Look forward to the day that you don't need to follow routines. By all means, try everything out and see what you like, but one day I guarantee that if you are serious, your entire work out approach will become intuitive, with almost no planning and just gnowing what the muscles want when it comes time to train them. Learn at least 6-12 exercises per muscle group and be able to chose 2-4 of them per session, so that routine never gets stale. Dieting matures into the same thing, where it's a meal to meal gnowing of what your body wants in comparison with how much energy it demands.
Look forward to the day that you don't need to follow routines. By all means, try everything out and see what you like, but one day I guarantee that if you are serious, your entire work out approach will become intuitive, with almost no planning and just gnowing what the muscles want when it comes time to train them. Learn at least 6-12 exercises per muscle group and be able to chose 2-4 of them per session, so that routine never gets stale. Dieting matures into the same thing, where it's a meal to meal gnowing of what your body wants in comparison with how much energy it demands.