Battlestar Galactica 78: Saga of a Star World

The era in which this exodus took place is never clearly stated in the series itself. The implication of the final aired episode, "The Hand of God", was that the original series took place after the Apollo 11 moon landing in July 1969, almost certainly centuries later, allowing for the time necessary for the propagation at light-speed of television images of the landing to be received by the Galactica. In "Saga of a Star World" the President of the 12 Tribes states "as we approach the seventh millennium of time..." The later Galactica 1980 series is expressly set in 1980.


was a Pyramid card game in the original series.

Last words of President Adar aboard the Battlestar Atlantia, moments before it's destruction. (This earlier screenshot shows him with Baltar, who misled him like a Grima Wormtongue who sells out his own people for power. Except of course, when you deal with evil, evil doesn't stick to the deal. Silly Baltar. Other politicians are not helpful later in the episode either and could have again caused the end of humanity by wanting all pilots at a banquet, but Adama was prepared and replaced them with other men while having the pilots ready.

From the wiki: After initially escaping the Cylons, across a massive star field called the Magniton Nova Field, because of its extremely dangerous, hot environment and Cylon mines the Galactica and its "ragtag fugitive fleet" find brief respite on the resort planet of Carillon, where they hope to find food and fuel for their journey. As much of the fleet's food supplies were contaminated by pluton bombs during the Cylon attack, the fleet is in desperate straits and must find a food source soon or face starvation, and Carillon has plenty.
It quickly becomes apparent that there is more to Carillon than meets the eye. The fact that Carillon has more than enough food and fuel for the fleet's needs makes Adama wary. It is also apparently the largest tylium (fighter fuel) mining facility in that part of the galaxy, but nobody has ever heard of the place. Adama questions where the Ovions are getting their food and what the connection is between the resort on the surface and the underground mining operations. Starbuck is pleased that he is winning so much at the gaming tables, but begins to suspect that something is wrong because the gamblers never lose their money.
Adama grows increasingly suspicious and does some research on the Carillon outpost. He discovers that Baltar was responsible for performing the initial Carillon survey and reported that tylium was too minimal for mining. He immediately smells a Cylon trap.
Indeed, the Ovions, Carillon's indigenous insectoid inhabitants, are in league with the Cylons and the resort on the surface is a trap. The Ovions use humans as food for their young in nesting areas deep underground. Apollo (Richard Hatch, Tom Zarek in the new series) and Starbuck investigate the disappearance of some of their comrades and discover the conspiracy. Starbuck suspects that the Ovions are supplying the Cylons with tylium for their military and suggests to set fire to it with his laser pistol in order to blow the planet apart and deprive the Cylons of a major source of fighter fuel.

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