Monday, January 28, 2008

What it all comes down to

excerpt from True Reality Creation II at

What it all comes down to is the following:

You incarnate in this life to learn a certain set of pre-arranged lessons. Through synchronicity, your Higher Self guides the flow of your life on an archetypal level to introduce these lessons when you are ready to learn them. It is up to you, via your freewill, to determine how you turn these archetypal scripts into concrete experiences. You choose how you learn your lessons, the easy way based on awareness, or the hard way based on ignorance.

Under ideal circumstances, you always learn these lessons the easiest way, which is a way most closely aligned with the mindset of the Higher Self, a virtuous spiritual position endowed with awareness and discernment.

But there is much possibility for going astray. Because you have freewill, you can commit "errors". Even worse, negative forces exist to trick and manipulate you into straying as far from your life path as possible. There is no wrong path through life, as all lead to you learning the same lessons in the end. Nevertheless, the farther you stray from the easiest path, the more lengthy, convoluted, and painful the path toward learning that particular lesson.

Thus, for every given lesson, you choose the degree of painful suffering necessary to learn it. If you choose with discernment, no suffering is necessary.

The more ignorant you are, the more painful your struggle. Pain, anguish, and suffering out of ignorance are what negative forces feed upon. They have a vested interest in manipulating you into making ignorant choices. Instead of going home on a clear and straight highway, they trick you into taking a long detour with many tollbooths along the way.

The proper use of manifestation and requesting is to help you learn your lessons as easily as possible. Because learning lessons is all that matters, there is no virtue in choosing the most painful struggle toward achieving them. That is actually a sign of ignorance. Ideally, learning them should be fun, and if you are aware and make good use of what knowledge you have attained, learning will indeed be fun.

Not all lessons must be experienced with pain, because it is obvious that clever people can learn from the mistakes of others. This arises from the concept that, in truth, we are all "one" on a fundamental soul level, and learning from the mistakes of others is an action that illustrates one's correct understanding of this principle. Always having to experience something negative for oneself is a sign that one is separate, alone, and more individuated than one truly is. The price of that ignorance is having to suffer through a painful experience. Experience is a means to an end of learning a lesson. Those who make experience the end goal are going down the negative path.

There are two ways to end the pain of an unnecessarily arduous path. One either fights to get back on track (such as completing karmic issues or eradicating subconscious programs), or one ignores the pain and continues on the detour thinking all is fine. The latter path is one advocated by YCYOR, where serious problems are ignored rather than confronted and overcome.

If you have made a bad choice in life and are presently painfully struggling because of this choice, the only thing you can do is stop straying even more; you must grit your teeth and gradually move forward in the right direction. It may be difficult to do so, but going forward with a commitment to awareness and discernment is the only permanent solution.

Those on the negative path are ones who have chosen the detour, the path of separation, and have accepted the resulting struggle as a way of life. Rather than getting back on track, they toughen themselves to face the pain, and make an industry out of pulling other beings off track and into the wilderness to be fed upon. Their subjectivity fools them into thinking that their fantasy interpretations of reality are objective.

Manifestation and requesting are methods at your disposal to help you stay on smooth road, or to help you to return if you have strayed. Once you are on that road, you must still move forward. Manifesting and requesting are auxiliary methods to accompany the main thrust of your existence which consists of actively using knowledge to evolve and gather more knowledge, to change your environment which helps other beings evolve as well. Manifestation and requesting cannot be relied upon alone, but they should also not be abandoned.

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