Monday, October 20, 2008

Don Trent Jacobs - Julian Jaynes & Our Consciousness

Don Trent Jacobs - Julian Jaynes & Our Consciousness

Professor Don Trent Jacobs (aka Wahinkpe Topa) discusses hypnotism, an exploitable vestige of pre-consciousness, noting that our vulnerabilities are being professionally exploited to direct formulate an acceptable collective cognitive imperative.

"When the bio-survival circuit flashes danger, all other mental activity ceases."
Robert Anton Wilson

"Every politician knows how to induce hypnosis, and very damned few people on the whole planet know how to de-hypnotize themselves.
The world is not governed by facts or logic. It is governed by BS (belief systems)."
Robert Anton Wilson

(These aspects were not specifically mentioned in the Layman's explanation post, so don't look for them ;p Obviously the Julian Jaynes approach DTJ takes here is different. Think of interpretations in catma "and" mode instead of "or" mode.)

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