Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm not into Conspiracy Rant

Don't worry folks, this is just a rant. If you want to ignore this conspiracy related material too you can just click the Consciousness label and it will all go away ;p

I'm getting a lot of comments from people who are into consciousness and apparently get a tummy ache everytime I they see all this nasty conspiracy stuff. Like ewwww new information, keep it out of my comfort zone!
And that's exactly what's happening, people don't like icky information they're not used to in their belief system, it's a 2nd circuit emotional response to 3rd circuit reasonable information.
I don't post this stuff to make you believe conspiracy related material, it's about exploring ideas. And I'm not trying to push anything but I just had to react on all these comments, you can just ignore these posts btw like the opener of the article says. But let me just clarify again why I post this stuff. I don't like the paranoia & fear mongering in conspiracy either, I'm not trying to scare you or tell you how the future is going to be, your future is yours to create, but I want to be informed on how organized ethically questionable people are creating their future (and ours along with it). You can get beyond the fear mongering and paranoia with your own discernment, just as you do when watching the mainstream media. There's an exercise I do, whenever I feel resistance to encountered information, I transcend it where I previously would have ignored it. That way I can learn more, my multi-model approach of the universe increases. The bigger your map is, the more associations you can make, the more intelligent you are.

You think all people who are into conspiracy actively worry about occult societies, or aliens, or the bankers, or whatever? - maybe we just wanna know what's going on, maybe everything is connected as all spiritual teachings say?

So why would one even bother with taking the red pill? Or maybe even start with a purple one :p Do you seriously still 'believe' in a free press and objective media? In the US the leading puppet candidates Obama & Hillary voted in all Bush's bullshit but people 'believe' in change. Are you seriously gonna tell me the function of the idiot box and 'education' is to enlighten you? Your body is being affected by unhealthy drinks, food, air and technology the world offers today. Do you think that doesn't have to do with your consciousness or your chakras? :p

And about everything being connected more specifically:
Do you think science and the authorities have been 'scientific' in their handling of consciousness research? What about authorities & multinational companies using magickal sigils as symbols? And yes let's go there: Do you realize that the famous lizzies & greys - wether extradimensional, extraterrestrial and/or mental projection - can be found in conspiracy theory AND on entheogenic trips and OBEs? How you could ignore such fascinating material is beyond me. But oh! What will people say? :p

Here's a fun comment I saw on another blog referring to mine:
"I prefer not to buy into conspiracies either. The more one resists a thing, the more it pushes back in opposition, and thus will refuse to budge or change."
Wanna tell it to the Jews in WW2? All this thought creates reality stuff is laughable when it comes to politics. We all co-create reality, if some organized people wanna get something done they will regardless of your view on it. Because they're combining thoughts with actions. And actions will always speak louder than words. You may find this holocaust reference offensive, of course you do, you've been conditioned to, but it's the most used rebuttal of thinking happy thoughts will make all the bad experience go away - you might have to consider also that there are FEMA civilian inmate labor camps ready in the US for "fifth-column citizens" (the non-sleepwalking ones), you can freely read it on the official military website. Bush now has the power to declare martial law and suspend the elections in case of another (self-made) emergency. How much liberties do they have to take from you, after you just freaking got them a few decades earlier, before you act? Like M. Badnarik says, are you gonna wait to protest when you're on the train? Think you're going on a vacation? Where do you draw the line? You can pretend there's no killing & bullshit in your fluffy bunny forest of make-belief but that doesn't make it so.

"If you ever hear a fellow student say, I'm not turned on politics, give that student a history book, because if you don't turn on politics, down to the air you breathe, the water you drink, the racial profiling you detest, the health insurance many people don't have, and on and on. If you don't turn on politics, politics will turn on you in very disagreeable ways."
Ralph Nader

This is not just about conspiracy, it's about politics. Conspiracy is a demonized word, of course let's ignore again that that's media conditioning too because that only happens to other people.
And you know what, I'm gonna get ridiculous on your ass. Does society run any smoother when the majority of people are barely getting by at the end of the month? How about the situation of Africa, Asia and South America, do you realize how much the west is responsible? How about the homeless and poor in your own country? How about army veterans who get nothing after risking their lives for their country? How about people feeling more sorry for a puppy getting thrown off a cliff than Iraqi humans dying? Does it make you feel happy that people who smoke joints can get a fucking hand shoved up their ass and can go to jail smoking plants that grow naturally on our planet in some countries? Is it reasonable that CEO's make 600 fucking times more than a clerk? Isn't it totally insane that when we are late to pay the authorities and companies we get fined or jailed, but when we have to wait for our money we can be happy if we even receive it? Is it normal that people who start a business have to keep two books so they don't go bankrupt in a few months? Are you telling me you're ok with the fact that the mob needs to be payed off in so many places in the world if you want to stay alive? Is it easy to ignore that both 9/11 and 7/7 happened BOTH on days of terrorist drills? And to get more serious, have you met an aristocratic sex slave? Because all these things I have witnessed personally and it's hard to keep your composure even thinking about the last one. They're totally dehumanized. Even their children are. I'm sick of all this fucking bullshit, I have been since I was in high school and I don't care what the fluffy bunny philosophy people say, this stuff is important! You know who accomplished a lot, the youngsters out in the streets in the sixties and seventies, they weren't just thinking it, they were doing it. There's more to the consensus reality illusion and it's not about resisting it, it's about knowing it and moving from there to create a new vision. Thanks for your attention.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've got a great blog and I enjoy my regular visits here and to your main site (wonderful list of on-line videos - thanks).

Please keep on posting whatever you feel needs consideration - I'm not into 'selective' consciousness.