Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Aesop Rock - Zodiaccupuncture
NASA, my horoscope is illing right now.
March. The more the merrier. Get a couple of whores to carry you to the burial. F-R-E-S-H. Fresh to death and keep it def to the left. Well it was Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Scorpio, Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Let 'em die for it.
Delicate freak show alert the frame. Bash all flags where the mag spin park. Corroded by the volts that jolt the cold vein. Boogie down kits to slip past the guard. Def with a mascotte of radical mass. Megaphone fuzz and a woofer on fritz. We are not trained to divert the crash. But march face first with a prayer for the blitz. Stand up for the cinema fire, simian ire, cold shmmy for the cinnamon sky; intimate eyes loop all known alleys. Scoop the bounty like daddy hires Bazooka to murder Ralphie. I curdle with burnt milk, pariah sigh, honor piranha money. Count it with the knuckle that hustle bread out a copper's tummy. One of these rebels could level the marked city but the N.Y. über alles governor's picky. I'll be the jenky Jesus for the species you bleed with. Ultra. Soldier poach the folklore. Jump guns through the 9th gate. Jump guns like a noon 6 burner lit up on the 9th pace. Even set among a portion conformed to the blind stage, never lured by the formal watching imported wines age. We bow to the gusto mustered by the mecha-bot. Plowed by the public, ushered out the letterbox. Wowed by the subject punctured by the helicop. Boy meets vermin: the widescreen version.
Headaches, nausea, vomiting, facial paralysis. These area a few of my favorite venomous side effects. Mamba, Water Moc, Pit Viper, Diamond Back, Anaconda, Boom Slang, Cobra, bite 'em back. Spinal tap crabs to the clapper. Aesop Rock is the Cadillac of natural disaster. Push that button. Everybody gotta push something. That's why the envelope is where it wasn't. I work with the builders, widdle my gorilla military and fizzle 'em through the vigilante filters. Who lamps left of the toggle? How'd they fit that ninja in a bottle? A hundred million motherfuckers with they hands out vs. a walking zipper bomb trying to keep the man down.
Get up. Get down. Sit up. Sit down. It's either fancy footwork or get bit by the hounds. Face up. Face down. Laced up. Laced down. It's either fist to the sky or get bit by the crowd. Well it was Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Scorpio, Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Let 'em die for it.
I was chewing my tongue out of my mouth one day when the blood in my beard hit the dirt by the blazers. Would have said 'curb it' like any nervous habit 'til maverick told me the coyote pack could smell the wound for acres, and labor to cater fang to fisherman gut fritters, oblivious to the glimmer of innocent duck feathers. Fuck it. Want a carnivore war bet? I'll be at the Bronx Zoo with a lock pick kit. On the eject for cockpit bench, helicop clip Nazi cops on kamikaze belly flop shit. Roger. Hop-fence-kill-a-crop monster. We are the tired and poor, we come for your water. Boom. That's when the church corrupt. When the mayor knuckle dust city worker bugs. When the stars finger babies like I flirt with sluts. You'll see the fire engine red fox ears perk up. Metal kettle unsettling treble howl, settler trembling, measuring mellow on the levitate off the mezzanine. Never seen a ton of bricks dressing clean/dapper 'til it's pin stripe and skull chunk 40 stories after. And U.S.A. on a Ketamine disaster. Cane for stress. Crack if the former left you unimpressed. Now pardon me if part of me heart of an oddball, but damn. Kumba-fucking-ya dog. Terminally alienated and bent awkward by the bought, prepped package of the slickest spin-doctors. Raised where the paranoid hide tools proper, like suspicious cargo in a high school locker. And it looks like war, quacks like war, so it's Occam's Razor and I'm Swayze out the door! A hundred million motherfuckers hold me back. Now hand cannons won't ask 'bout your zodiac, boy.
Get up. Get down. Sit up. Sit down. It's either fancy footwork or get bit by the hounds. Face up. Face down. Laced up. Laced down. It's either fist to the sky or get bit by the crowd. Well it was Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Scorpio, Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Let 'em die for it.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
William Henry interview - Lost Symbols
Investigative mythologist and author William Henry talked about the significance of the art and symbols in the U.S. Capitol. The Capitol was thought of as a recreation of Solomon's Temple by its builders, Freemasons, who conceived of the building as a "beehive" buzzing with energy, he said. Higher wisdom flows through the Capitol's spiritual imagery, particularly in the painting, The Apotheosis of Washington (see images below), which is featured in the dome of the Rotunda, he shared, adding that the dome of the Capitol is a mirror image of the one in the Vatican. The painting depicts the first President as a deified being along with five pagan gods who are symbols for alchemy. He noted that a scene in Dan Brown's new bestseller, The Lost Symbol, features a character staring up into the Capitol dome and seeing the painting transform into a gateway. This imagery shares similarities to Henry's work into stargates or portals, which he believes humans can ascend to higher consciousness. The bell-shaped Capitol Dome could be thought of as a kind of stupa that creates a vortex or field of energy, he continued. Interestingly, Henry detailed that the Capitol contains a "crypt", one story beneath the Rotunda. It has 40 columns and was modeled after the ancient Temple of Poseidon-- this was a way for the United States to pay homage to Atlantis, he commented.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
PJTV: The Power & Danger of Iconography
PJTV: The Power & Danger of Iconography
From a republican reality tunnel but great symbolism job nonetheless. (If you filter out the crazy republican bs of course...)
