Monday, April 8, 2013

But... he's fictional?


  1. I agree with you.
    Satan is just a mythical figure created as the Church's Boigie Man to scare people into towing the line.
    I'm not saying that there aren't Satanists though.
    Christianity is a real movement and it is founded on a myth it's followers think is real,too.
    And both sides can be just as savage,as we well know,looking back through recent history.

  2. The friend of the devil is a friend of mine? What tomfoolery this religious xtians are up to. Religion is like a common cold, that humanity can do without. Redemption and salvation is for nutcases and psychopaths. Dennis

  3. I once read that in order for Lucifer to regain his place in heaven, he needed to help elevate humanity. That sure puts a different spin on it.

  4. LOL, and thus corporations were born!
