Sunday, June 16, 2013

Matrix Revolutions

Neo: I just have never...
Rama-Kandra: ...heard a program speak of love?
Neo: It's a... human emotion.
Rama-Kandra: No, it is a word. What matters is the connection the word implies. I see that you are in love. Can you tell me what you would give to hold on to that connection?
Neo: Anything.
Rama-Kandra: Then perhaps the reason you're here is not so different from the reason I'm here.

The Oracle: The power of the One extends beyond this world. It reaches from here all the way back to where it came from.
Neo: Where?
The Oracle: The source. That's what you felt when you touched those sentinels, but you weren't ready for it. You should be dead, but apparently you weren't ready for that either. 

If you don't do proper Ban(e)ishing you're gonna have a bad time,
spirits might become the Bane of your existence
Bane: "If I'm not me then who am I?"

Exactly my thoughts on (self-)Divination (only though):

Niobe: The Oracle...
Morpheus: What did she tell you
Niobe: The same thing she always does, exactly what I needed to hear.

Bane: I wish you could see yourself Mr. Anderson... Blind messiah. You're a symbol for your kind, Mr. Anderson.

It's unbelievable, Trin. Light everywhere. Like the whole thing was built of light.

"Being the one is like being in love." The Oracle 
To achieve the conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel we are supposed to become madly in love with it. 

Love, Actually. From
Love plays a huge role in the Matrix too. We find out programs can love in Revolutions, the parents of Sati (dear God couldn't they have found a little girl that could act?). Would Cypher have switched sides if Trinity showed him some love? (If he would have dared to confess it.) Trinity's love and belief in him fuels Neo.  If Niobe didn't still love Morpheus, would she choose to help him against Commander Lock's wishes? If Link didn't love his brothers-in-law, Tank and Dozer, would he volunteer and stay on Morpheus' ship through all the danger?
In Revolutions, Zee's love of Link led her to volunteer for the resistance army. Her impact in taking down one of the diggers is immense. Niobe's love of Morpheus is critical to her decision to offer her ship to Neo and to pilot the Hammer back to Zion. Would she trust Morpheus and his undying belief in Neo if not? It's Trinity's love that rescues Neo from the train station. When The Merovingian asks "You are really ready to die for this man?", it's Persephone that answers "She'll do it! She'll kill every one of us if she has to... she's in love." And she will. It's Trinity that gets Neo through the trials on the way to the machine city. It's Neo's love of Trinity, and now humanity that leads him both to taking on Smith, and to brokering the peace between man and machine.
Neo's final fight with Smith is a direct comment on the importance of love to this trilogy. Smith rails at Neo "Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? [...] Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. [...] And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself, although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love." Rama-Kandra would have something to say to Smith about this. Two programs, each with very different opinions on love. Has one evolved further than the other? This is ultimately why Smith loses. He's left behind in a world that is changing, with machines/programs like Rama-Kandra paving the way to a future where maybe machines and humans can find more common ground instead of focusing on their differences.

This is a world that has love to thank for its existence. This is a world Neo gives to them, a world brought about by his ultimate sacrifice. This is a world where eradication of the enemy is seen for what it is: a symptom of the problem, not a solution. This is a world where the creator and its creation have the potential to live fruitfully in peace and cooperation. Neo has given his children, both mechanical and biological, a world where a machine can learn to love.

And why would it be corny, love is all! Nothing matters without love.

Chokmah & Binah?
I take from the ending that faith (another attribute of Binah aka the Understanding Sephirah) is more important than Wisdom. (The faithful Oracle beats the wise Architect.)
You can't have one without the other for salvation, yet Faith will take you further.
As in you can be as wise as you want, without faith you won't get that far.
To be fair, I deduced this mostly because I need to have more faith myself. 
(sorry to people who saw the confusing earlier edits lol)

The Oracle: What about the others?
The Architect: ...What others?
The Oracle: The ones that want out.
The Architect: Obviously they will be freed.
The Oracle: I have your word?
The Architect: What do you think I am? Human?

The Matrix reboots, and the Architect encounters the Oracle in a park. They agree that the peace will last "as long as it can", and that all humans will be offered the opportunity to leave the Matrix. The Oracle tells Sati that she thinks they will see Neo again. Seraph asks the Oracle if she knew this would happen, and she replies that she did not know, but she believed.

The End credit music

Navras by Don Davis (found on the Revolutions Soundrack)
The words are taken from the Upanishads.

Asato ma sad gamaya,
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya,
mrtyor mamrtam gamaya.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Lead us from darkness to the light,
Lead us from knowledge of the unreal to the real,
Lead us from fear of death to knowledge of our immortality.
Peace, peace, peace. 

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