'The Resistance' bigger than Beatles in Belgium

Muse's latest album 'The Resistance' jumped to number 1 in Belgium out of nowhere and sold over 4 times as much copies of their new album as did the Beatles of their latest box set, despite the Beatles enormous and before unseen marketing campaign. Excerpt from article:
Crazy Genius
Singer Matt Bellamy is together with psychologist Gaia Polloni, and next to being her partner he's also an interesting study case. The singer claims he receives visits at home - a villa once belonging to the 19th century composer Bellini - from Chopin and that he's greatful for his entire lifeline to the visions he received from entheogenic mushrooms as a twentier.
Next to this Bellamy is an "fervant adherer to conspiracy theories". 'Unnatural Selection' is about the theory that the royal family of England descends from alien reptilians and at home he has a closet with 50 cans of beans and an axe. "I read somewhere that when they shut off England from the world, there's be no more food after a week. Those beans are for the hunger. The axe is for when I want to break the blockade." Source: HLN Belgium
The partly image from the article is a zoom of drummer Dominic Howard's t-shirt of a skeleton carrying the burden of an inverted Illuminati Pyramid.
Muse also had a great performance on the VMA's as the cameras went across the street to where they were performing. Matt Bellamy has said he wants to write the next James Bond song too. So here's the plan to wake people up musically, get insanely popular and later, then really start talking about stuff that matters, it's a lot harder to be censored when you're this big.
They were number one in 16 countries in total btw.
More Muse News:
Oh this is GOLDEN: Muse singer Matt Bellamy swaps places with drummer on Italian TV
The lead singer and drummer of rock band Muse switched places for a performance on Italian television, after being told to mime.
If the presenter noticed the (muse) ruse she did not let on – the band left the stage with the studio and television audience apparently unaware that they had been duped.
This was not the first time the band have sabotaged (? :p) their own television performances after being told they must mime rather than play live. In 2001 Howard and bass player Chris Wolstenholme swapped instruments for an appearance on BBC children's television show Live & Kicking.
Muse are known for their theatrical and energetic stage shows and have been acclaimed as one of Britain's finest live bands.
(Also check out Nirvana - Smells like Teen Spirit 'live' on Top of the Pops)
Muse Discuss The Resistance, Their 'Very Personal' New Album
"I think it's quite a departure from what we've done in the past," drummer Dominic Howard said. "There's lots of different styles of music that we tried out. There's different styles of music that we feel like we've never come across before. And, well ... we've got a big symphony on there. It's a three-part symphony right at the end of the album, which is this very kind of, like, ambitious, very orchestral huge piece of music which is a pretty hard task to take on, but ended up sounding great."
Howard was speaking of "Exogenesis," which is, indeed, a three-part symphony complete with an "Overture," a second act called "Cross-Pollination" and a finale called "Redemption." With swelling, dramatic strings and classical piano runs worthy of Chopin or Rachmaninoff, operatic vocals and searching lyrics about escaping the bounds of earthly gravity, the songs are indeed beyond ambitious, which is nothing new for a group of guys who have been forthright about their desire to conquer the globe with their Cinemascope sound.
"I think the structure of the album has a mild, loose narrative ... which is something different to what we've done before," frontman Matthew Bellamy explained. "I wouldn't say it's a pure concept album, but it's definitely got a few themes which go throughout. Themes like revolution, uprising, wanting political change, constitutional reform ... as well as a sort-of, kind-of love story developing in the midst of all that."
Bellamy said the album is a kind of musical companion to "1984," the classic George Orwell novel about a lone man's rebellion against a controlling totalitarian government. But, despite those far-reaching, worldly themes, Howard said that at its heart, The Resistance, which was produced by the band, is really a personal statement. "We did a song called 'Undisclosed Desires,' which is very kind of programmed and much more electronic-sounding than anything we've ever done before," he said. "And we produced it all by ourselves as well, so I think for that it sounded very, very personal and also gave us a chance to feel very comfortable to experiment with all these ideas and ... you know, somehow we finished it."
