"Cool!... You guys into Magick with a k too? My fairies got me believing in all things supernatural... Always looking out for me, just wish they'd save me from myself, filthy habit (cigarettes). Have superfun with your book on the occult!" Sam: Is she smoking by the propane tanks? ... BOOM
"I was surrounded by the heavenly warmth of a hundred fairies, message received, that's my last cigaret ever!"
"Do I look like a fairy to you? Whoa, don't answer that!" (Character is gay ;p)
The fairy/angel breaks Sam's hand in six places which makes him lose his contest (arranged with an incantation translated from an ancient demon language) with the Devil, and which makes them lose Andy's soul too, but the orders came from higher up in heaven and Sam, the son of the Devil, is assured that Heaven is looking out for him, with a free lightshow to make it up... Yay.
The Soyuz TMA-15 launched today with Soyuz commander Roman Romanenko, European Space Agency astronaut Frank De Winne of Belgium (Belgium's second man in space after Dirk Frimout). and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Robert Thirsk. All five space agencies building the International Space Station will be represented by full-time crew members for the first time. Interestingly, this evening's tagline on the news was "Lots of ritual before the launch." including an orthodox priest splashing De Winne's face with holy water... part of a fixed ritual the Russians always perform before a launch.
How the world became a corporation and how to take it back.
From the site: In Life Inc, Douglas Rushkoff presents the unnerving, unbelievable, but ultimately undeniable proof that our world has been overtaken by an absolutely artificial economy.
He shows how our most fundamental assumptions about money and commerce are actually false ones - artifacts of a 400-year-old plan by a waning aristocracy to maintain control of Western Europe. Although the architects of this corporatism have long since passed on, we still live in a landscape defined by their plans and have internalized their values as our own.
Taking on some of the biggest assumptions of our age, this is a book filled with dangerous ideas and rather unspeakable heresies:
Money is not a part of nature, to be studied by a science like economics, but an invention with a specific purpose.
Centralized currency is just one kind of money - one not intended to promote transactions but to promote the accumulation of capital by the wealthy.
Banking is our society’s biggest industry, and debt is our biggest product.
Corporations were never intended to promote commerce, but to prevent it.
The development of chartered corporations and centralized currency caused the plague; the economic devastation ended Europe’s most prosperous centuries, and led to the deaths of half of its population.
The more money we make, the more debt we have actually created.
Most importantly, Rushkoff shows how this moment of financial crisis is actually an opportunity to reinstate commerce and communities based in creating value for one another, rather than continuing to extract it for the benefit of institutions that no longer exist.
More music, something entirely different. From the wiki: The "riddling" lyrics caused much puzzlement and speculation among listeners as to their meaning, which was further fuelled by record company MCA's decision to run a competition to work out the meaning - without either telling Nik or even bothering to ask him what the meaning was. Had they done so, they would have discovered that there is in fact no meaning at all - the lyrics were nothing but gibberish thrown together to fit the music, or in Nik's own words: "nonsense, rubbish, bollocks, the confused ramblings of an 80s popstar".
Hmmm, well here are some highlights from the rather esoteric video: Infinite stairways, spirals, breaking through walls, looking glass, 1.22: scullery skull (& bones society), pyramid metronome, sun box. Door knobs on wall. rodents eating 'eyes' in box? Rodents on the mind. waterdoor stargate, dartboard stargate, burning history books (after touching the waterdoor with gloved hand, hmm!). Fried egg mind, riddler shot (remember from Batman Forever movie Jim Carrey's Riddler: "Does anybody else feel like a fried egg?!") 2.01: Painted stairway with sun. Eye mirror, Tweedledum and Tweedledee with puzzle piece, checkered floor pattern and painted on the wall to seem continuing, twin chandeliers, arched windows, distorted mirror, painted doors, etc!
I got two strong arms, blessings of Babylon
time, to carry on and try for sins and false alarms
so to American the brave
wise man save.
Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground. (stargate?:p)
Where an old man of Aran goes around and around. And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night.
For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right
But he'll never never fight over you.
