Monday, October 27, 2008

Adam Curtis: "The Rise and Fall of the Television Journalist as Hero"

Adam Curtis: "The Rise and Fall of the Television Journalist as Hero"

There are obviously more (conspiratorial) pieces to this puzzle, but an interesting take on it. And a great way to ridicule the mainstream "journalists." Btw, don't try to bring a real story to the news agencies, it's dangerous: M.V. in Belgium (babelfish the dutch articles to english), also read this (is this princess breaking free?). Won't post more about this. But anyway... Adam Curtis has to water it down cause reality is a little much for most people to take. Check out the 3 documentary series "The Trap: What happened to our dreams of Freedom", "Century of the Self", and "The Power of Nightmares", a good trilogy springboard to more "esoteric" matters.

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