The Milton Model is a model for indirect interpersonal communications inspired by psychiatrist and pioneer of medical hypnosis, Milton H. Erickson. The model was created by linguist John Grinder and Richard Bandler, the co-founders of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
It is described by the authors as the reverse set of the meta model. Whereas the meta model sought to specify distortion, deletions and generalization in a speaker's language, the Milton model intentionally utilizes those patterns.
It is general, ambiguous and metaphoric. The Milton model and meta model of NLP were the first two models of NLP. Bandler and Grinder met with Erickson on a regular basis, and modeled his approach and his work over many months.
The Milton Model lists the key parts of speech and key patterns that are useful in directing another person's line of thinking by being "artfully vague", and in principle the model states that larger chunks (more general use of language) can lead to more rapport, while smaller chunks, (more specific language) is more limiting and has a greater chance of excluding concepts from a person's experience.
The patterns of the Milton Model can be used to
It is described by the authors as the reverse set of the meta model. Whereas the meta model sought to specify distortion, deletions and generalization in a speaker's language, the Milton model intentionally utilizes those patterns.
It is general, ambiguous and metaphoric. The Milton model and meta model of NLP were the first two models of NLP. Bandler and Grinder met with Erickson on a regular basis, and modeled his approach and his work over many months.
The Milton Model lists the key parts of speech and key patterns that are useful in directing another person's line of thinking by being "artfully vague", and in principle the model states that larger chunks (more general use of language) can lead to more rapport, while smaller chunks, (more specific language) is more limiting and has a greater chance of excluding concepts from a person's experience.
The patterns of the Milton Model can be used to
- pace another person's reality to gain rapport.
- access unconscious resources of another person to gather information or to lead them into an altered state.
- distract the conscious mind.
You will find politicians and the media using these speech patterns a lot.
Unfortunately the names for the speech patterns are a bit overly complicated and silly, therefor I wouldn't advise you to try and learn them by their names, but just be aware of the patterns and perhaps try using them when it seems appropriate. These are taken from the wiki article and a Chris Howard training program.
1) Mindread
Claiming to know thoughts and feelings
I know that you're wondering
I think you would agree
2) Lost Performative
Valued Judgements with performer left out, not saying who says it
It's a good thing to wonder...
3) Cause and effect
If... then
As you go deeper into trance you feel more relaxed
4) Complex Equivalent
The fact that you're sitting there means that you can go into trance
5) Presupposition
You are learning many things.
Before you go into trance, I'd like you to sit comfortably in that chair as we talk about your outcomes for today.
When you go into trance, you may discover many resources that you did not realize you had yet.
6) Universal Quantifier
Generalization using all, all the things, every, any, everyone,...
You can always improve your language skills with every conversation you have.
7) Model operator of Possibility
You can learn, one can learn, want to.
8) Model operator of Necessity
Have to, must to, need to,...
9) Nominalisation
Using nouns, process words, that are frozen in time, nouns that are no objects
Relationship, love,...
10) Specified verb
Unlinked verb
And you can, can you not?
causes you to wonder what the verb relates to
11) Tag Question
Question added after a statement to ease resistance:
and you can understand that, right?
you're coming, aren't you?
do listen, will you?
let's have a beer, shall we?
you're developing a deep state of relaxation, aren't you?
12) Lack of referential Index
Phrase that dosn't pick out a specific portion of the listeners experience
one can you know
13) Comparative deletion
comparison is made but not specified as to who or what it was made
more or less the right thing to do (compared to what?)
better to do it that way, would it be best if i come around 2 o'clock
14) Pacing current experience
verifiable experience described in undeniable way
you're listening to the sound of my voice, and you're going through these audio series
internally they are going yes, you can include something plausible and because they're on a yes-track they accept the plausible statement
15) Double bind
statement that gives the illusion of choice
Would you prefer finishing this portion of the audio series now or later?
Would you like me to stop by on monday or tuesday?
Triple binds are less obvious
16) Conversational postulate (Indirect Suggestion)
Normally a yes/no response - causes person to take action
Can you close the door?