Crazy Genius
Singer Matt Bellamy is together with psychologist Gaia Polloni, and next to being her partner he's also an interesting study case. The singer claims he receives visits at home - a villa once belonging to the 19th century composer Bellini - from Chopin and that he's greatful for his entire lifeline to the visions he received from entheogenic mushrooms as a twentier.
Next to this Bellamy is an "fervant adherer to conspiracy theories". 'Unnatural Selection' is about the theory that the royal family of England descends from alien reptilians and at home he has a closet with 50 cans of beans and an axe. "I read somewhere that when they shut off England from the world, there's be no more food after a week. Those beans are for the hunger. The axe is for when I want to break the blockade." Source: HLN Belgium
The partly image from the article is a zoom of drummer Dominic Howard's t-shirt of a skeleton carrying the burden of an inverted Illuminati Pyramid.
Muse also had a great performance on the VMA's as the cameras went across the street to where they were performing. Matt Bellamy has said he wants to write the next James Bond song too. So here's the plan to wake people up musically, get insanely popular and later, then really start talking about stuff that matters, it's a lot harder to be censored when you're this big.
They were number one in 16 countries in total btw.
More Muse News:
Oh this is GOLDEN: Muse singer Matt Bellamy swaps places with drummer on Italian TV
The lead singer and drummer of rock band Muse switched places for a performance on Italian television, after being told to mime.
If the presenter noticed the (muse) ruse she did not let on – the band left the stage with the studio and television audience apparently unaware that they had been duped.
This was not the first time the band have sabotaged (? :p) their own television performances after being told they must mime rather than play live. In 2001 Howard and bass player Chris Wolstenholme swapped instruments for an appearance on BBC children's television show Live & Kicking.
Muse are known for their theatrical and energetic stage shows and have been acclaimed as one of Britain's finest live bands.
(Also check out Nirvana - Smells like Teen Spirit 'live' on Top of the Pops)
Muse Discuss The Resistance, Their 'Very Personal' New Album
"I think it's quite a departure from what we've done in the past," drummer Dominic Howard said. "There's lots of different styles of music that we tried out. There's different styles of music that we feel like we've never come across before. And, well ... we've got a big symphony on there. It's a three-part symphony right at the end of the album, which is this very kind of, like, ambitious, very orchestral huge piece of music which is a pretty hard task to take on, but ended up sounding great."
Howard was speaking of "Exogenesis," which is, indeed, a three-part symphony complete with an "Overture," a second act called "Cross-Pollination" and a finale called "Redemption." With swelling, dramatic strings and classical piano runs worthy of Chopin or Rachmaninoff, operatic vocals and searching lyrics about escaping the bounds of earthly gravity, the songs are indeed beyond ambitious, which is nothing new for a group of guys who have been forthright about their desire to conquer the globe with their Cinemascope sound.
"I think the structure of the album has a mild, loose narrative ... which is something different to what we've done before," frontman Matthew Bellamy explained. "I wouldn't say it's a pure concept album, but it's definitely got a few themes which go throughout. Themes like revolution, uprising, wanting political change, constitutional reform ... as well as a sort-of, kind-of love story developing in the midst of all that."
Bellamy said the album is a kind of musical companion to "1984," the classic George Orwell novel about a lone man's rebellion against a controlling totalitarian government. But, despite those far-reaching, worldly themes, Howard said that at its heart, The Resistance, which was produced by the band, is really a personal statement. "We did a song called 'Undisclosed Desires,' which is very kind of programmed and much more electronic-sounding than anything we've ever done before," he said. "And we produced it all by ourselves as well, so I think for that it sounded very, very personal and also gave us a chance to feel very comfortable to experiment with all these ideas and ... you know, somehow we finished it."
And now for something lighter...
The VMA's 2009 during the Michael Jackson tribute in the opening of the show. The song is "Smooth Criminal".
Annie are you ok? Are you ok? Are you ok Annie?
Annie are you ok? Are you ok? Are you ok Annie?
Annie are you ok? Are you ok? Are you ok Annie?
Kanye West: "Annie, you're ok, but Beyonce is the best of ALL TIME!"
Annie are you ok? Are you ok? Are you ok Annie?
Annie are you ok? Are you ok? Are you ok Annie?
Annie are you ok? Are you ok? Are you ok Annie?
Kanye West: "Annie, you're ok, but Beyonce is the best of ALL TIME!"
Friday, September 18, 2009
Alan Watts: Who Guards the Guards?
