Sunday, March 25, 2012

Circuit 4 Megapost Socio-Sexual Moral Civilized Lover/Parent

4. The "Moral" Socio-Sexual Circuit.

"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Marianne Williamson

Druid Journal: Who is a viable mate? Who is not? What are the cultural restrictions on mating? What is “right”? What is “wrong”? This circuit is activated during adolescence, as one might expect. A positive imprint predisposes the individual to a playful sexuality and a “live and let live” morality. A negative imprint does the opposite.

Robert Anton Wilson: This is imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences at puberty and is conditioned by tribal taboos. It processes sexual pleasure, local definitions of "right" and "wrong," reproduction, adult-parental personality (sex role) and nurture of the young.

Circuit 4 sheet
Leary: Socio-Sexual
Gurdjieff: False personality
Freud: Phallic
Berne: Parent
Piaget: Formal Operational
Roddenberry: Captain Kirk
Imprint sites: Left Neo-Cortex
Intelligence: Civilized
Reality: Social
Chakra: Anahata Heart Love
Element: Fire
Medium: Code of Ethics
Education: Adolescence, Adulthood and Collectivization
Moralistic - Lover/Parent
Relationship to Sex/Lover/Parent
The Will!

The Socio-Sexual Winner and Loser scripts:
Winner: "Love, and do what thou wilt."
Loser: "Everything I like is illegal, immoral, or fattening."

Sex-positive: joyous, transcendental, bright eyes & bushy tails
Sex-negative: problematic, disturbed, zombie-like appearance
note: negative imprint is the criminal born-to-lose type / jekyll-hyde dualism

"The human species is undergoing a radical change, of which the Internet is almost a test run. The Internet is a way to practice what it is that we're going to have to do for real, which is deal with privacy when we can all read each others' thoughts, deal with a global community when when we're all realising that we're part of the same thing. The Internet is like a good, dry, safe way for scared white people to experience community again, after we've been so isolated through television."
Douglas Rushkoff"

"So then, the relationship of self to other is the complete realization that loving yourself is impossible without loving everything defined as other than yourself."
Alan Watts

This is imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences at puberty and is conditioned by tribal taboos. It processes sexual pleasure, local definitions of "right" and "wrong," reproduction, adult-parental personality (sex role) and nurture of the young.

The development of these circuits as the brain evolved through evolution, and as each domesticated primate (human)
brain recapitulates evolution3 in growing from infancy to adulthood, makes possible gene-pool survival, mammalian sociobiology (pecking order, or politics) and transmission of culture.

Antero Alli:
Development of personality in context to society. Social needs for belonging, getting along with people, developing friendships, romance, courtships, partnerships, marriages, domestication, family, and those morals and ethics maintaining community interest. The push and pull of attracting and repulsing forces -- estrogen, testosterone & other growth hormones -- influencing likes, dislikes, procreative love, mating rituals, domestic and community structures, and the morales and beliefs surrounding relations with others. When over-emphasized, personal identity homogenizes, or blends, into herd or tribal mentality. Social and Moral Addictions. When frustrated, the individual experiences alienation, marginalization and degrees of abandonment by the tribe, sometimes resulting in "psychopathic criminal retribution". As social needs are satisfied, a well-adjusted personality finds "its people" while defining and claiming its unique behavioral and ethical code amidst a society far too complex to always condone them.

Social rituals, parties and gatherings. Cultural events and concerts. Church. Any "drugs" delivering social or community acceptance or sexual approval in exchange for submission to externally-imposed behaviorial standards and moralities. Most television programs. Organized Religion. Mass Media. Corporate Advertising. The Welfare State. Social Security. Fascism.

Loss of personality, autonomy and self as individual identity. Guilt complex, ie., confusion between the morality of others and one's own ethics.

"Television... The more you watch people behave immorally, the more you consider the behavior normal and permissible. This may not apply to you personally, but when the images are presented night after night, year after year, to a population of millions of people, there are effects on that population."

So gather around, and see what the day brings, and see what makes you smile, and see what makes you sing. And never, nevermind, the things that people say, they'll never go away, never go away.

Leary's description: "Circuit four is triggered through hormonal activation. These emotion-chemicals mutate the body into the adult form. As the earthling body transforms, alarming and dramatic emotional changes occur. Not to worry... These physical and emotional outbursts are actually quite normal. They are necessary exercises in opening the fourth or "Heart" circuit."
What you'll find: Welcome! This is the place to imprint social roles and develop your civilization. Put on your "responsible adult member of society" mask! Find your family unit. Interact with them. Share food. Look like you belong. Conform to their society (it's okay here).

"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,
while bad people will find a way around the laws."

Whereas 2nd circuit deals with who bosses who, 4th deals with who is cool. What this comes down to is that depending on whether someone is cool or not, you'd let them get close to you or not, running a spectrum from not talking to someone at all (the snub) to having sex with them, with many subtle shades in between. It goes both ways- how cool are you? Are there people that you aren't cool enough to talk to? "Oh, I could never ask HER/HIM out..." The imprint you take here is how cool you feel, and how hard you have to work to feel that way.

Everyone has these circuits, but some people get stuck on one or another of them, usually because they've got some problem to work out in that area. Often one circuit gets to be a surrogate for another (especially if the other is underdeveloped) - the classic example is the pathetic (i.e. poor 2nd circuit imprint) nerd who tries to out-talk his buddies to show how smart he is (3rd circuit), in order to be an authority to them (2nd circuit dominance).

