Monday, March 19, 2012

Replacing "Curses" with "Blessings"

One of the exercises in Rodney Orpheus' book was changing a few habits and thus I've steadily started to replace "damn" with "bless" in all their variations. I was delighted with the effect this had on my consciousness and moods. I highly recommend trying this exercise for the full duration of a week (or forever), whenever you catch yourself saying what you want to replace pinch yourself (some suggest pricking with a needle or even crazier shizzle, I do not see the need of this at all, har har.)

It's actually a very weighty thing to curse someone I've learned this week and a very great thing to bless one instead for teaching you an insight or making you smile etc, the change this effects on your consciousness is delightful! Subsequently I have started to replace my many (obviously mostly internal) usages of the word "motherfucker (samuel l. jackson stylee)" with "dude (big lebowski stylee)" and "bitch (David Chappelle stylee)" with "girl (rnb stylee)" or "woman (jamaica stylee)", damn (*pinch*) bless you oh youth years for these words years ago which by now have long served their comedic usage and can be transmuted by words resonating much higher principles while still remaining fun to say.

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