Sunday, May 20, 2012

Illuminatus! The characters... OM

So I had to stop reading Illuminatus twice before cause I just lost track of the redonculous amount of characters, which is just another part of OM (Operation Mindfuck), so just cause I really don't know what to post lately (in my defense, I'm learning Japanese and it's taking quite a bit of my time), here's my notepad file with the characters I used to keep track of things, digging into my other Illuminatus! textfiles to find some more excerpts.

Nkrumah Fubar. starts narration. voodoo.
Howard... the dolphin
Hagbard Celine. Badass mofo.
Rebecca Goodman, wife of saul Goodman
Saul Goodman, cop inspector homicide
Sandra, dead former wife of Goodman
Barney Muldoon, friend of Saul, cop, head bombsquad
Joseph Malik, editor of Confrontation (left-center magazine)
Dan Pricefixer, a redheaded young detective on Muldoon's staff
James Patrick Hennessy, police patrolman, egyptian mouthbreeder fish collector
George Dorn, once wanted to shoot JPH. Staff Writer Confrontation shoulder-length blond hair
Harry Coin - 'shot' jfk, in cell with dorn, 'killed' (not)
Carmel Las Vegas Date Street pimp
Sherri Brandi (born Sharon O'Farrell) Las Vegas
Banana-Nose Maldonado Las Vegas mobster gives Carmel permission to operate
Captain Ernesto Tequilla -> generalissimo Coup d'Etat FP 1970s
Edward Luttwak's author Coup d'Etat: A Practical Handbook
Robinson & Lehrman: possible CIA double Agents on Barney Muldoon's staff
Spectre: Illuminati in james bond
Peter Jackson: associate editor of Joseph Malik
Dr. Charles Mocenigo anthrax scientist
August Personage - sticker clark knows Phonebooth
Simon Moon (chicago) adviser to Teenset magazine on Illuminati affairs and instructor in sexual yoga to numerous black young ladies (like mary lou)
Mary Lou Servix - tantra
Arthur Flegenheimer (alias "The Dutchman," alias "Dutch Schultz") (murdered) Robert putney drake's psychic twin
Robert Putney Drake (banker boston) art connaisseur personally talked to Carl Jung about the archetypes of the collective unconscious, the I Ching, and
the principle of synchronicity - banker family, psychology student before banker
british intelligence: 00005 (fishion chips) & W.
frank sullivan, old man
Mao Tsu-Hsi
bernard barker cia bay of pigs, guy on grassy knoll, former servant of both batista and astro
Atlanta Hope, the leader of God's Lightning, 1 of the illuminati five (vroeger mavis) women's lib, activist, right wing
Tobias Knight, loan from fbi to cia, A.A. and Illuminati
jim cartwright: "Episkopos Jim Cartwright of the Mad Dog Cabal. we let celine's crowd take dorn, according to plan.
mavis: broke george dorn out of jail, one of the former illuminati five
zev hirsh ny: cop
James J. (Smiling Jim) Treponema - president of knights of christianity united in faith
James V. Riley, who is a sergeant on the Dayton police force
james mallison reporter
James Walking Bear
Concepcion Galore in santa isobel, fernando p. - killed
Fission Chips englishman = 00005
Danny Pricefixer at headquarters cop (saul & barney)
Patricia Walsh worked at confrontation, disappeared
Ben Volpe, younger man, does business with banana-nose-maldonado, also had to shoot kennedy but says 3 shots came from the grassy knoll and he didn't fire.
State's Attorney Milo A. Flanagan whose name in the Order was Brother Johann Beghard -Fourth-degree Illuminatus Police Sergeant Otto Waterhouse werkt voor syndicate, illuminati & discordians.
the Syndicate, organized crime Drake and Maldonado much bigger than the Maffia.
"We need ten sensitives of the fifth grade to form the pentacle, and we've only got seven."
Flanagan shook his head. "There are seventeen fifth graders in Europe, eight in Africa, and 23 scattered around the rest of the world.
hippie named Skip Lynch
Richard Jung, Drake's chief counselor.
Doc Iggy. Dr. Ignotum P. Ignotius
Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria AISB
anthropologist J. N. Marsh, of Miskatonic University
Senator Edward Coke Bacon, the nation's most distinguished liberal and leading hope of all those young people who hadn't yet joined Morituri groups.
Mrs. Edward Coke Bacon
Albert "the Teacher" Stern (dumb junkie)
Mendy Weiss
Mr. Lucky Luciano and Mr. Alphonse "Scarface" Capone
Jimmy the Shrew, Charley the Bug and Mendy Weiss, killers of the dutchman
Louis Lepke - the butcher born Louis Buchalter, of the organization later to be named Murder Inc.
Tom Dewey
Charles Luciano
Eddie Vitelli, of the Providence gambling, heroin and prostitution Vitellis,
Harold Canvera shot jfk accountant front groups, killed by maffia cause of sleeping with big shot Ronald Acconci God Lightning's daughter Cassandra
Cassandra Acconci pregnant by Harold Canvera
Ronald Acconci, Chicago Regional Commander of God's Lightning and a long-time contributor to KCUF.
State's Attorney Milo A. Flanagan
Basil Banghart, another FBI agent, in an office in Washington
Epicene Wildeblood
The Midget, Markoff Chaney/Markoff Chancy
Peter Kurten of the CIA
Esperando Despond, government agent, looking for the woman
dr Naismith: nixon statue scam
Bonnie Quint. prostitute
Fred Filiarisus health gov scientist - illuminati 5
AMA - American Medical Association - illuminati
Mama Sutra
Taffy Rhinestone, fictional female heroin in Atlanta Hope's book, also real woman who works at Alligator Control underneath UN hq.
Diamond Jim Rhinestone Taffy's evil brother
Ringo Erigena p311 :p
Melvin Purvis, the agent who gunned Dillinger down in Chicago
Hassan i Sabbah X black dealer
Franklin Delano Roosevelt. former US president, now boss alligator control lol.
Billie Freshette cop
john dillinger = Mr. Sullivan

The Illuminatus! Trilogy is a series of three novels written by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson.

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