One of the ideas that came up in LSD research was the idea that you reach a state of internal linkflux in which new imprints can be taken. This is very much in agreement with ideas about set and setting, but as most people who have taken LSD agree, while everything seems to change after the experience, after a while you slip back into the old patterns (witness all the flower children who, unlike the few with real dedication, slipped back to become businessmen of the 80's).

Whether this slipback is really inherent in the function of the LSD trip is not certain, though - it may be caused by going back into one's regular environment, which has been shaped by everything one was before. Under the pressure of conformity to the old status quo, one slips back.

Leary felt that the goal was to work out the circuits so that one had imprints that led to a happy, healthy life, but without having to always have things one way - people who have to always be on top never learn about service, those who always have to feel secure never learn to take risks, etc. Ultimately, the circuits would be there to plug into and out of at Will, while one navigated through the upper circuits:

The upper circuits deal with mystical, psychic, or paranormal consciousness. They are built on the internal linkfoundation of the lower circuits, almost as 'overdriven' versions of them. Interestingly, they correspond well with ideas from many spritual traditions.

We have so much to learn from each other,
so many different people,
so many different thoughts.

Cybercraft: Circuit Four is the next center of operation or mode of thought. This center is approximated by the sex hormones awakening in the teen's body. Once a sexual awakening occurs society has a perceived duty to regulate sexual expression. This circuit could be called the Guilt Circuit since it is mostly used to control individuals, not enhance human life. Imprint vulnerability is acute. The first sexual signals to turn on the adolescent nervous system remain fixed for life, defining the individual's sexuality.
They lurch about, the bewildered possessors of new bodies awakening to a new rhythm. Sex! As any adult can tell, this time is delicate. Accidents do happen which lend to the general imprinting which may or may not contribute to a positive experience. Accidents which impinge upon this imprint are just as effective as fully intended ones. Yet time moves on. The individual's sexuality develops. Parents and peers all have a say in the conditioning. Schools play a part in the learning process with sex education. Society itself takes a guiding role in Circuit Four defining what is and is not acceptable in our activities.
Circuit Four can be used in two ways to regulate other circuits. A Circuit Three social concern can be alleviated by threatening Circuit Four. Take away a human's opportunity for sex and they will consider their options. A still more useful way to modify an individual's behavior is to threaten their children. Circuit Four is the Parent stage. Society both enhances and threatens the parent with beneficial social programs while hinting at removal of benefits and children.
"No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee."
John Donne
Group Think

"The conscious and intelligent maniplulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country... We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of... We are dominated by a relatively small number of persons... It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind and who harness social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world." Edward Bernays

"The sick individual finds himself at home with all other similarly sick individuals. the whole culture is geared to this kind of pathology. The result is that the average individual does not experience the separateness and isolation the fully schizophrenic person feels. He feels at ease among those suffer from the same deformation; in fact, it is the fully sane person who feels isolated int he insane society - and he may suffer so much from the incapacity to communicate that it is he who may become psychotic." Erich Fromm

"When in group narcissism, the object is not the individual but he group to which he belongs... The assertion that "my country" (or nation, or religion) is the most wonderful, the most cultural, the most powerful, the most peace-loving, etc. does not sound crazy at all; on the contrary, it sounds like an expression of patriotism, faith and loyalty." Erich Fromm

"The larger a society or confederacy, the greater the amalgamation of collective factors - which is typical of every large organization - the more aggraveted the moral and spiritual degeneration of the individual" Carl Gustav Jung

"People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centred;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway."
Mother Theresa

Be a world child, form a circle.

RAW: Since each of these tunnel-realities consists of biochemical imprints or matrices in the nervous system, each of them is specifically triggered by neuro-transmitters and other drugs.

Notice how drugs that stimulate the first four circuits, which are already activated, tend to be dangerously addictive, roughly ordered ascending from the first circuit.

To activate the first brain take an opiate. Mother Opium and Sister Morphine bring you down to cellular intelligence, bio-survival passivity, the floating consciousness of the newborn. (This is why Freudians identify opiate addiction with the desire to return to infancy.)

To activate the second tunnel-reality, take an abundant quantity of alcohol. Vertebrate territorial patterns and mammalian emotional politics immediately appear when the booze flows, as Thomas Nashe intuitively realized when he characterized the various alcohol states by animal labels: "ass drunk," "goat drunk," "swine drunk," "bear drunk," etc. To activate the third circuit, try coffee or tea, a high-protein diet, speed or cocaine. The specific neurotransmitter for circuit four has not been synthesized yet, but it is generated by the glands after pubescence and flows volcanically through the bloodstreams of adolescents.

None of these terrestrial drugs change basic biochemical imprints. The behaviors which they trigger are those which were wired into the nervous system during the first stages of imprint vulnerability. The circuit II drunk exhibits the emotional games or cons learned from parents in infancy. The circuit III "mind" never gets beyond the permutations and combinations of those tunnel-realities originally imprinted, or abstractions associated with the imprints through later conditioning. And so forth. But all this Pavlovian-Skinnerian robotism changes drastically and dramatically when we turn to the right lobe, the future circuits and extraterrestrial chemicals.

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