebbish actor dude nobody remembers his name (Jeremy Piven) and does movies with John Cusak and Nicholas Cage, with Dustin Hoffman. Anyway, as Hoffman and Nebbish interact, we realize that these men are also magicians. Hoffman is feigning ignorance about Nebbish dude, or as we say colloquially, he is keeping his cards close to his chest. Or, is it vest? I don’t know how that expression goes exactly.
I’m getting ahead of myself if you haven’t seen this movie. But, of course you have seen this movie. You’re a profiler—if not trained or studied, at least by nature. You see. You see things most people don’t see. You run scenarios in your head, revisiting how you might have better handled a scenario. Extraordinarily biting comments come out of your mouth when your filtering system is too stressed. This movie pits people like you against one another. This movie doesn’t have a love triangle, it has a triangulation of manipulation, filled with overt intentions and clandestine tactics. This is competition at its best. Fuck football and auto racing, this is three-dimensional chess played with live bullets and for high stakes.
A fundamental skill of the intentional magician is profiling. If you intend to persuade somebody, and you don’t want to resort to brute force or threats thereof, an understanding of your target is the keyhole to subtle persuasion. Mindhunt articulates the craft of inductive insights. Similarly, Zero Effect summarizes the procedure; the art of research is to see through the facts to underlying passions. Most people are as they present themselves.
A primary skill of a profiler, a magician, is to be able to identify when a person is lying; this is the skill to ascertain when things are not as they seem, when shenanigans are running amuck. Mike Caro, Body Language of Poker author, says that the first step in interpreting tells is to confidently ascertain when somebody is lying or not. Gene Hackman demonstrates this skill when he says to bounce a prospective juror who reveals himself to be an anti-gun advocate, trying to lie his way onto the jury. Following this scene, we learn that John Cusak is a player of poker without cards because we learn that he has previously presented a false front. Non-poker players think that the only time you lie in poker is when you bluff.
Excellent poker players will sometimes muck premium hands if they know they are beat, and pretend they had rags to conceal their prowess in profiling. A poker player must concern himself with his table image. Many a well-quaffed dresser is as blind as a bat. Most “good dressers” are bound by societal standards inwardly projecting the meanings they ascribe to their surface symbols. Generally, magicians can dress well, but even if they can’t, they understand how their presentation may frame the perception of those who view them. David Mamet once wrote in Men’s Health that there are four levels of poker, you start by learning what you should do in a given situation. Next, you learn what other people are representing by interpreting the language of betting. Then, you learn to interpret how others see you.
Finally, you learn to manipulate how others see you, to improve the likelihood of your effect. Our tell that Cusak is playing poker is when we learn that he was performing in an earlier scene when he pretended not to know his now obvious girlfriend. For the slow learners, Fleder has Cusak say, “Everybody has a button. We just got to find out where and push.” Now, we know he not only hopes to persuade this jury, but that he has a clue as to how he might accomplish this. You see, Benjamin Garth is a profiler. The work Benjamin does in advertising is the same technology FBI profilers and jury consultants use. If you think jury consultants are merely hired to find sympathetic jurors, your naïveté is painful to me. They are hired to be the account planners of their side’s case. They don’t make the speeches, just as an account planner doesn’t make the ads, but jury consultants and account planners write the brief that say what should be communicate and in what tone to deliver the message. Jury consultants are like political consultants, their primary job is to frame the debate.
Most bats, blind civilians, can’t even pronounce the key words in important political issues, let alone truly know what they mean. Somebody has to explain this to the masses. The masses then go and talk amongst themselves. If you frame the debate correctly, they’ll reach the conclusion of your intent. In Runaway Jury, the jury represents the masses. The courtroom is the media, the mechanism through which the meme wranglers disseminate their framings. This is theatre. The judge is the FCC. The battle is to be the stage manager. Since the masses are blind to subtleties, the primary weapon of the mass meme wranglers is stigma. If you can generate evil, people will avoid association (or anything negative, see "Birther", "Conspiracy Nut"). The primary story of Runaway Jury is over when Cusak asks, “Who’s with Frank?” But, continuing to mirror life, Fleder ends the movie showing the media covering the trial blindly omitting the real players in the drama. Within good stories, the real players play poker.
Wendell: You know what, Fitch? You're gonna lose.
Fitch: I doubt it.
Wendell: Well, maybe not this case, maybe not the next, but someday, you know, someday. I've seen it before with guys like you. You wanna know why?
Fitch: Why?
Wendell: Because you cannot carry that much contempt without it becoming malignant, until you're gonna be all alone in a room full of shadows, and all you're gonna have is the memories of all those people's lives you have destroyed.
Fitch: That's a good story, Wendell. But it's just further proof of why you can't beat me. Because you may be right... but the thing of it is, I don't give a shit. What's more... I never have. (laughs) That suit...
Profiler—One who grasps how a person’s values create their behavior, affecting their environment, simultaneously as their environment shapes their subtle values. Profilers are only profilers when they become predictive.
Gary Fleder depicts Gene’s perspective as he focuses on a cross hanging from the rearview mirror, then at a picture of an elderly woman, and finally at a parking stub for a memorial hospital. Gene asks, “How’s your mother?… She feeling better?” The cabbie asks how Gene knew about his mother. Gene continues with his cold reading by saying that this cabbie had considered putting his mother in a home but that it didn’t feel like the Christian thing to do and continues by recommending that cabbie “reconsider the home, because: better to have an unhappy mother than an unfriendly wife.”