Alan Watts: Who Guards the Guards?
Alan Watts talks to an audience of IBM engineers.
"Are we going to end up not by civilizing the world but by Los Angelizing it? In other words are we gonna foul our own nest as the result of technology?" Alan Watts
Timothy Leary at the night club
Timothy Leary at the night club
Timothy Leary doing his thing at a club, speaking about the future and space exploration. Hilarious stuff.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mckenna in Maryland 1990
Mckenna in Maryland
Terence Mckenna live in Maryland 1990 on McLuhan, Discordia, Psychedelics and the Future.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Suicide Wave at France Telecom
Since the beginning of 2008 the number of suicides at France Telecom have added to 22! Next to this 13 employees of France Telecom have attempted suicide in the same period. Last week an employee attempted suicide by stabbing himself in the gut with a knife after being demoted. The union suspects the high work pressure and constant restructuring is the reason, I bet the atmosphere at work wasn't too great either. Let's all celebrate capitalism...
Source: Babelfish this article. Thanks Harten 8.
Source: Babelfish this article. Thanks Harten 8.
Soulwax & Tracy Bonham - My Cruel Joke
Soulwax & Tracy Bonham - My Cruel Joke
added: if you don't know who Tracy Bonham is, check Mother, mother.
I used to think cupid was a real jerk
A child star, tormented
A faded star of yesterday
Now toothless and jaded
He shoots his arrows wildly with bottles
Scattered across the sky
He trips on clouds
With a face like Keith Richards
I am your voice what you propose
I am your choice your vow to be
Whatever you do I'll agree
Please forgive me my cruel joke
I'm everywhere, partial and entire
I'm on the inside of everything
And on the outside
I'm trembling like a man away from home
But I can't speak my heart
In case they hear me
Now, no one will listen to our song
I used to think cupid was an asshole
Thé loneliest soul in the universe
And as the wrinkled birdman approached me
I could smell his smouldering cigarette breath
And he looked at me out the corner of his head
And he spoke
So, you ask me why no one stays together anymore?
You're never around when I need you
You're never around when I need you
Monday, September 14, 2009
Psychonaut Entourage

Vince: You don't lose control Ari, just all of your stresses.
Johnny: Exactly. At this moment, none of us have a care in the world... hahaha!
Vince, debating over whether to take the big studio picture Smokejumpers, about forest-firefighters, goes with the guys and Ari in search clarity and guidance in the arid expanse of Joshua Tree National Park, with psychedelic mushrooms and their friend Eric Roberts. Lloyd agrees to watch Ari's house while Mrs. Gold and the kids are away, but Lloyd and his boyfriend use Ari's house to throw a party. Ari has a bad reaction to the mushrooms and gets lost at Joshua Tree. But eventually, on the way back, Vince uses his hallucinogenic experience to make a career choice. Excellent use of entheogens in a tv show with some hilarious scenes. Just found these four clips from the episode which don't do it justice. Also, in an earlier episode of the show, Johnny "Drama" Chase mentions "the Secret" without anyone really mocking it, the best character to do so cause his attitude gets him into loads of hilarious trouble.

on 9/9/9 333 Cops Secured Schools for Terrorist Threat
999 666 333. Nothing peculiar going on here! The tab for this was 50.000 Euros, daycares were also secured. Cops were even stationed inside classrooms freaking the kids out because nobody had told parents or the students about this... And all because of an anonymous quote on 4chan threatening a school in Mechelen. Nothing happened though. Here's a news article in English about it.
Muse - The Resistance
Muse - The Resistance (lyrics here)
Come let the revolution take it's toll if you could
Flick the switch and open your third eye, you'd see that
We should never be afraid to die
Rise up and take the power back, it's time that
The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that
Their time is coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
Also take a look at these titles from the album with the same name:
Undisclosed Desires
United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)
Guiding Light
Unnatural Selection
MK Ultra
I Belong to You (+Mon Cœur S'ouvre à Ta Voix)
Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)
Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)
Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I am God, send me money.
"How do you choose between believing in Jesus, Bigfoot, leprechauns, witchcraft, Islam, alien abductions, the Tooth Fairy, gold at the end of the rainbow or the myriad other assertions that people have made over the course of human history? Try using your brain to evaluate some evidence. Yes, it requires more work than blind faith, but the results are less like rolling the dice and hoping you have placed your faith in a true proposition.
However, if you are still inclined to place faith in an un-provable assertion, I am God, send me money." Wayne Adkins
Terence McKenna Interview by James Kent

JK: I want to talk a little bit about the elves. I think that when you say DMT elves people picture, you know, Tinkerbell flying around.Read more here and here.
