Friday, April 11, 2008

Was filmmaking genius Stanley Kubrick 'snuffed' in retribution for symbolic exposé of the Illuminati in "Eyes Wide Shut"?

Illuminati Symbology in Eyes Wide Shut

A very interesting post at


The Secret Sun said...

I definitely believe this is false. Kubrick was a lifelong chain smoker and was very ill during the making of the film. I'll be posting on Monday about Kubrick and 2001 and people can decide for themselves what he was up to. If the big boys didn't want anything revealed in that film there's a million ways they could have stopped him. The real scary possibility is that symbolism is all correct and was implanted in that film on someone else's orders.

Anonymous said...

the symbols that the Illuminati use are not evil, owls represents wisdom..a triangle upwards is ascension. and I'm pretty sure the original meaning for the rainbow is gods faith that men and women will do the right thing no matter how hopeless it may seem, the fir trees with lights are a pagan symbol for yule,a holy day celebrating the gradual increase of the sun throughout winter to spring.

Dedroidify said...

It's true the symbols are not "inherintly evil". Though the policies, actions, information, services and legislation we get from the elite show nothing really benevolent either.

Dedroidify said...

Oh Christopher, looking forward to your post on monday and I see you'll be on a panel with Douglas Rushkoff saturday at Comic-Con! Great stuff man.

The Secret Sun said...

Thanks, DD! And thanks for the great blog- what an AWESOME resource!!!