I got plans for us nights in the scullery (1.22: skull (& bones society), pyramid metronome, sun box)
and days, instead of me I only
know what to discuss Oh, for anything but light Wise men fighting over you
It's not me you see,
pieces of valentine
and just, a song of mine to keep from burning history seasons of gasoline and gold Wise men fold.
Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran goes around and around.
And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night.
For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right
But he'll never never fight over you.
I got time to kill, sly looks in corridors without
a plan of yours a blackbird sings on bluebird hill.
Thanks to the calling of the wild
wise mens child.
Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran goes around and around.
And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night.
For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right
K. Pattabhi Jois died aged 93 of natural causes in Mysore, India on May 18th. Founder of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (official site), among his students were Sting, Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow. Jois' yoga shala attracts thousands of foreign yoga students every year.
"If we practice the science of yoga, which is useful to the entire human community and which yields happiness both here and hereafter – if we practice it without fail, we will then attain physical, mental and spiritual happiness, and our minds will flood towards the Self." Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
"Heaven is here -- you just have to know how to live it. And hell too is here, and you know perfectly well how to live it. It is only a question of changing your perspective, your approach towards life. The earth is beautiful. If you start living its beauty, enjoying its joys you are in paradise. If you condemn everything, then the same earth turns into a hell -- only for you. It depends on you where you live, it is a question of your own inner transformation. It is not a change of place, it is a change of inner space. Live joyously, guiltlessly, live totally. And then heaven is no more a metaphysical concept, it is your own experience." Osho
Recent discoveries have shown that the heart generates a mysterious and powerful electromagnetic field. In this video, Rollin McCraty, Ph.D, Executive VP and Director of Research for the HeartMath Institute, explores the scientific basis for understanding the amazing ways that we are connected. From ShiftinAction.
Researcher and author Graham Hancock discussed how humanity received a jump start some 40,000 years ago, when our ancestors took psychoactive plants and had contacts with non-terrestrial beings who served as teachers. Their visions and encounters were depicted on cave paintings, he said. The Amazonian hallucinogenic brew known as ayahuasca is being used today, and its active ingredient DMT, is naturally made in the human pineal gland. People who have spontaneous visions may produce higher levels of this chemical in their bodies, he noted. In Dr. Rick Strassman's experimental studies of DMT, users reported experiences similar to alien abduction scenarios, Hancock reported. In fact, aliens, fairies, and spirit beings may all be the same thing, just construed differently based on cultural frameworks, Hancock suggested. He argued that hallucinogens such as ayahuasca should be made legal, as they help to advance the freedom of consciousness. Hancock touched on some of his other areas of research, detailing how a lost civilization predating the Egyptians, created the megalithic structures on the Giza Plateau. This civilization was destroyed in a global cataclysm-- something that we may face in our own time as part of a recurring cycle of destruction, he warned. The ancient Mayans created a calendar that is strikingly accurate, more so than the Gregorian one we use today, he added.
GI Joe Resolute, an 11 part animation written by Warren Ellis. Featuring HAARP, huge spiral shaped particle weapons, eye in triangle tank barrels, etc.
The writer Warren Ellis was unfamiliar with the franchise and notes that:
"It went like this. Sam Register phoned me up and said, we’d really like you to write a GI JOE animation, at a PG-13 rating, aimed at an older viewer. I said, I’ve never seen a GI JOE cartoon in my life. The closest I got to a GI JOE comic was drinking with Larry Hama. I’ve never even seen a GI JOE. Couldn’t tell you what they look like if you paid me. I know nothing about GI JOE. It is meaningless in my world. Excellent, Sam said. Just the guy we need. It was hard not to notice, at this point, that Sam Register is crazier than a shithouse rat. Therefore I decided to take the job."
"Information will breathe in and out of us, permeate our skin... You see our work here is to learn so much, to be so full of knowing, that all there is left to do is unlearn. Humanity must get to a point where we let go, we leave the useless ideas and the spent idealogies in the recycling bin..."