TM: Well, this is what I call the Disneyfication of elf land, and people expect cheerful friendly places that they know and can recognize. But it's much wierder and much more scarier than that; more like the lower-east side than it is like Wonderland.
JK: So, when you say elves, they're not in the shape of human elves.
TM: No. Here's what is elf-like about them. You have the impression that you're underground. Elves live in the center of the earth. They make things. This is what elves are traditionally said to do. They are makers of jewelry and fine machinery. These things are involved in language somehow. They're involved in pun and riddle. This is standard elf material. And there is this very peculiar kind of out-of-control, madcap humor. Also, elves are tricky.
JK: Plus there's the singing...
TM: Yes, and the singing. I haven't carried out a study of the evolution of the image of the elf in the Western mind, but I think probably Disney and Grimm obliterated whatever had come before. But these things up until that time were very ambiguous creatures of the threshold and woodland. They were known for stealing babies primarily.
JK: Have you ever considered they might be a reflection of some sub-atomic phenomenon?
TM: Quantum creatures? Yes, I've thought of that. Because I take very seriously the question, 'Where are they?' You know, are they here but invisible? Are they locked in the quantum realm? Are they on a planet around another star that we can somehow punch into on DMT? I take it seriously. I think it is like any other phenomenon of nature, it should be studied on its own terms.
JK: (Laughs) Well, to go along with the common view you don't need any support to back you up. If you have a scent of an opinion you have to have thousands of references and citations. You must do the research.
TM: You have to be impeccable, because they're gonna come after you every way they can think of.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Busy and exhausted with work and got some computer troubles, this machine is on its last days too. In the process of composing a new rig so some patience please. Will try to get some posts in asap!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Power & Control, LSD in The Sixties
Power & Control LSD in The Sixties part 1 & The rest here
Aron Ranen, San Francisco’s foremost Gonzo documentarian, returns to IndieFest with a special work-in-progress screening of his latest feature film – a peripatetic journey to discover the secret history of psychedelics. He follows the story wherever it leads him – from the legitimate experiments conducted at the Harvard Divinity school to rather bizarre plans to unleash LSD on enemy troops on the battlefield.
He interviews Ram Dass (who was Richard Alpert when he was still Timothy Leary’s associate at Harvard), visits Paul Krassner former editor of The Realist, ‘Monkey Mike’ – a North Bay researcher who (with the government’s blessing) kept primates in huge cages in his backyard and was gave them LSD as late as the mid-70s, and he locates the notorious North Beach brothel used by the CIA to dose unsuspecting Johns (as agents observed the resultant chaos from behind one-way mirrors). Drop ‘em if you got ‘em.
Question with boldness even the existence of God
Killah Priest - Tai Chi
Killah Priest - Tai Chi
Thanks Corbeau for recommending the album Heavy Mental.
I'd have to highlight all the lyrics so I don't! Check it:
[hell razah]
The sunz of man-sion, has been opened up
The door is open, yeah, yeah
It’s like, beware of biochips, I share hits
Harder than slavewhips like I waited to get tips
From egypts to seaships, to bein chased by new york
Cops out the precincts, and words was bricks
We buildin projects to pyramids, evil kid
I destroy your ass like london bridge, smoke trees of weed
Take off the leaves out the twigs, pure truth is what I got to give
A lot to live for, you ain’t rich before poor
It ain’t peace without poor, how would stand without a floor
Under, over, toxicated, sober
Younger, older you’re elevated, higher than a empire state
Elevators I roll with creators and cremators
Stalkin through this nature, the heaven raise ya
Capacity in your brains beyond the clouds of rain
Seven and a half are contained
Space was my birthplace, meditate in cocoons
Now see snakes in human costumes...
[killah priest]
Expand your mind (4x)
In time... in time...
