Sunday, March 9, 2008

Until we take it to the Streets again we are Invisible & Meaningless

I found this on a social networking site, link to official poster isn't working so sorry! I'm ironically spreading this on the internets. I think there's a lot of truth in this, I was recently inspired by an Abbie Hoffman interview on his prankster activism and would like to do more that kinda stuff, spread memes where people least expect it and make them think. And while we're doing that, we're outside :p Either way, sitting by and doing nothing is not an option. And while we're in the information age, I guess the computer is a helpful tool for acquiring & spreading information, but preaching to the choir helps nobody:

The move towards isolationism and sluths of non activity - the computer generation?

Get Off The Internet

There are two classes of people in government and the media. They are either complicit or brainwashed...or both. Now, here is a big shock for you!
The internet is part of the "media". It's an inter-active boob tube.

You Tube

People like us were much more active and effective when we had to actually go out and fight for peace 40 years ago. We could not and would not be ignored or intimidated. Now, those of us who are still "Passionate for Peace" and "Fighting for Freedom" bulletin and blog for "The Revolution" but we are all just "preaching to the choir" and no one can see us but ourselves.

Like with Ron Paul... we all thought we were making a difference by burning up the web for him. When he ran for President back in 1988, he got 8 percent of the vote without the internet. With it, he got 5 percent and never made it to election day.


We have a false and inbred view of our power to change things now because we assume that since we all agree here, people everywhere are thinking the same as us.

John McCain

The fact that an evil little CFR troll like McCain is now unopposed for the Republican nomination while the straw dogs Clinton and Obama divide the democrats right down the middle should tell you something. Once again, the corporate military powers that be have managed to leave us with only their "candidates" to "vote" for again and no matter who "wins", we will stay at war forever with vanishing civil liberties and protections in order to "quell domestic dissent" and "fight terror". Until we all decide to take it to the streets again, we are invisible and meaningless.


The internet may just be part of their plan to keep us inside and "manageable" the same way that TV has for the last 30 years. If we really were a threat, they could and would unplug the internet faster than you can say "9/11 Was An Inside Job!".


After 6 years of waving one smoking 9/11 gun after another for all to see all across the world wide web, have you noticed that the government and media are laughing themselves silly at us... and not one person who was really responsible has been investigated, charged, prosecuted or punished?


Warnings about chemtrails, Neo-Fascism, the deconstruction of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, false flag attacks, the NAU, poison vaccines, fluoride in our water, chemicals in our food, 800 plus domestic detention FEMA/HS camps, depleted uranium munitions, the Federal Reserve and the dying economy, "Global Warming"(scam), fixed and controlled elections, mainstream media dis-info, etc etc abound and no one outside of us "tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists" has a clue or gives a shit. Check out the Google/YouTube "Top 100" or the number of porn sites on the web and you will have a fuller grasp of what the internet is really designed to keep us indoors, isolated, distracted or under the illusion that we still have "Free Speech" and can make a difference from our keyboards.


After a million bulletins, blogs and messages to save the world and stop the madness, I just ain't buying it anymore. We've been had... again! The war mongering "defense contracting" dog bombers and puppy tossers won and we finished a distant second looking like one of those kids from the "Special Olympics", all smiling and goofy!

special olympics

added: D'you know why? Check nearly any forum or internet discussion, people's BS (belief systems) will make them ignore everything that supports the opponents points, and will search for whatever confirms his/hers. Making for a retarded read.

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