Can you just take a moment to take a deep breath and relax?
17) Extended quote
delivering message in form of a quote but inducing trance, displaces resistance
the other day I met... who said: 'you can understand this information easily
18) Embedding Questions & Commands
Rather than directly asking: "What are you thinking about?", one might state:
"I'm curious to know what you are thinking.", or
"I'm just wondering what you are thinking."
An embedded command is typically distinguished or marked out using a subtle shift in voice tonality or non-verbal cue.
You may begin to feel a sense of comfort, as you begin to develop these skills in your daily life.
19) Negative Command
Don't think of an elephant - what just happened, you probably thought of an elephant.
Don't go into a deep state of relaxation just yet, just sit down on that chair and get comfortable first.
20) Ambiguity
you're = your
merry = marry = mary
ice cream = i scream
depend = deep end
the sky = this guy
delight = the light
21) Metaphors in general
Unfortunately the names for the speech patterns are a bit overly complicated and silly, therefor I wouldn't advise you to try and learn them by their names, but just be aware of the patterns and perhaps try using them when it seems appropriate. These are taken from the wiki article and a Chris Howard training program.
1) Mindread
Claiming to know thoughts and feelings
I know that you're wondering
I think you would agree
2) Lost Performative
Valued Judgements with performer left out, not saying who says it
It's a good thing to wonder...
3) Cause and effect
If... then
As you go deeper into trance you feel more relaxed
4) Complex Equivalent
The fact that you're sitting there means that you can go into trance
5) Presupposition
You are learning many things.
Before you go into trance, I'd like you to sit comfortably in that chair as we talk about your outcomes for today.
When you go into trance, you may discover many resources that you did not realize you had yet.
6) Universal Quantifier
Generalization using all, all the things, every, any, everyone,...
You can always improve your language skills with every conversation you have.
7) Model operator of Possibility
You can learn, one can learn, want to.
8) Model operator of Necessity
Have to, must to, need to,...
9) Nominalisation
Using nouns, process words, that are frozen in time, nouns that are no objects
Relationship, love,...
10) Specified verb
Unlinked verb
And you can, can you not?
causes you to wonder what the verb relates to
11) Tag Question
Question added after a statement to ease resistance:
and you can understand that, right?
you're coming, aren't you?
do listen, will you?
let's have a beer, shall we?
you're developing a deep state of relaxation, aren't you?
12) Lack of referential Index
Phrase that dosn't pick out a specific portion of the listeners experience
one can you know
13) Comparative deletion
comparison is made but not specified as to who or what it was made
more or less the right thing to do (compared to what?)
better to do it that way, would it be best if i come around 2 o'clock
14) Pacing current experience
verifiable experience described in undeniable way
you're listening to the sound of my voice, and you're going through these audio series
internally they are going yes, you can include something plausible and because they're on a yes-track they accept the plausible statement
15) Double bind
statement that gives the illusion of choice
Would you prefer finishing this portion of the audio series now or later?
Would you like me to stop by on monday or tuesday?
Triple binds are less obvious
16) Conversational postulate (Indirect Suggestion)
Normally a yes/no response - causes person to take action
Can you close the door?
Can you just take a moment to take a deep breath and relax?
17) Extended quote
delivering message in form of a quote but inducing trance, displaces resistance
the other day I met... who said: 'you can understand this information easily
18) Embedding Questions & Commands
Rather than directly asking: "What are you thinking about?", one might state:
"I'm curious to know what you are thinking.", or
"I'm just wondering what you are thinking."
An embedded command is typically distinguished or marked out using a subtle shift in voice tonality or non-verbal cue.
You may begin to feel a sense of comfort, as you begin to develop these skills in your daily life.
19) Negative Command
Don't think of an elephant - what just happened, you probably thought of an elephant.
Don't go into a deep state of relaxation just yet, just sit down on that chair and get comfortable first.
20) Ambiguity
you're = your
merry = marry = mary
ice cream = i scream
depend = deep end
the sky = this guy
delight = the light
21) Metaphors in general
I have heard about Milton model and ask myself what is it. You explained very well. Thanks for sharing!