[father lord]
Call this, the blind man talk, cripple man walk
See nor hear not summon as lord
Divident per segment def unseen beings
Speak no evil to all I see, tappin into the
Worlds vision with the proper rhythmic meditation
Situation on lives from state to state
Rent to pay, state debate, contract dates
Cheddar in error, slave mental death to the treasure
Washing my robe in the blood of the lamb, constant plan
Never strayin new york cause I rock supreme forever for I can never
? blackring? on the ? axspring? the ghetto compact
Put em on tracks, and let’s see how they act as the aftermath
Increase accelerate the sun behind you radiate, to burn to ashes
Ain’t one of the parties you been crashing
Bring the beat and i’ma slash it
My niggaz make sure the doors have been barricaded
It’s about to sign off, some shit you can read in block spin
But make no mistake, devil players, penetrate with your smarts
Redrum mania reincarnate to another shape
Bomb flashes, what can happen, new jack-in
Your rappin ain’t the magnum so when he cought up to half these
Niggaz even stole the soul of the streets in motion
[killah priest]
Expand your mind
Seek and you shall find
Walkin through the pineal glands, like it was a unfathered man
Knowledge is the key to the mind which is a mysterious doorway
Through a long dark hallway
Use your concious as a compass to avoid being conquered
By nonsense, use your subconcious as a map
Once it’s time to head back use your food for thought
And leave breadtracks
Now we can see the third eye, swift as you burn fly
You need common sense as a detour
Up ahead there lies three doors for you to see more
You might have to meditate to the soft melodies from a keyboard
Understanding is your flashlight
It reflects the windows to your past life
No psychiatrics could raid you from off the mattress
As you fall deeper, and it’s hypnotized you better read my lips
Cause that’s the guide, out the hallways of negative
Which is always competitive; therefore
You must never let it live
Seek and you shall find
Expand the mind, seek and you shall find
Expand your mind, seek and you shall find
Expand the mind
Seek and you shall find
Expand the mind
Sunday, August 30, 2009
'Moon rock' in Dutch museum is just petrified wood
The Dutch national museum said Thursday that one of its prized possessions, a rock supposedly brought back from the moon by U.S. astronauts, is just a piece of petrified wood.Read more here
Rijksmuseum spokeswoman Xandra van Gelder, who oversaw the investigation that proved the piece was a fake, said the museum will keep it anyway as a curiosity.
"It's a good story, with some questions that are still unanswered," she said. "We can laugh about it."
The museum acquired the rock after the death of former Prime Minister Willem Drees in 1988. Drees received it as a private gift on Oct. 9, 1969 from then-U.S. ambassador J. William Middendorf during a visit by the three Apollo 11 astronauts, part of their "Giant Leap" goodwill tour after the first moon landing.
Middendorf, who lives in Rhode Island, told Dutch broadcaster NOS news that he had gotten it from the U.S. State Department, but couldn't recall the exact details.
"I do remember that (Drees) was very interested in the little piece of stone," the NOS quoted Middendorf as saying. "But that it's not real, I don't know anything about that."

Stuck in a culture that needs to settle on one way to look at things
"Just because we have been taught to assign UFO phenomena to aliens coming from other planets does not make it so. (Actually, it might, but that's another ontological can of worms.)Hat tip Posthuman Blues
We are stuck in a culture that needs to settle on one way to look at things, and uncomfortable with ambiguity, for the most part. Any non-human intelligence who wanted to "conquer" us, or at least make limited contact would do well to exploit this tendency, as well as our reliance on conscious sensory input to make their presence as subtle as a light breeze on our collective consciousness. No flying saucers, death rays, or even handshakes with the President needed." Greg Bishop
At The Drive-In - Invalid Litter Dept
At The Drive-In - Invalid Litter Dept
The song's lyrics and music video deal with the Juárez murders, a series of rapes and murders in Cd. Juárez of young women who worked in factories called maquiladoras. Cd. Juárez is located just across the U.S.-Mexican border from El Paso, Texas, ATDI's home town. The song explicitly criticizes the federales, or Mexican police, for their lack of response to these cases.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Shadow Series
The Shadow Series
Dimitri Halley
WHEN ANUBIS TALKS, MEN BARK: Part 1: Compensation & Karma Part 2: The Unconscious like a Storm Forming in your Life Part 3: You are Attracting what you Most Reject Part 4: Surrendering the Ego to a Higher Power Within Part 5: My Cancer is here to Heal Me Part 6: The Individual & the Collective are Not Antagonists
BEYOND GOOD VS EVIL SERIES Part 1: Shadow Possession Part 2: The Eternal Gospel Part 3: The Transformation of God Part 4: Love is Beyond Good vs Evil Part 5: To See the Truth, First we must see the Lie Part 6: The Demon Within Boycotts the Deceiver in Us Part 7: The Vampire Apocalypse: Consequences of Rejecting Evil Within
GOLDEN COMPASS SERIES Part 1: Connecting to the higher dimensions: Finding your North Star Part 2: Representing & Defining The Shadow - C.G.Jung Part 3: Connecting to the Paranormal Powers of the Self: Remote Viewing The Plan Part 4: Zombification: Cutting off the Shadow & its deadly consequences Part 5: The Shared Purpose of the (higher) Selves: The Prophecy
An Ode to Mike Patton
Faith No More Live:
Faith no More: Pukkelpop Belgium 2009 entire playlist
Watch this vid first though at 2.40 a man tries to stage dive but falls short and hits the barricade mouth first, losing all his front teeth:
Mike Patton versus the VIP(er)s, 3 vids:
Faith No More music vids:
Mike Patton's other projects:
Check this one here (embedding off)
Faith no More: Pukkelpop Belgium 2009 entire playlist
Watch this vid first though at 2.40 a man tries to stage dive but falls short and hits the barricade mouth first, losing all his front teeth:
Mike Patton versus the VIP(er)s, 3 vids:
Faith No More music vids:
Mike Patton's other projects:
Check this one here (embedding off)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
People believe whatever they read

"I learned a very important lesson that night. People believe whatever they read. Something magical happens once its put down on paper. They figure no one would have gone through the trouble if it wasn't the truth. Responsibility was my new watchman."
