Phoenix,Interesting.All the sync-heads over at the sync whole and myself have been analyzing Jack/Tom Cruise/Fox/Foxx/Dec 21st and The Thin Red Line of sync.If you check out the trailer of "The Thin Red Line" here in this post of mine - see just after the Fox intro a Phoenix Pictures logo can be seen.And of course all You Tubes have a thin red line running through them,so I guess "Everything, means everything".-)
ReplyDeleteAll the sync-heads over at the sync whole and myself have been analyzing Jack/Tom Cruise/Fox/Foxx/Dec 21st and The Thin Red Line of sync.
If you check out the trailer of
"The Thin Red Line" here in this post of mine -
You see just after the Fox intro a Phoenix Pictures logo can be seen.
And of course all You Tubes have a thin red line running through them,so I guess
"Everything, means everything".-)