Thursday, March 8, 2012

Phil Hine - the HGA: a tricky little devil!

Why do it? It seemed like a good idea at the time.

The voice

The voice may inform the vision, as the vision the voice. Once again, gnosis is the key. During pranayama sessions, I would silently intone my mantra and use it to count my breath. This would then time my footsteps whilst the rest of my ego focused on looking where I was going. Something would still be there, observing, ever watching. What could it see? What did it look like? What did it think? Were its thoughts a voice, clearly detached from my own?

The "Game of Higher Intelligences" was mentioned in Robert Anton Wilson’s excellent book "Schrodinger’s Cat" as an excellent short cut to HGA consciousness. Normally there are two players. One player plays the role of human seeker, the other plays the role of extra terrestrial genius who is watching the world. The seeker asks the genius questions about some of the great problems faced by humanity. The alien intelligence responds, from its detached/disinterested perspective:

"‘Why is there so much violence and hatred amongst us’?.."

It is always that way on primitive planets... The early stages of evolution are never pretty...

"Do planets grow up?"...

"Some of them"...


"Through suffering enough they learn wisdom"...

"Through suffering... There’s no other way.

"Not in the primitive stages... Primitives are too self centred to ask the important questions until suffering forces them to ask"...

(Robert Anton wilson (1990) Schrodingers Cat Trilogy [Orbit Books]).

The players then switch to dealing with personally relevant issues and have goes at swapping roles. I found an interesting method was to then try playing both roles alone...

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