Eugene Morris Jerome in Neil Simon's Biloxi Blues
Invisible Empire Official Trailer
Invisible Empire Official Trailer
The official trailer for Invisible Empire, written and directed by Jason Bermas, and produced by Alex Jones.
Illuminati Dutch Dance
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Tarot For Life - Paul Quinn interview
Interview with author Paul Quinn on Jim Harold's Paranormal Podcast.
"Something unknown is doing we don't know what."
Arthur Eddington, astrophysicist
Arthur Eddington, astrophysicist
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Stygian Port: Here Is Wisdom
Excellent video and accompanying post by the Stygian Port!
The Stygian Port: Here Is Wisdom
Be sure to check the previous post sync below: "The Magic Numbers - Forever Lost." I just started watching the Prisoner too so will be posting about that when I find the time.
The Stygian Port: Here Is Wisdom
Be sure to check the previous post sync below: "The Magic Numbers - Forever Lost." I just started watching the Prisoner too so will be posting about that when I find the time.
The Magic Numbers - Forever Lost
The Magic Numbers - Forever Lost
This will all tie in with the next post! Notice the band name & song title. As for the vid: The symbols: 4 pointed stars similar to X-box style, Pentagrams, Suns. The Doors (of perception): 104&58 or 5&13 or 4&40. Duality of the two males and two females. X houses or boxes. Cat & Dog. "Don't let the sun be the one to change you." Older couple. 'Labeling' with posters, establishing identity. Watching 'yourself' on tv. The name changes of the posters, "the mules", "supremes", fanny jane roberts MEMORIAL band (can't read the ones of the surrounding trees). Horns destroying one poster. "Looks like it all went wrong, what am I to do?" Forever lost and followed at the end, as the band go into the (satanic/reverse cross marked? ;p) doors, people watch the tv. While the "real ones" are behind it and jump towards the sun!
Darling, what'cha gonna do now?
Now that you noticed it all went wrong
I've been, I've been thinking
That you don't know me any more
Don't let the sun be the one to change you baby
I wanna learn how to love, if I'm to know
Cause I wanna go where the people go
Cause I'm forever lost
Darling, what'cha gonna say now?
Now that you noticed it all went wrong
Looks like I'm driving, my friends are all crazy
Oh they suddenly don't know me anymore
Don't let the sun be the one to change you baby
I wanna learn how to love, if I'm to know
Cause I wanna go where the people go
Cause I'm forever lost
Oh yeah, I'm forever lost
Looks like it all went wrong
What am I to do? What am I to do?
Looks like it all went wrong
What am I to do? What am I to do?
Looks like it all went wrong
What am I to do? What am I to do?
Looks like it all went wrong
Don't let the sun be the one to change you baby
I wanna learn how to love, if I'm to know
Cause I wanna go where the people go
Cause I'm forever lost
Oh yeah, I'm forever lost
Darling, what'cha gonna do now?
Now that you've noticed
What you gonna do now?
Now that you know
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Elvis Presley: (You're the) Devil in Disguise
Elvis Presley: (You're the) Devil in Disguise
The Devil in the skies :p
You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise
You fooled me with your kisses
You cheated and you schemed
Heaven knows how you lied to me
You're not the way you seemed
You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise
I thought that I was in heaven
But I was sure surprised
Heaven help me, I didn't see
The devil in your eyes
You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Conspiritus: The Illuminati Conspiracy
Conspiritus: The Illuminati Conspiracy part 1 & here is the playlist.
Filter as you please. Here is the first version. About the embedded one though: This one explains the origin of the Illuminati, and slowly moves on with the agenda. The old one was in many ways too extreme and was only supposed to be seen by very experienced researchers.
