Saturday, May 21, 2011


Due to moving, working and being ridiculously busy the next 2 weeks there will be a bit fewer posts but don't worry things will pick up again after that. I'll keep posting some brainfood when I can, linking to other blogs and some random stuff (btw does anybody know what Steve Willner and Jake Kotze are up to lately?) and if you have something interesting you want to share and help me out finding stuff to post in these hectic weeks send it to dedroidify at hotmail dot com, thanks a lot!


  1. Thanks for what your doing. Although I may not comment on your posts often you get bet they are being read and appreciated. Much love.

  2. Yes they are.

    also dude
    can i ask you to please listen to my

    i dont know if this is in poor taste.
    but i do know i ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR BLOG!!

    you have been the Key to the Door
    that i have been desperately Trying to open.

    Thank you!

    anyway if you feel like it?
    theres the link.

    your Opinion would be greatly appreciated.
    cause im going through some wierd stuff
    and i need to know i can go on.

    not to sound TOOOoooo dramatic.
    me llamo
    & i am a STORM GIANT.

  3. Thanks guys

    That's a great song Sureshot, do go on buddy! If it's about your dreams only listen to your heart!

  4. THANK YOU!!

    things have gotten weirdly

    in that it just seems that after i put this post i got a request from the Boyfriend of the sister of a guy i had just met..
    stay with me.

    its confusing..
    but AWESOME!

    so i get a request on the face book
    & then we star to chat & he offers to produce my music?!?!?!

    we set it up & go hang out with them
    last night..
    and IT WENT SOOooooooooooo incredibly AWESOME!!
    we hit it off!!
    & had a mind meld!

    they are super rad!
    & they F&@KING LOVE MY MUSIC!!!

    so i am overjoyed by the
    turn of events
    because i was feeling pretty
    Lonely on my Rowboat
    i had paddles..
    but i didnt know which way to ROW
    does that make any sense?

    but turns out the Stream brought me some Friends to share my music with.

    me llamo
    sure shot!!

    thank you for taking time from your day dude.
    & you are NOT A QUITTER!!!

  5. did you spread the word about my video or something?..

    after i posted here
    i got like 68 hits?!!
    from all over the world.


    im serious.

    you got some serious weight

    i did you write the
    EGGMAN post?

    or where is
    it from?

    it felt like i was
    reading an entry from
    a dead mans Diary.

    but in a good way.

    (Dictated but not read)
    me llamo

  6. I thumbed up two videos on the social networking site tho not sure that generated all your traffic, it may be all you bro!

    I'm not the Eggman hehe. That's by Andy Weir which I found through stumbleupon also.

  7. from your mouth to gods ears!

    as they say..


    all i know is that
    & its all COINCIDENTAL..
    to the time I LEFT MY POST!

    so as much as i would loooOOVE
    to take the Credit?

    im gonna have to Defer to the Gentleman with the BLOG on this one.

    hey check this one out

    its called the SLOW CRAWL TO HEAVEN
    i thought it was
    apropos considering your
    recent post about

    isnt it funny how that stuff works?

    reporting Live from
    me llamo
    sure shot!!