I transcribed that accurately. How often does natural dialogue use a colon? Kudos to the screenwriters, Koppelman & Levien. But I digress. In the next seen (scene) we see the nebbish actor dude nobody remembers his name (Jeremy Piven) and does movies with John Cusak and Nicholas Cage, with Dustin Hoffman. Anyway, as Hoffman and Nebbish interact, we realize that these men are also magicians. Hoffman is feigning ignorance about Nebbish dude, or as we say colloquially, he is keeping his cards close to his chest. Or, is it vest? I don’t know how that expression goes exactly.
I’m getting ahead of myself if you haven’t seen this movie. But, of course you have seen this movie. You’re a profiler—if not trained or studied, at least by nature. You see. You see things most people don’t see. You run scenarios in your head, revisiting how you might have better handled a scenario. Extraordinarily biting comments come out of your mouth when your filtering system is too stressed. This movie pits people like you against one another. This movie doesn’t have a love triangle, it has a triangulation of manipulation, filled with overt intentions and clandestine tactics. This is competition at its best. Fuck football and auto racing, this is three-dimensional chess played with live bullets and for high stakes.
A fundamental skill of the intentional magician is profiling. If you intend to persuade somebody, and you don’t want to resort to brute force or threats thereof, an understanding of your target is the keyhole to subtle persuasion. Mindhunt articulates the craft of inductive insights. Similarly, Zero Effect summarizes the procedure; the art of research is to see through the facts to underlying passions. Most people are as they present themselves.
A primary skill of a profiler, a magician, is to be able to identify when a person is lying; this is the skill to ascertain when things are not as they seem, when shenanigans are running amuck. Mike Caro, Body Language of Poker author, says that the first step in interpreting tells is to confidently ascertain when somebody is lying or not. Gene Hackman demonstrates this skill when he says to bounce a prospective juror who reveals himself to be an anti-gun advocate, trying to lie his way onto the jury. Following this scene, we learn that John Cusak is a player of poker without cards because we learn that he has previously presented a false front. Non-poker players think that the only time you lie in poker is when you bluff.
Excellent poker players will sometimes muck premium hands if they know they are beat, and pretend they had rags to conceal their prowess in profiling. A poker player must concern himself with his table image. Many a well-quaffed dresser is as blind as a bat. Most “good dressers” are bound by societal standards inwardly projecting the meanings they ascribe to their surface symbols. Generally, magicians can dress well, but even if they can’t, they understand how their presentation may frame the perception of those who view them. David Mamet once wrote in Men’s Health that there are four levels of poker, you start by learning what you should do in a given situation. Next, you learn what other people are representing by interpreting the language of betting. Then, you learn to interpret how others see you.
Finally, you learn to manipulate how others see you, to improve the likelihood of your effect. Our tell that Cusak is playing poker is when we learn that he was performing in an earlier scene when he pretended not to know his now obvious girlfriend. For the slow learners, Fleder has Cusak say, “Everybody has a button. We just got to find out where and push.” Now, we know he not only hopes to persuade this jury, but that he has a clue as to how he might accomplish this. You see, Benjamin Garth is a profiler. The work Benjamin does in advertising is the same technology FBI profilers and jury consultants use. If you think jury consultants are merely hired to find sympathetic jurors, your naïveté is painful to me. They are hired to be the account planners of their side’s case. They don’t make the speeches, just as an account planner doesn’t make the ads, but jury consultants and account planners write the brief that say what should be communicate and in what tone to deliver the message. Jury consultants are like political consultants, their primary job is to frame the debate.
Most bats, blind civilians, can’t even pronounce the key words in important political issues, let alone truly know what they mean. Somebody has to explain this to the masses. The masses then go and talk amongst themselves. If you frame the debate correctly, they’ll reach the conclusion of your intent. In Runaway Jury, the jury represents the masses. The courtroom is the media, the mechanism through which the meme wranglers disseminate their framings. This is theatre. The judge is the FCC. The battle is to be the stage manager. Since the masses are blind to subtleties, the primary weapon of the mass meme wranglers is stigma. If you can generate evil, people will avoid association (or anything negative, see "Birther", "Conspiracy Nut"). The primary story of Runaway Jury is over when Cusak asks, “Who’s with Frank?” But, continuing to mirror life, Fleder ends the movie showing the media covering the trial blindly omitting the real players in the drama. Within good stories, the real players play poker.
Wendell: You know what, Fitch? You're gonna lose.
Fitch: I doubt it.
Wendell: Well, maybe not this case, maybe not the next, but someday, you know, someday. I've seen it before with guys like you. You wanna know why?
Fitch: Why?
Wendell: Because you cannot carry that much contempt without it becoming malignant, until you're gonna be all alone in a room full of shadows, and all you're gonna have is the memories of all those people's lives you have destroyed.
Fitch: That's a good story, Wendell. But it's just further proof of why you can't beat me. Because you may be right... but the thing of it is, I don't give a shit. What's more... I never have. (laughs) That suit...
People are basically unthinking Robots
Robots can easily be (re-)Programmed
Government, Media & Companies do it 24/7
You can do it too.
What are you gonna do?
People are basically unthinking Robots
Robots can easily be (re-)Programmed
Government, Media & Companies do it 24/7
You can do it too.
What are you gonna do?
I would disagree. Your argument essentially dehumanizes the working class citizens. Regardless of the fact that regular citizens have difficulty in understanding politics, the facts of a case is spelt out in plain english to the jury. The jury then determines the question of law according to his/her moral conscience. Since, the material facts of the case are not related to the jury's life, he/she can determine the question free from biases.