They sold their souls for rock and roll
This documentary is from a Christian reality tunnel but quite interesting if you play with your filters a little, ok, a lot. Warning some unnecessary Christian shock value graphic images concerning abortion and stds... :p
Monday, August 17, 2009
Fear Factory: Transgression
Fear Factory: Transgression
One nation, one nation of Gods
divided by faith, Nation divided by faith
Witness deliberate war of attrition
Witness deliberate war of attrition
Judge me not, judge lest you be judged
Eyes are blind, blinded by violation
I hate your contention
I hate your violation
I hate your corruption
I hate your life destruction
I am your enemy...
Witness deliberate war of attrition
Kill my mind, my mind is the weapon
Words are banned, words meant to enlighten
I hate your contention
I hate your violation
I hate your corruption
I hate your life destruction
I am your enemy...
I will resist endlessly...
I'm on smallband :p I'll have to wait till next month to continue the industry series cause previewing takes a little too long.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Terra Papers - Hidden History of Planet Earth
The Terra Papers - Hidden History of Planet Earth
Lecture by Robert Morning Sky. Poor sound quality but very entertaining. Especially part 4.
Industry 14&15 Beyonce's back & I am
I am tour. Transhuman & animal print Outfits. Baphomet. George Michael video. Alice Dellal. Rihanna & Beyonce covers. Coin flip. TLC robotic clips. Pentagon. Praying - Robot Transformation. Water transformation. "I think your bionic. I don't think you're beautiful, I think you're bionic." Lil Wayne.
I am. Gods. Kanye west about Lil Wayne: "Bow in the presence of a true living legend in hip-hop. Lil Wayne the god." lol. Kanye: "God chose me, he made a path for me. I am God's vessel." right... Lil Wayne "I am music" tour, two "I am hip hop" shirt. I am the future cd image. Alicia Keys - As I am. Will I Am - It's a new day. P Diddy - I am King. Nas - I am... 50 cent - I am what I am, reebok. Allen Iverson I am. Novel - I am Future Black President (Raping "Ben Folds - The Luckiest"). "I'm the sun, I'm light. I'm the blade of the knife, that slaughtered the lamb. The greatest sacrifice, the son of Abraham. I'm the truth." Jay-Z the truth. Pyramid symbol. Hova Hova Hova chant. Jay Hova. Jehova. I am what I am. Jamie Foxx & T-Pain - Alcohol. Man (Robot) cannot live on gossip alone.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Industry 12&13: Poke Her Face and more
part 12 is not on youtube but can be found in the list here
Kid Cudi: Day and Night. I toss and turn I keep stressing my mind. More lyrics. Oz. Checkered floor. Kid Cudi clip talking about the fake industry. "This game is just like not for real honest motherfuckers. It's not, this shit is really like WWE." Garth Brooks & alter ego Chris Gains, the dark side. Compass. Rza of Wu-Tang Clan of all people and his hedonic transhuman alter ego Bobby Digital we saw briefly in this post. Sirius symbol. One eye. Bobby digital glove and duality mask. You can't stop me know video. Pyramid. (Mos Def has a song Undeniable using a very similar sample which is pretty good, from the album True Magic.) 7 stars. Checkered floor. Hillary Duff - Personal Jesus sample. Depeche Mode. Dunno what's to see in that vid though. Dark Angel model Adriana Lima. Johnny Cash. Marilyn Manson. Hands.
Kid Cudi: Day and Night. I toss and turn I keep stressing my mind. More lyrics. Oz. Checkered floor. Kid Cudi clip talking about the fake industry. "This game is just like not for real honest motherfuckers. It's not, this shit is really like WWE." Garth Brooks & alter ego Chris Gains, the dark side. Compass. Rza of Wu-Tang Clan of all people and his hedonic transhuman alter ego Bobby Digital we saw briefly in this post. Sirius symbol. One eye. Bobby digital glove and duality mask. You can't stop me know video. Pyramid. (Mos Def has a song Undeniable using a very similar sample which is pretty good, from the album True Magic.) 7 stars. Checkered floor. Hillary Duff - Personal Jesus sample. Depeche Mode. Dunno what's to see in that vid though. Dark Angel model Adriana Lima. Johnny Cash. Marilyn Manson. Hands.
Lady Gaga: Poke'rFace video. Subliminal oral sex. Animalistic. Mirrormask. One Eye. Lightcross. P-p-p-poke her face. F-f-f-fuck her face. Now watch again. Water dripping from face. I wanna hold em. Raise em. She's got to love nobody? Hard pair. Russian Roulette and phallic 'gun'. The meaning of the song poker face was not allowed to be discussed on a radio interview that was cancelled. Just in case you are piling up the 'coincidences' and think this is farfetched: Part 13 addendum - 4 puppets in one song! Kid Kudi ft. Kanye West, Common, Lady Gaga - I poke her face.
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