Star Trek: The Original Series. Life Begins. Star Trek: The Next Generation. Life goes on. Star Trek: DS9. Life gets messed up. WAR! Star Trek: Voyager. Oops, Life going far out and then trying to find Home. Star Trek: Enterprise. Life begins again. New Star Trek movie. (spoiler, only select next white colored text if you have seen the new movie: Life splits off into new realities.)Or as Walter in JJ Abrahms (Fringe, Lost, Star Trek) said it in the last episode, before getting taken away by the Observer Alien character: "Each choice creates a new reality."
Let's go into conspiracy reality tunnel mode and visit Deep Space Nine. (I saw the new Star Trek movie yesterday, YES! New series and movie franchises please! Everything that went so horribly wrong with Enterprise, was done excellently in the movie.)
Some more background info at the provided links, if you're not too familiar with Star Trek DS9, here we go:
Hello, welcome to DS9, aka Iraq. Stargate Included.
Starfleet Federation human commander, Emissary of the Prophets, aka an American Allies president. This is a Bajoran, aka an Iraqi freedom fighter. Religious too. This is a Cardassian, aka an Iraqi tyrant and opressor, evolved reptilians, btw. Jem'Hadar, genetically engineered reptilian footsoldiers for the Dominion, which is a 'secret' (at first :p) society led by... shapeshifters, the Founders, who want to control all matter. Don't forget the greedy, greedy Ferengi trying to make as much money there no matter what.
Sorry for the low amount of posts, but between work, therapy (website on the way!) and my other duties there's not a lot of time for the blog, but the good news is I have a lot of ideas for posts lined up and I'll hope to get to 'em starting thursday. Peace!
Here's some random ranting: Btw, do you get up in the morning and go to sleep at night? Maybe you have the Mexican flu?! "Andale, andale, come on mayn let us in we won't start no trouble." Maybe the car in the Netherlands never aimed for the royal bus, cause it sure didn't look like it to me. "Economic crisis" sounds a lot better than "wiping out the middle class". Guy Verhofstadt, former prime minister of Belgium wrote a book and has the solution for the crisis, more power for Europe! More globalisation, and less protectionism. It's called protectionism for a reason Guy, please crawl back to that dark hole you were in. A politician for the new rebel party (actual issues, though the verdict is still out), LDD in Belgium went to the biggest party VLD and went back to LDD after the LDD nearly lost their government funding and said the VLD misled him. The newspapers are chewing him up and spitting them out, just like anything LDD related. update: A paper with signature of VLD people promising big pay and an election spot was uncovered, this is how one 'prominent journalist' Ivan Sonck commented: "maybe LDD sent him to spy at the VLD." Shameless lol... Speaking of controlled media, corrupt crybaby Berlusconi demanding a public apology from his wife who wants to divorce him, rofl. Did you know one of the reasons she wants a divorce is he put a bunch of "young shameless sluts who do anything on command" on election lists, and then took 'em off again. Italian politics imploding in 3... 2... no, still fucking crazy. You know what gives me most hope for the upcoming Belgian election, also fucking crazy considering these losers couldn't even form a government for a few years, is that the propaganda in my entire building goes straight from mailbox to the carton box with paper trash. See you soon! Check out the archives, there's not a human being on the planet who's seen every post here! Except for me, if you wanna call me human, peace!
The first of a 3-part series by Andrew Rutajit, this film is a discussion relating to Shamanism, psychedelics, drug addiction, DMT, communication with plant spirits, modern religion vs. Shamanism, culture and the drug war, the ancient mysteries, the amanita muscaria, Soma, and much more!
Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy discuss psychedelics on camera for the first time. Dr. Rick Strassman discusses DMT in the brains of humans. Dr. Dennis McKenna explains why the dominator culture is afraid of psychedelics. A long lost interview with Terence McKenna has been recovered and woven into this film. Alex Grey talks about the importance of psychedelics in our culture.
Interviews include - Robert Bussinger, Mike Crowley, Timothy Freke, Peter Gandy, Alex Grey, Clark Heinrich, Nick Herbert, John Major Jenkins, Dennis McKenna, Terence McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, and Dr. Rick Strassman.